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I need to retrieve a set of Widgets from my data access layer, grouped by widget.Manufacturer, to display in a set of nested ASP.NET ListViews.

我需要从我的数据访问层检索一组Widgets,按widget.Manufacturer分组,以显示在一组嵌套的ASP.NET ListViews中。

The problem is that (as far as I can tell) the nested ListView approach requires me to shape the data before using it, and I can't figure out the best approach to take. The best I've been able to come up with so far is to put a LINQ query in my data access layer like so:


var result = from widget in GetAllWidgets(int widgetTypeID)
             group widget by widget.Manufacturer into groupedWidgets
             let widgets = from widgetGroup in groupedWidgets
                           select widgetGroup
             select new { Manufacturer = groupedWidgets.Key, Widgets = widgets };

Of course, anonymous types can't be passed around, so that doesn't work. Defining a custom class to enclose data seems like the wrong way to go. Is there some way I can perform the grouping on the ASP.NET side of things? I'm using ObjectDataSources to access the DAL.


Updated: OK, I'm not creating an anonymous type anymore, and instead my DAL passes an IEnumerable> to the ASP.NET page, but how can I use this in my ListViews? I need to render the following HTML (or something pretty much like it)

更新:好的,我不再创建匿名类型,而是我的DAL将IEnumerable >传递给ASP.NET页面,但是我如何在ListViews中使用它?我需要渲染以下HTML(或者非常类似的东西)

  • Foo Corp.
    1. Baz
    2. Quux
  • Bar Corp.
    1. Thinger
    2. Whatsit

Originally, I had a ListView within a ListView like so:


  • Note how the DataSource property of WidgetsListView is itself databound. How can I duplicate this functionality without reshaping the data?


    This is getting kind of complicated, sorry if I should have just made a separate question instead.


    3 个解决方案



    Ok, I'm going to contradict my prior statement. Since eval wants some kind of property name in the nested control, we should probably shape that data.


    public class CustomGroup
      public TKey Key {get;set;}
      public IEnumerable Values {get;set;}

    // and use it thusly...


    IEnumerable> result =
      .GroupBy(w => w.Manufacturer)
      .Select(g => new CustomGroup(){Key = g.Key, Values = g};

    /// and even later...


  • #2


    I've just spent quite a while on this. Eventually found the solution and it's so simple.


    var enumerableData = myData.Tables[0].AsEnumerable();
    var groupedData = enumerableData.GroupBy(x => x["GroupingColumn"]);
    myParentRepeater.DataSource = groupedData;


    <%#Eval("Key") %>

    <%#((DataRow)Container.DataItem)["ChildDataColumn1"] %> <%#((DataRow)Container.DataItem)["ChildDataColumn2"] %>

    Eval("Key") returns the grouped value. When retrieving child info, Container.DataItem is of type IGrouping but you simply cast it to the correct type.


    Hope this helps someone else.




    When you're using Linq to group, you can get a strongly typed object without that shaping:


    List myInts = new List() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
    IEnumerable> myGroups = myInts.GroupBy(i => i % 2);
    foreach (IGrouping g in myGroups)
      foreach (int i in g)
        Console.WriteLine("  {0}", i);

    In your case, you'd have:


      IEnumerable> result =
        GetAllWidgets(widgetTypeId).GroupBy(w => w.Manufacturer);

    This will let you return the result from the method.


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