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All, I am aware of the following methods to check the framework version in NSIS. For .NET4.0+ I currently use

所有这些,我都知道下面的方法来检查NSIS中的框架版本。对于我目前使用的。net4.0 +

Function IsDotNetInstalled

    StrCpy $0 "0"
    StrCpy $1 "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework" ; Registry entry to look in.
    StrCpy $2 0

    ; Enumerate the versions installed.
    EnumRegKey $3 HKLM "$1\policy" $2

    ; If we don't find any versions installed, it's not here.
    StrCmp $3 "" noDotNet notEmpty

    ; We found something.
        ; Find out if the RegKey starts with 'v'.  
        ; If it doesn't, goto the next key.
        StrCpy $4 $3 1 0
        StrCmp $4 "v" +1 goNext
        StrCpy $4 $3 1 1

        ; It starts with 'v'.  Now check to see how the installed major version
        ; relates to our required major version.
        ; If it's equal check the minor version, if it's greater, 
        ; we found a good RegKey.
        IntCmp $4 ${DOT_MAJOR} +1 goNext yesDotNetReg
        ; Check the minor version.  If it's equal or greater to our requested 
        ; version then we're good.
        StrCpy $4 $3 1 3
        IntCmp $4 ${DOT_MINOR} yesDotNetReg goNext yesDotNetReg

        ; Go to the next RegKey.
        IntOp $2 $2 + 1
        goto StartEnum

        ; Now that we've found a good RegKey, let's make sure it's actually
        ; installed by getting the install path and checking to see if the 
        ; mscorlib.dll exists.
        EnumRegValue $2 HKLM "$1\policy\$3" 0
        ; $2 should equal whatever comes after the major and minor versions 
        ; (ie, v1.1.4322)
        StrCmp $2 "" noDotNet
        ReadRegStr $4 HKLM $1 "InstallRoot"
        ; Hopefully the install root isn't empty.
        StrCmp $4 "" noDotNet
        ; Build the actuall directory path to mscorlib.dll.
        StrCpy $4 "$4$3.$2\mscorlib.dll"
        IfFileExists $4 yesDotNet noDotNet

        ; No, something went wrong along the way.  Looks like the 
        ; proper .NET Framework isn't installed.  
        MessageBox MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "To install UserCost, Microsoft's .NET Framework v${DOT_MAJOR}.${DOT_MINOR} \
        (or higher) must be installed. Cannot proceed with the installation!"
        ${OpenURL} "${WWW_MS_DOTNET4}"

        ; Everything checks out. Proceed with the rest of the installation.


This works very well for .NET4.0, but I have now extended my application to utilise the async/await features and subsequently need users to install .NET4.5+. The above method is not suitable as the installation for .NET4.5 now does not use the regestry path 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft.NETFramework\Policy" to store any new information, that is that path does not seem to hold a value that changes between .NET4.0 and 4.5. Now I have seen the following posts:

这对于. net4.0来说工作得很好,但是我现在扩展了我的应用程序来使用异步/ wait特性,然后需要用户安装. net4.5 +。以上方法不适用于. net4.5的安装,现在不使用regestry路径'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft '。NETFramework\策略“存储任何新信息,即路径似乎不包含在. net4.0和4.5之间变化的值。现在我看到以下的帖子:

NSIS Installer with .NET 4.5

NSIS安装与。net 4.5

which uses the registry path/entry 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP' to do the checks. Now this also does bot work as the entry does not change from .NET4.0 to 4.5. I notice that there is and entry called 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft.NETFramework\v4.0.30319\SKUs.NETFramework,Version=v4.5' can I use this to check the Framework version invariably?

使用注册表路径/入口'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\软件\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP'进行检查。现在,由于条目没有从. net4.0更改为4.5,这也使得bot起作用。我注意到有一个条目叫做“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ microsoft.\ netframework \v4.0.30319\SKUs.NETFramework,Version=v4.5”,我是否可以用这个来检查框架版本?

Is there an offical line of the way to check for .NET4.5 using NSIS?


Thanks for your time.


Note: subsequently some installation of .NET4.5 my users have performed have had registry values for


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full 

a DWORD value named Release was not 378389 but 378181. Making this change seemed to resolve the problem as the entry for the Release is not in the registry for .NET4.5 and below.

名为Release的DWORD值不是378389而是378181。这样做似乎解决了问题,因为发布的条目不在. net4.5和以下的注册表中。

6 个解决方案



Yes there is an official way to check if .NET Framework 4.5 is installed, even if it's not really friendly. From MSDN:

是的,有一个官方的方法来检查。net Framework 4.5是否已经安装,即使它不是很友好。从MSDN:

You can test whether the .NET Framework 4.5 or the .NET Framework 4 is installed by checking the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full subkey in the registry for a DWORD value named Release. The existence of this DWORD indicates that the .NET Framework 4.5 has been installed on that computer. The value of Release is a version number. To determine if the final release version of the .NET Framework 4.5 is installed, check for a value that is equal to or greater than 378389.

您可以通过检查注册中心的HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\软件\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\ v4\ v4\完整子键来测试.NET Framework 4.5或.NET Framework 4是否已安装。这个DWORD的存在表明。net Framework 4.5已经安装在那台计算机上。发布的值是版本号。要确定是否安装了. net Framework 4.5的最终版本,请检查是否为等于或大于378389的值。



It means you first have to check if 4.0 is installed and then to check if there is a value named Release in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full, if so then 4.5 is already installed (I think you can skip the check for a pre-release version).

这意味着您首先要检查是否安装了4.0,然后再检查在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\ NDP\v4 Full中是否有一个名为Release的值(如果已经安装了的话)(我认为您可以跳过对预发布版本的检查)。

EDIT: check this post here on SO for details about detecting older installed .NET versions and this MSDN article to distinguish between for 4.5.x versions.




Here is a function that I wrote that checks for, and downloads if needed, .NET 4.5. In addition, the code also looks for a local copy of the .NET installer - in case you were to put your installer onto a CD or USB drive or something. Supports Silent and Non-Silent installs, as well as setting the Reboot flag. The function is self-contained, but expects you to include LogicLib (which is included with the basic NSIS install).

这是我编写的一个函数,用于检查。net 4.5,如果需要,可以下载。此外,代码还会寻找。net安装程序的本地副本——如果你要把你的安装程序放到CD或USB驱动器或其他东西上的话。支持静默和非静默安装,以及设置重新引导标志。该函数是自包含的,但是期望您包含LogicLib(它包含在基本的NSIS安装中)。

This is the code that I wrote for what will be the installer for my Rachel's Story books.


Function CheckAndDownloadDotNet45
# Let's see if the user has the .NET Framework 4.5 installed on their system or not
# Remember: you need Vista SP2 or 7 SP1.  It is built in to Windows 8, and not needed
# In case you're wondering, running this code on Windows 8 will correctly return is_equal
# or is_greater (maybe Microsoft releases .NET 4.5 SP1 for example)

# Set up our Variables
Var /GLOBAL dotNET45IsThere

ReadRegDWORD $dotNET45IsThere HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full" "Release"
IntCmp $dotNET45IsThere 378389 is_equal is_less is_greater

    Goto done_compare_not_needed
    # Useful if, for example, Microsoft releases .NET 4.5 SP1
    # We want to be able to simply skip install since it's not
    # needed on this system
    Goto done_compare_not_needed
    Goto done_compare_needed

    #.NET Framework 4.5 install is *NEEDED*

    # Microsoft Download Center EXE:
    # Web Bootstrapper: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=225704
    # Full Download: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=225702

    # Setup looks for components\dotNET45Full.exe relative to the install EXE location
    # This allows the installer to be placed on a USB stick (for computers without internet connections)
    # If the .NET Framework 4.5 installer is *NOT* found, Setup will connect to Microsoft's website
    # and download it for you

    # Reboot Required with these Exit Codes:
    # 1641 or 3010

    # Command Line Switches:
    # /showrmui /passive /norestart

    # Silent Command Line Switches:
    # /q /norestart

    # Let's see if the user is doing a Silent install or not
    IfSilent is_quiet is_not_quiet

        StrCpy $dotNET_CMD_LINE "/q /norestart"
        Goto LookForLocalFile
        StrCpy $dotNET_CMD_LINE "/showrmui /passive /norestart"
        Goto LookForLocalFile

        # Let's see if the user stored the Full Installer
        IfFileExists "$EXEPATH\components\dotNET45Full.exe" do_local_install do_network_install

            # .NET Framework found on the local disk.  Use this copy

            ExecWait '"$EXEPATH\components\dotNET45Full.exe" $dotNET_CMD_LINE' $EXIT_CODE
            Goto is_reboot_requested

        # Now, let's Download the .NET

            Var /GLOBAL dotNetDidDownload
            NSISdl::download "http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=225704" "$TEMP\dotNET45Web.exe" $dotNetDidDownload

            StrCmp $dotNetDidDownload success fail
                ExecWait '"$TEMP\dotNET45Web.exe" $dotNET_CMD_LINE' $EXIT_CODE
                Goto is_reboot_requested

                MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "Unable to download .NET Framework.  ${PRODUCT_NAME} will be installed, but will not function without the Framework!"
                Goto done_dotNET_function

            # $EXIT_CODE contains the return codes.  1641 and 3010 means a Reboot has been requested
                ${If} $EXIT_CODE = 1641
                ${OrIf} $EXIT_CODE = 3010
                    SetRebootFlag true

    # Done dotNET Install
    Goto done_dotNET_function

#exit the function




In the end I went with the following function which utilises the answer above. This method first creates a directory "$INSTDIR\dotNETFramework" which contains the .NET web installer:

最后我使用了下面的函数,它利用了上面的答案。此方法首先创建一个目录“$INSTDIR\dotNETFramework”,其中包含.NET web安装程序:

Function CheckAndInstallDotNet
    ; Installer dotNetFx45_Full_setup.exe avalible from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/5a4x27ek.aspx
    ; Magic numbers from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee942965.aspx
    ReadRegDWORD $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full" "Release"
    IfErrors NotDetected
    ${If} $0 >= 378389
        DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 is installed ($0)"
        MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION ".NET Framework 4.5+ is required for ProgramX2013, \
            do you want to launch the web installer? This requires a valid internet connection." IDYES InstallDotNet IDNO Cancel 
            MessageBox MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "To install ProgramX, Microsoft's .NET Framework v${DOT_MAJOR}.${DOT_MINOR} \
                (or higher) must be installed. Cannot proceed with the installation!"
            ${OpenURL} "${WWW_MS_DOTNET4_5}"
            RMDir /r "$INSTDIR" 
            SetOutPath "$PROGRAMFILES"
            RMDir "$INSTDIR" 

        ; Install .NET4.5.
            DetailPrint "Installing Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5"
            SetDetailsPrint listonly
            ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\dotNETFramework\dotNetFx45_Full_setup.exe" /passive /norestart' $0
            ${If} $0 == 3010 
            ${OrIf} $0 == 1641
                DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 installer requested reboot."
                SetRebootFlag true 
            SetDetailsPrint lastused
            DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 installer returned $0"

    ; Now remove the dotNETFramework directory and contents.
    RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\dotNETFramework" 

This method seemlessley launches the .NET4.5 installer if there is an internet connection and returns after the installation is complete.

如果有internet连接,这个方法会启动. net4.5安装程序,并在安装完成后返回。

I hope this helps someone else.




Here's a simple NSIS Function that checks for .NET versions (works for 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2 and 4.6). The numeric comparisons are based on MSDN.


Place the function in your NSIS file and invoke it like so


Call CheckForDotVersion45Up
Pop $0
DetailPrint $0

Here is the function.


; returns a numeric value on the stack, ranging from 0 to 450, 451, 452 or 460. 0 means nothing found, the other values mean at least that version
Function CheckForDotVersion45Up

  ReadRegDWORD $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full" Release

  IntCmp $0 393295 is46 isbelow46 is46

  IntCmp $0 379893 is452 isbelow452 is452

  IntCmp $0 378675 is451 isbelow451 is451

  IntCmp $0 378389 is45 isbelow45 is45

  Push 0

  Push 460

  Push 452

  Push 451

  Push 45




Now that .NET Framework 4.5.1 is available the actual value of DWORD named Release in the registry needs to be checked, not just its existence.

既然。net Framework 4.5.1已经可用,那么需要检查注册中心中名为Release的DWORD的实际值,而不仅仅是它的存在。

A value of 378758 means that .NET Framework 4.5.1 is installed, however, as described here this value is 378675 on Windows 8.1.

然而,值378758意味着安装了。net Framework 4.5.1,正如这里描述的,这个值在Windows 8.1上是378675。



If you're looking for options with .net framework 4.0+ (and above) including

如果您正在寻找。net framework 4.0+(及以上版本)的选项,包括

  • .net 4.5
  • net 4.5
  • .net 4.5.1
  • net 4.5.1

you can also check this plug-in for NSIS: DotNetChecker

您还可以为NSIS: DotNetChecker检查该插件

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