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let rankData = [];
 for(let i=0;i<100;i++){
      rankData.push({rank:i, name:"名称"});


// Learn TypeScript:
//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/typescript.html
// Learn Attribute:
//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
import ItemRender from "./ItemRender"
const { ccclass, property } = cc._decorator;
/**列表排列方式 */
export enum ListType {
    /**水平排列 */
    HorizOntal= 1,
    /**垂直排列 */
    Vertical = 2,
    /**网格排列 */
    Grid = 3
/**网格布局中的方向 */
export enum StartAxisType {
    /**水平排列 */
    HorizOntal= 1,
    /**垂直排列 */
    Vertical = 2,
 * 列表
 * 根据cocos_example的listView改动而来
 * @author chenkai 2020.7.8
 * @example
 *  1.创建cocos的ScrollView组件,添加List,设置List属性即可
export default class List extends cc.Component {
    //==================== 属性面板 =========================
    /**列表选项 */
    @property({ type: cc.Node, tooltip: "列表项" })
    public itemRender: cc.Node = null;
    /**排列方式 */
    @property({ type: cc.Enum(ListType), tooltip: "排列方式" })
    public type: ListType = ListType.Vertical;
    /**网格布局中的方向 */
    @property({ type: cc.Enum(StartAxisType), tooltip: "网格布局中的方向", visible() { return this.type == ListType.Grid } })
    public startAxis: StartAxisType = StartAxisType.Horizontal;
    /**列表项之间X间隔 */
    @property({ type: cc.Integer, tooltip: "列表项X间隔", visible() { return (this.type == ListType.Horizontal || this.type == ListType.Grid) } })
    public spaceX: number = 0;
    /**列表项之间Y间隔 */
    @property({ type: cc.Integer, tooltip: "列表项Y间隔", visible() { return this.type == ListType.Vertical || this.type == ListType.Grid } })
    public spaceY: number = 0;
    /**上间距 */
    @property({ type: cc.Integer, tooltip: "上间距", visible() { return (this.type == ListType.Vertical || this.type == ListType.Grid) } })
    public padding_top: number = 0;
    /**下间距 */
    @property({ type: cc.Integer, tooltip: "下间距", visible() { return (this.type == ListType.Vertical || this.type == ListType.Grid) } })
    public padding_buttom: number = 0;
    /**左间距 */
    @property({ type: cc.Integer, tooltip: "左间距", visible() { return (this.type == ListType.Horizontal || this.type == ListType.Grid) } })
    public padding_left: number = 0;
    public _padding: number = 0;
    /**右间距 */
    @property({ type: cc.Integer, tooltip: "右间距", visible() { return (this.type == ListType.Horizontal || this.type == ListType.Grid) } })
    public padding_right: number = 0;
    //====================== 滚动容器 ===============================
    /**列表滚动容器 */
    public scrollView: cc.ScrollView = null;
    /**scrollView的内容容器 */
    private content: cc.Node = null;
    //======================== 列表项 ===========================
    /**列表项数据 */
    private itemDataList: Array = [];
    /**应创建的实例数量 */
    private spawnCount: number = 0;
    /**存放列表项实例的数组 */
    private itemList: Array = [];
    /**item的高度 */
    private itemHeight: number = 0;
    /**item的宽度 */
    private itemWidth: number = 0;
    /**存放不再使用中的列表项 */
    private itemPool: Array = [];
    //======================= 计算参数 ==========================
    /**距离scrollView中心点的距离,超过这个距离的item会被重置,一般设置为 scrollVIew.height/2 + item.heigt/2 + space,因为这个距离item正好超出scrollView显示范围 */
    private halfScrollView: number = 0;
    /**上一次content的X值,用于和现在content的X值比较,得出是向左还是向右滚动 */
    private lastContentPosX: number = 0;
    /**上一次content的Y值,用于和现在content的Y值比较,得出是向上还是向下滚动 */
    private lastContentPosY: number = 0;
    /**网格行数 */
    private gridRow: number = 0;
    /**网格列数 */
    private gridCol: number = 0;
    /**刷新时间,单位s */
    private updateTimer: number = 0;
    /**刷新间隔,单位s */
    private updateInterval: number = 0.1;
    /**是否滚动容器 */
    private bScrolling: boolean = false;
    /**刷新的函数 */
    private updateFun: Function = function () { };
    onLoad() {
        this.itemHeight = this.itemRender.height;
        this.itemWidth = this.itemRender.width;
        this.scrollView = this.node.getComponent(cc.ScrollView);
        this.cOntent= this.scrollView.content;
        this.content.anchorX = 0;
        this.content.anchorY = 1;
        this.scrollView.node.on("scrolling", this.onScrolling, this);
     * 列表数据 (列表数据复制使用,如果列表数据改变,则需要重新设置一遍数据)
     * @param itemDataList item数据列表
    public setData(itemDataList: Array) {
        this.itemDataList = itemDataList.slice();
    /**计算列表的各项参数 */
    private countListParam() {
        let dataLen = this.itemDataList.length;
        if (this.type == ListType.Vertical) {
            this.scrollView.horizOntal= false;
            this.scrollView.vertical = true;
            this.content.width = this.content.parent.width;
            this.content.height = dataLen * this.itemHeight + (dataLen - 1) * this.spaceY + this.padding_top + this.padding_buttom;
            this.spawnCount = Math.round(this.scrollView.node.height / (this.itemHeight + this.spaceY)) + 2; //计算创建的item实例数量,比当前scrollView容器能放下的item数量再加上2个
            this.halfScrollView = this.scrollView.node.height / 2 + this.itemHeight / 2 + this.spaceY; //计算bufferZone,item的显示范围
            this.updateFun = this.updateV;
        } else if (this.type == ListType.Horizontal) {
            this.scrollView.horizOntal= true;
            this.scrollView.vertical = false;
            this.content.width = dataLen * this.itemWidth + (dataLen - 1) * this.spaceX + this.padding_left + this.padding_right;
            this.content.height = this.content.parent.height;
            this.spawnCount = Math.round(this.scrollView.node.width / (this.itemWidth + this.spaceX)) + 2;
            this.halfScrollView = this.scrollView.node.width / 2 + this.itemWidth / 2 + this.spaceX;
            this.updateFun = this.udpateH;
        } else if (this.type == ListType.Grid) {
            if (this.startAxis == StartAxisType.Vertical) {
                this.scrollView.horizOntal= false;
                this.scrollView.vertical = true;
                this.content.width = this.content.parent.width;
                if (this.padding_left + this.padding_right + this.itemWidth + this.spaceX > this.content.width) {
                    this.padding_left = 0;
                    this.padding_right = 0;
                this.gridCol = Math.floor((this.content.width - this.padding_left - this.padding_right) / (this.itemWidth + this.spaceX));
                this.gridRow = Math.ceil(dataLen / this.gridCol);
                this.content.height = this.gridRow * this.itemHeight + (this.gridRow - 1) * this.spaceY + this.padding_top + this.padding_buttom;
                this.spawnCount = Math.round(this.scrollView.node.height / (this.itemHeight + this.spaceY)) * this.gridCol + this.gridCol * 2;
                this.halfScrollView = this.scrollView.node.height / 2 + this.itemHeight / 2 + this.spaceY;
                this.updateFun = this.updateGrid_V;
            } else if (this.startAxis == StartAxisType.Horizontal) {
                this.scrollView.horizOntal= true;
                this.scrollView.vertical = false;
                this.content.height = this.content.parent.height;
                if (this.padding_top + this.padding_buttom + this.itemHeight + this.spaceY > this.content.height) {
                    this.padding_top = 0;
                    this.padding_buttom = 0;
                this.gridRow = Math.floor((this.content.height - this.padding_top - this.padding_buttom) / (this.itemHeight + this.spaceY));
                this.gridCol = Math.ceil(dataLen / this.gridRow);
                this.content.width = this.gridCol * this.itemWidth + (this.gridCol - 1) * this.spaceX + this.padding_left + this.padding_right;
                this.spawnCount = Math.round(this.scrollView.node.width / (this.itemWidth + this.spaceX)) * this.gridRow + this.gridRow * 2;
                this.halfScrollView = this.scrollView.node.width / 2 + this.itemWidth / 2 + this.spaceX;
                this.updateFun = this.updateGrid_H;
     * 创建列表
     * @param startIndex 起始显示的数据索引 0表示第一项
     * @param offset     scrollView偏移量
    private createList(startIndex: number, offset: cc.Vec2) {
        //当需要显示的数据长度 > 虚拟列表长度, 删除最末尾几个数据时,列表需要重置位置到scrollView最底端
        if (this.itemDataList.length > this.spawnCount && (startIndex + this.spawnCount - 1) >= this.itemDataList.length) {
            startIndex = this.itemDataList.length - this.spawnCount;
            offset = this.scrollView.getMaxScrollOffset();
            //当需要显示的数据长度 <= 虚拟列表长度, 隐藏多余的虚拟列表项
        } else if (this.itemDataList.length <= this.spawnCount) {
            startIndex = 0;
        for (let i = 0; i  需要显示的数据量
                if (this.itemList.length > (this.itemDataList.length - startIndex)) {
                    item = this.itemList.pop();
            let itemRender: ItemRender = item.getComponent(ItemRender);
            itemRender.itemIndex = i + startIndex;
            itemRender.data = this.itemDataList[i + startIndex];
            if (this.type == ListType.Vertical) {
                //因为content的锚点X是0,所以item的x值是content.with/2表示居中,锚点Y是1,所以item的y值从content顶部向下是0到负无穷。所以item.y= -item.height/2时,是在content的顶部。
                item.setPosition(this.content.width / 2, -item.height * (0.5 + i + startIndex) - this.spaceY * (i + startIndex) - this.padding_top);
            } else if (this.type == ListType.Horizontal) {
                item.setPosition(item.width * (0.5 + i + startIndex) + this.spaceX * (i + startIndex) + this.padding_left, -this.content.height / 2);
            } else if (this.type == ListType.Grid) {
                if (this.startAxis == StartAxisType.Vertical) {
                    var row = Math.floor((i + startIndex) / this.gridCol);
                    var col = (i + startIndex) % this.gridCol;
                    item.setPosition(item.width * (0.5 + col) + this.spaceX * col + this.padding_left, -item.height * (0.5 + row) - this.spaceY * row - this.padding_top);
                    item.opacity = 255;
                } else if (this.startAxis == StartAxisType.Horizontal) {
                    var row = (i + startIndex) % this.gridRow;
                    var col = Math.floor((i + startIndex) / this.gridRow);
                    item.setPosition(item.width * (0.5 + col) + this.spaceX * col + this.padding_left, -item.height * (0.5 + row) - this.spaceY * row - this.padding_top);
                    item.opacity = 255;
    /**获取一个列表项 */
    private getItem() {
        if (this.itemPool.length == 0) {
            return cc.instantiate(this.itemRender);
        } else {
            return this.itemPool.pop();
    update(dt) {
        if (this.bScrolling == false) {
        this.updateTimer += dt;
        if (this.updateTimer  this.lastContentPosY;
        let offset = (this.itemHeight + this.spaceY) * items.length;
        for (let i = 0; i  bufferZone && item.y - offset - this.padding_buttom > -this.content.height) {
                    let itemRender: ItemRender = item.getComponent(ItemRender);
                    let itemIndex = itemRender.itemIndex + items.length;
                    itemRender.itemIndex = itemIndex;
                    itemRender.data = this.itemDataList[itemIndex];
                    item.y = item.y - offset;
            } else {
                if (viewPos.y <-bufferZone && item.y + offset + this.padding_top <0) {
                    let itemRender: ItemRender = item.getComponent(ItemRender);
                    let itemIndex = itemRender.itemIndex - items.length;
                    itemRender.itemIndex = itemIndex;
                    itemRender.data = this.itemDataList[itemIndex];
                    item.y = item.y + offset;
        this.lastCOntentPosY= this.scrollView.content.y;
    /**水平排列 */
    private udpateH() {
        let items = this.itemList;
        let item;
        let bufferZOne= this.halfScrollView;
        let isRight = this.scrollView.content.x > this.lastContentPosX;
        let offset = (this.itemWidth + this.spaceX) * items.length;
        for (let i = 0; i  bufferZone && item.x - offset - this.padding_left > 0) {
                    let itemRender: ItemRender = item.getComponent(ItemRender);
                    let itemIndex = itemRender.itemIndex - items.length;
                    itemRender.itemIndex = itemIndex;
                    itemRender.data = this.itemDataList[itemIndex];
                    item.x = item.x - offset;
            } else {
                if (viewPos.x <-bufferZone && item.x + offset + this.padding_right  this.lastContentPosY;
        let offset = (this.itemHeight + this.spaceY) * (this.spawnCount / this.gridCol);
        for (let i = 0; i  bufferZone && item.y - offset - this.padding_buttom > -this.content.height) {
                    let itemRender: ItemRender = item.getComponent(ItemRender);
                    let itemIndex = itemRender.itemIndex + (this.spawnCount / this.gridCol) * this.gridCol;
                    if (this.itemDataList[itemIndex] != null) {
                        item.y = item.y - offset;
                        itemRender.itemIndex = itemIndex;
                        itemRender.data = this.itemDataList[itemIndex];
                        item.opacity = 255;
                    } else {
                        item.y = item.y - offset;
                        itemRender.itemIndex = itemIndex;
                        item.opacity = 0;
            } else {//item下滑时,超出了scrollView下边界,将item移动到上方复用,item移动到上方的位置必须不超过content的上边界
                if (viewPos.y <-bufferZone && item.y + offset + this.padding_top <0) {
                    let itemRender: ItemRender = item.getComponent(ItemRender);
                    let itemIndex = itemRender.itemIndex - (this.spawnCount / this.gridCol) * this.gridCol;
                    if (this.itemDataList[itemIndex] != null) {
                        item.y = item.y + offset;
                        itemRender.itemIndex = itemIndex;
                        itemRender.data = this.itemDataList[itemIndex];
                        item.opacity = 255;
                    } else {
                        item.y = item.y + offset;
                        itemRender.itemIndex = itemIndex;
                        item.opacity = 0;
        this.lastCOntentPosY= this.scrollView.content.y;
    /**网格水平排列 */
    private updateGrid_H() {
        let items = this.itemList;
        let item;
        let bufferZOne= this.halfScrollView;
        let isRight = this.scrollView.content.x > this.lastContentPosX;
        let offset = (this.itemWidth + this.spaceX) * (this.spawnCount / this.gridRow);
        for (let i = 0; i  bufferZone && item.x - offset - this.padding_left > 0) {
                    let itemRender: ItemRender = item.getComponent(ItemRender);
                    let itemIndex = itemRender.itemIndex - (this.spawnCount / this.gridRow) * this.gridRow;
                    if (this.itemDataList[itemIndex] != null) {
                        item.x = item.x - offset;
                        itemRender.itemIndex = itemIndex;
                        itemRender.data = this.itemDataList[itemIndex];
                        item.opacity = 255;
                    } else {
                        item.x = item.x - offset;
                        itemRender.itemIndex = itemIndex;
                        item.opacity = 0;
            } else {
                if (viewPos.x <-bufferZone && item.x + offset + this.padding_right  {
                    return b.y - a.y;
            } else if (this.type == ListType.Horizontal) {
                this.itemList.sort((a: any, b: any) => {
                    return a.x - b.x;
            } else if (this.type == ListType.Grid) {
                if (this.startAxis == StartAxisType.Vertical) {
                    this.itemList.sort((a: any, b: any) => {
                        return a.x - b.x;
                    this.itemList.sort((a: any, b: any) => {
                        return b.y - a.y;
                } else if (this.startAxis == StartAxisType.Horizontal) {
                    this.itemList.sort((a: any, b: any) => {
                        return b.y - a.y;
                    this.itemList.sort((a: any, b: any) => {
                        return a.x - b.x;
            var startIndex = this.itemList[0].getComponent(ItemRender).itemIndex;
            if (this.type == ListType.Grid && this.startAxis == StartAxisType.Vertical) {
                startIndex += (startIndex + this.spawnCount) % this.gridCol;
            } else if (this.type == ListType.Grid && this.startAxis == StartAxisType.Horizontal) {
                startIndex += (startIndex + this.spawnCount) % this.gridRow;
            var offset: cc.Vec2 = this.scrollView.getScrollOffset();
            offset.x = - offset.x;
            this.createList(startIndex, offset);
    /**销毁 */
    public onDestroy() {
        let len = this.itemList.length;
        for (let i = 0; i 

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