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Hello I am using FMDB into my swift project. I copied my sqite file into documents directory and it success. I can get sqlite file which is copied into documents directory folder. I am inserting data into db as this:


if db.open() {
    let InsertQry = "insert into profiles (image_url, name,dob,gender) values ('\(imgName)','\(nameTxt.text!)','\(dobTxt.text!)','\(genderTxt.text!)')"
    print("query= \(InsertQry)")
    let result = db.executeUpdate(InsertQry, withArgumentsInArray: nil)
    if !result {

And it insert data successfully I can see data in sqlite file using sqlite manager(Firefox Add-One plugin). Now I want to get all data from my table using this code:

它成功插入数据我可以使用sqlite manager(Firefox Add-One插件)在sqlite文件中查看数据。现在我想使用以下代码从我的表中获取所有数据:

if db.open() {
    let querySQL = "SELECT * FROM profiles"

    let results:FMResultSet? = self.db.executeQuery(querySQL,withArgumentsInArray: nil)
    if results?.next() == true {
       self.userProfilesArray = NSMutableArray()
       while results!.next() {
            let profileInfo = NSMutableDictionary()
           profileInfo.setObject(results!.stringForColumn("image_url"), forKey: "image_url")
            profileInfo.setObject(results!.stringForColumn("name"), forKey: "name")
            profileInfo.setObject(results!.stringForColumn("dob"), forKey: "dob")
            profileInfo.setObject(results!.stringForColumn("gender"), forKey: "gender")
     } else {
         print("results nil")

Issue is I am going into if results?.next() == true statement but I am not going to while loop and I am not getting data even there is data in my databse.

问题是我要进入结果?.next()== true语句但是我不打算循环,即使我的数据库中有数据,我也没有得到数据。

1 个解决方案



Each call to next() consumes a row. If your table contains a single row, your while loop won't see it because the if statement consumes it.


So replace if results?.next() == true { with if let results = results {. This will even turn the print("results nil") line into an accurate line.

那么替换if结果?.next()== true {with if let results = results {。这甚至可以将打印(“结果为零”)线转换为准确的线。

After you have ported your existing Objective-C code to Swift, consider using a real Swift SQLite library: they expose result sets as regular collection, handle errors in the Swift way, and are much easier to use. See for example https://github.com/groue/GRDB.swift#fetching-rows

在将现有的Objective-C代码移植到Swift之后,请考虑使用真正的Swift SQLite库:它们将结果集公开为常规集合,以Swift方式处理错误,并且更易于使用。请参阅https://github.com/groue/GRDB.swift#fetching-rows

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