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I have two large data frames, a and b for which identical(a,b) is TRUE, as is all.equal(a,b), but identical(digest(a),digest(b)) is FALSE. What could cause this?


What's more, I tried to dig in deeper, by applying digest to bunches of rows. Incredibly, at least to me, there is agreement in the digest values on sub-frames all the way to the last row of the data frames.


Here is a sequence of comparisons:


> identical(a, b)
[1] TRUE
> all.equal(a, b)
[1] TRUE
> digest(a)
[1] "cac56b06078733b6fb520442e5482684"
> digest(b)
[1] "fdd5ab78ca961982d195f800e3cf60af"
> digest(a[1:nrow(a),])
[1] "e44f906723405756509a6b17b5949d1a"
> digest(b[1:nrow(b),])
[1] "e44f906723405756509a6b17b5949d1a"

Every method I can think of indicates these two objects are identical, but their digest values are different. Is there something else about data frames that can produce such discrepancies?


For further details: the objects are about 10M rows x 12 columns. Here's the output of str():


'data.frame':   10056987 obs. of  12 variables:
 $ V1 : num  1 11 21 31 41 61 71 81 91 101 ...
 $ V2 : num  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ V3 : num  2 3 2 3 4 5 2 4 2 4 ...
 $ V4 : num  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ V5 : num  1.8 2.29 1.94 2.81 3.06 ...
 $ V6 : num  0.0653 0.0476 0.0324 0.034 0.0257 ...
 $ V7 : num  0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 ...
 $ V8 : num  0.00653 0.00476 0.00324 0.0034 0.00257 ...
 $ V9 : num  1.8 2.3 1.94 2.81 3.06 ...
 $ V10: num  0.1957 0.7021 0.0604 0.1866 0.9371 ...
 $ V11: num  1704 1554 1409 1059 1003 ...
 $ V12: num  23309 23309 23309 23309 23309 ...

> print(object.size(a), units = "Mb")
920.7 Mb

Update 1: On a whim, I converted these to matrices. The digests are the same.


> aM = as.matrix(a)
> bM= as.matrix(b)
> identical(aM,bM)
[1] TRUE
> digest(aM)
[1] "c5147d459ba385ca8f30dcd43760fc90"
> digest(bM)
[1] "c5147d459ba385ca8f30dcd43760fc90"

I then tried converting back to a data frame, and the digest values are equal (and equal to the previous value for a).


> aMF = as.data.frame(aM)
> bMF = as.data.frame(bM)
> digest(aMF)
[1] "cac56b06078733b6fb520442e5482684"
> digest(bMF)
[1] "cac56b06078733b6fb520442e5482684"

So, b looks like the bad boy, and it has a colorful past. b came from a much bigger data frame, say B. I took only the columns of B that appeared in a and checked to see if they were equal. Well, they were equal, but had different digests. I converted the column names (from "InformativeColumnName1" to "V1", etc.), just to avoid any issues that might arise - though all.equal and identical tend to point out when column names differ.

所以,b看起来像坏男孩,它有一个丰富多彩的过去。 b来自一个更大的数据框架,比如B.我只拿出了出现在a中的B列并检查它们是否相等。嗯,他们是平等的,但有不同的摘要。我转换了列名(从“InformativeColumnName1”到“V1”等),只是为了避免可能出现的任何问题 - 尽管当列名不同时all.equal和same往往会指出。

Since I am working on two different programs and don't have simultaneous access to a and b, it is easiest for me to use the digest values to check the calculations. However, something seems to be odd in how I extract columns from a data frame and then apply digest() to it.


ANSWER: It turns out, to my astonishment (dismay, horror, embarrassment, you name it), identical is very forgiving about attributes. I had assumed that only all.equal was forgiving about attributes.


This was discovered via Tommy's suggestion identical(d1, d2, attrib.as.set=FALSE). Running attributes(a) is a bad, bad idea: the deluge of row names took awhile before Ctrl-C could interrupt it. Here is the output of names(attributes()):

这是通过Tommy的建议相同发现的(d1,d2,attrib.as.set = FALSE)。运行属性(a)是一个糟糕的坏主意:在Ctrl-C可以中断之前,行名称的泛滥需要一段时间。这是名称的输出(attributes()):

> names(attributes(a))
[1] "names"     "row.names" "class"    
> names(attributes(b))
[1] "names"     "class"     "row.names"

They're in different orders! Kudos to digest() for being straight with me.



To aid others with this problem, it seems that simply rearranging the attributes will be adequate to get identical hash values. Since tinkering with attribute orders is new to me, this may break something, but it works in my case. Note that it is a little time consuming if the objects are big; I'm not aware of a faster method for doing this. (I'm also looking to move to using matrices or data tables instead of data frames, and this may be another incentive to avoid data frames.)

为了帮助其他人解决这个问题,似乎只需重新排列属性就可以获得相同的哈希值。由于修改属性订单对我来说是新的,这可能会破坏某些东西,但它适用于我的情况。请注意,如果对象很大,则需要花费一些时间;我不知道更快的方法。 (我也希望转向使用矩阵或数据表而不是数据帧,这可能是避免数据帧的另一个动机。)

tmpA0   = attributes(a)
tmpA1   = tmpA0[sort(names(tmpA0))]
a2      = a
attributes(a2) = tmpA1

tmpB0   = attributes(b)
tmpB1   = tmpB0[sort(names(tmpB0))]
b2      = b
attributes(b2) = tmpB1

digest(a2)  # e04e624692d82353479efbd713ec03f6
digest(b2)  # e04e624692d82353479efbd713ec03f6

identical(b,b2, attrib.as.set = FALSE) # FALSE
identical(b,b2, attrib.as.set = TRUE) # TRUE
identical(a2,b2, attrib.as.set = FALSE) # TRUE

2 个解决方案



Without having the actual data.frames it is of course hard to know, but one difference could be the order of the attributes. identical ignores that by default, but setting attrib.as.set=FALSE can change that:

如果没有实际的data.frames,当然很难知道,但一个区别可能是属性的顺序。默认情况下,相同的忽略,但设置attrib.as.set = FALSE可以改变:

d1 <- structure(1, foo=1, bar=2)
d2 <- structure(1, bar=2, foo=1)

identical(d1, d2) # TRUE
identical(d1, d2, attrib.as.set=FALSE) # FALSE



Our digest package uses the internal R function serialize() to get what we feed to the hash-generating functions (md5, sha1, ...).


So I strongly suspect that may have something like an attribute differ. Until you can construct something reproducible that does not depend on your 1e7 x 12 data set, there is little we can do.

所以我强烈怀疑可能有类似属性的东西不同。在你可以构建一个不依赖于你的1e7 x 12数据集的可重复的东西之前,我们无能为力。

Also, the digest() function can output intermediate results and (as of the recent 0.5.1 version) even raw vectors.  That may help. Lastly, you can always contact us (as the package maintainers / authors) off-line which happens to be the recommended way within R land, the popularity of StackOverflow not withstanding.

此外,digest()函数可以输出中间结果和(截至最近的0.5.1版本)甚至原始向量。这可能有所帮助。最后,您可以随时联系我们(作为软件包维护者/作者)离线,这恰好是R land中的推荐方式,StackOverflow的受欢迎程度无法承受。

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