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I want to create a very large array on which I write '0's and '1's. I'm trying to simulate a physical process called random sequential adsorption, where units of length 2, dimers, are deposited onto an n-dimensional lattice at a random location, without overlapping each other. The process stops when there is no more room left on the lattice for depositing more dimers (lattice is jammed).


Initially I start with a lattice of zeroes, and the dimers are represented by a pair of '1's. As each dimer is deposited, the site on the left of the dimer is blocked, due to the fact that the dimers cannot overlap. So I simulate this process by depositing a triple of '1's on the lattice. I need to repeat the entire simulation a large number of times and then work out the average coverage %.


I've already done this using an array of chars for 1D and 2D lattices. At the moment I'm trying to make the code as efficient as possible, before working on the 3D problem and more complicated generalisations.


This is basically what the code looks like in 1D, simplified:


int main()
    /* Define lattice */
    array = (char*)malloc(N * sizeof(char));

    total_c = 0;

    /* Carry out RSA multiple times */
    for (i = 0; i <1000; i++)

    /* Calculate average coverage efficiency at jamming */
    printf("coverage efficiency = %lf", total_c/1000);

    return 0;

void rand_seq_ads()
    /* Initialise array, initial conditions */
    memset(a, 0, N * sizeof(char));
    available_sites = N;
    count = 0;

    /* While the lattice still has enough room... */
    while(available_sites != 0)
        /* Generate random site location */
        x = rand();

        /* Deposit dimer (if site is available) */
        if(array[x] == 0)
            array[x] = 1;
            array[x+1] = 1;
            count += 1;
            available_sites += -2;

        /* Mark site left of dimer as unavailable (if its empty) */
        if(array[x-1] == 0)
            array[x-1] = 1;
            available_sites += -1;

    /* Calculate coverage %, and add to total */
    c = count/N
    total_c += c;

For the actual project I'm doing, it involves not just dimers but trimers, quadrimers, and all sorts of shapes and sizes (for 2D and 3D).


I was hoping that I would be able to work with individual bits instead of bytes, but I've been reading around and as far as I can tell you can only change 1 byte at a time, so either I need to do some complicated indexing or there is a simpler way to do it?


Thanks for your answers


5 个解决方案



If I am not too late, this page gives awesome explanation with examples.


An array of int can be used to deal with array of bits. Assuming size of int to be 4 bytes, when we talk about an int, we are dealing with 32 bits. Say we have int A[10], means we are working on 10*4*8 = 320 bits and following figure shows it: (each element of array has 4 big blocks, each of which represent a byte and each of the smaller blocks represent a bit)

整数数组可以用来处理位数组。假设int的大小是4字节,当我们讨论int时,我们处理的是32位。假设我们有int A[10],这意味着我们要处理10*4*8 = 320位,如下图所示:(数组的每个元素都有4个大块,每个大块代表一个字节,每个小块代表一个比特)

enter image description here

So, to set the kth bit in array A:


void  SetBit( int A[],  int k )
      int i = k/32;        //gives the corresponding index in the array A
      int pos = k%32;      //gives the corresponding bit position in A[i]

      unsigned int flag = 1;   // flag = 0000.....00001

      flag = flag <

or in the shortened version


void  SetBit( int A[],  int k )
      A[k/32] |= 1 <<(k%32);  // Set the bit at the k-th position in A[i]

similarly to clear kth bit:


void  ClearBit( int A[],  int k )                
      A[k/32] &= ~(1 <<(k%32));

and to test if the kth bit:


int TestBit( int A[],  int k )
      return ( (A[k/32] & (1 <<(k%32) )) != 0 ) ;     

As said above, these manipulations can be written as macros too:


#define SetBit(A,k)     ( A[(k/32)] |= (1 <<(k%32)) )
#define ClearBit(A,k)   ( A[(k/32)] &= ~(1 <<(k%32)) )            
#define TestBit(A,k)    ( A[(k/32)] & (1 <<(k%32)) )



typedef unsigned long bfield_t[ size_needed/sizeof(long) ];
// long because that's probably what your cpu is best at
// The size_needed should be evenly divisable by sizeof(long) or
// you could (sizeof(long)-1+size_needed)/sizeof(long) to force it to round up

Now, each long in a bfield_t can hold sizeof(long)*8 bits.


You can calculate the index of a needed big by:


bindex = index / (8 * sizeof(long) );

and your bit number by


b = index % (8 * sizeof(long) );

You can then look up the long you need and then mask out the bit you need from it.


result = my_field[bindex] & (1<


result = 1 & (my_field[bindex]>>b); // if you prefer them to be in bit0

The first one may be faster on some cpus or may save you shifting back up of you need to perform operations between the same bit in multiple bit arrays. It also mirrors the setting and clearing of a bit in the field more closely than the second implemention. set:


my_field[bindex] |= 1<



my_field[bindex] &= ~(1<

You should remember that you can use bitwise operations on the longs that hold the fields and that's the same as the operations on the individual bits.


You'll probably also want to look into the ffs, fls, ffc, and flc functions if available. ffs should always be avaiable in strings.h. It's there just for this purpose -- a string of bits. Anyway, it is find first set and essentially:


int ffs(int x) {
    int c = 0;
    while (!(x&1) ) {
    return c; // except that it handles x = 0 differently

This is a common operation for processors to have an instruction for and your compiler will probably generate that instruction rather than calling a function like the one I wrote. x86 has an instruction for this, by the way. Oh, and ffsl and ffsll are the same function except take long and long long, respectively.




You can use & (bitwise and) and <<(left shift).


For example, (1 <<3) results in "00001000" in binary. So your code could look like:

例如,(1 <3)导致二进制数为“00001000”。所以你的代码可以是:

char eightBits = 0;

//Set the 5th and 6th bits from the right to 1
eightBits &= (1 <<4);
eightBits &= (1 <<5);
//eightBits now looks like "00110000". 

Then just scale it up with an array of chars and figure out the appropriate byte to modify first.


For more efficiency, you could define a list of bitfields in advance and put them in an array:


#define BIT8 0x01
#define BIT7 0x02
#define BIT6 0x04
#define BIT5 0x08
#define BIT4 0x10
#define BIT3 0x20
#define BIT2 0x40
#define BIT1 0x80

char bits[8] = {BIT1, BIT2, BIT3, BIT4, BIT5, BIT6, BIT7, BIT8};

Then you avoid the overhead of the bit shifting and you can index your bits, turning the previous code into:


eightBits &= (bits[3] & bits[4]);

Alternatively, if you can use C++, you could just use an std::vector which is internally defined as a vector of bits, complete with direct indexing.

或者,如果您可以使用c++,您可以使用std::vector ,它在内部被定义为位向量,完成直接索引。





#include  // defines uint32_t

//typedef unsigned int bitarray_t; // if you know that int is 32 bits
typedef uint32_t bitarray_t;

#define RESERVE_BITS(n) (((n)+0x1f)>>5)
#define DW_INDEX(x) ((x)>>5)
#define BIT_INDEX(x) ((x)&0x1f)
#define getbit(array,index) (((array)[DW_INDEX(index)]>>BIT_INDEX(index))&1)
#define putbit(array, index, bit) \
    ((bit)&1 ?  ((array)[DW_INDEX(index)] |= 1<



bitarray_t arr[RESERVE_BITS(130)] = {0, 0x12345678,0xabcdef0,0xffff0000,0};
int i = getbit(arr,5);
int x=2;            // the least significant bit is 0
putbit(arr,6,x);    // sets bit 6 to 0 because 2&1 is 0
putbit(arr,6,!!x);  // sets bit 6 to 1 because !!2 is 1

EDIT the docs:


"dword" = "double word" = 32-bit value (unsigned, but that's not really important)

"dword" = "double word" = 32位(无符号,但这并不重要)

RESERVE_BITS: number_of_bits --> number_of_dwords
    RESERVE_BITS(n) is the number of 32-bit integers enough to store n bits
DW_INDEX: bit_index_in_array --> dword_index_in_array
    DW_INDEX(i) is the index of dword where the i-th bit is stored.
    Both bit and dword indexes start from 0.
BIT_INDEX: bit_index_in_array --> bit_index_in_dword
    If i is the number of some bit in the array, BIT_INDEX(i) is the number
    of that bit in the dword where the bit is stored.
    And the dword is known via DW_INDEX().
getbit: bit_array, bit_index_in_array --> bit_value
putbit: bit_array, bit_index_in_array, bit_value --> 0

getbit(array,i) fetches the dword containing the bit i and shifts the dword right, so that the bit i becomes the least significant bit. Then, a bitwise and with 1 clears all other bits.


putbit(array, i, v) first of all checks the least significant bit of v; if it is 0, we have to clear the bit, and if it is 1, we have to set it.
To set the bit, we do a bitwise or of the dword that contains the bit and the value of 1 shifted left by bit_index_in_dword: that bit is set, and other bits do not change.
To clear the bit, we do a bitwise and of the dword that contains the bit and the bitwise complement of 1 shifted left by bit_index_in_dword: that value has all bits set to one except the only zero bit in the position that we want to clear.
The macro ends with , 0 because otherwise it would return the value of dword where the bit i is stored, and that value is not meaningful. One could also use ((void)0).

putbit(数组,i, v)首先检查v的最小有效位;如果它是0,我们需要清除位,如果它是1,我们需要设置它。要设置位,我们按位或dword进行设置,dword包含位和bit_index_in_dword左移的1的值:该位已设置,其他位不会更改。为了清除位,我们按位和dword来做,dword包含位和位补1的位补,位补由位_index_in_dword左移:该值将所有位都设置为1,除了我们要清除的位置上唯一的零位。宏以0结尾,否则它会返回dword的值,也就是i被存储的地方,这个值没有意义。也可以使用(void)0。



It's a trade-off:


(1) use 1 byte for each 2 bit value - simple, fast, but uses 4x memory


(2) pack bits into bytes - more complex, some performance overhead, uses minimum memory


If you have enough memory available then go for (1), otherwise consider (2).


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