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I have an exam question from a past paper that I'm trying to answer:


Discuss variables of type primitive, reference and static in the context of a programming language. Give suitable examples [8].


The answer I have so far is:


A primitive type is an object which the language has given a predefined value. These types include int, bool and float. Reference type objects refer to these primitive types in a particular sequence when instantiated. Examples of these are strings and arrays. The static keyword, when assigned to a variable, means that there is only one instance of this variable and the value assigned applies to all references of the variable.

基本类型是语言已给出预定义值的对象。这些类型包括int,bool和float。引用类型对象在实例化时以特定顺序引用这些基元类型。这些的示例是字符串和数组。 static关键字在分配给变量时,意味着此变量只有一个实例,并且赋值的值适用于变量的所有引用。

I'm fairly new to programming so I don't know if this is exactly right, so if anyone could give me some tips on how to improve the mark I would get for this question I'd greatly appreciate it.


3 个解决方案


A primitive type is an object which the language has given a predefined value


Why? Even references can have predefined values as noted. For primitive (built in) types you may want to say these are types that a language provides built in support for. What your instructor might be glad to hear about is if you say that most primitive types are also value types in C# and you might want to discuss value types semantics (e.g., value type variable directly contains value - whereas a reference variable just contains an address to some object in memory).

为什么?即使引用也可以具有预定义值,如上所述对于原始(内置)类型,您可能希望说这些是语言提供内置支持的类型。您的教师可能很高兴听到的是,如果您说大多数原始类型也是C#中的值类型,您可能想要讨论值类型语义(例如,值类型变量直接包含值 - 而引用变量只包含一个地址到内存中的某个对象)。

About reference types again you may say that a reference variable doesn't contain the value or object directly - rather just a reference to it. Now again you may want to discuss reference semantics. For example if you have two reference variables pointing to same object - and you change the object from one reference change will be visible from another reference too - because both references point to same object. This is not the case with value types. If you assign same value type object to two different value type variables and change one variable - this change will not be visible in the second value type variable because each of them holds the value directly (e.g. each will have its own copy of the value type variable it was assigned to).

再次关于引用类型,您可能会说引用变量不直接包含值或对象 - 而只是对它的引用。现在再次,您可能想讨论引用语义。例如,如果有两个引用变量指向同一个对象 - 并且您从一个引用更改了对象,则从另一个引用中也可以看到更改 - 因为两个引用都指向同一个对象。值类型不是这种情况。如果将相同的值类型对象分配给两个不同的值类型变量并更改一个变量 - 此更改将在第二个值类型变量中不可见,因为它们中的每一个都直接保存值(例如,每个变量都有自己的值类型的副本变量它被分配给)。

Static types you have already described.



You are on the right track for sure, but you are missing some fundamental concepts about these. Also, the 3 are not mutually exclusive:


A primitive type is simply a syntax shortcut defined by the compiler for Framework Class Library or FCL types.

基本类型只是编译器为Framework Class Library或FCL类型定义的语法快捷方式。

A reference type is a pointer that represents an instance of a class. The objects they point to are allocated on the heap and the value of the variable is the memory address of that object rather than the class itself.


Static is not a type at all, but really defines where and when fields, properties, methods, and classes can be used. A static variable lives on the class rather then an instance. A static constructor is called the first time you access the class. A static method can be called from the class definition. That explains the persistence you see on static variables as you create and destroy them.



The answer to that question, in my opinion -- has not a thing to do with OOP and everything to do with the compiler and microprocessor.


The simplest and most accurate definition of the term that subsumes all of the qualities of a primitive type -- as I understand it -- is:

包含原始类型的所有特性的术语的最简单和最准确的定义 - 据我所知 - 是:

A primitive type must fit into the register used for operations on it -- IOW, in an X86 system -- the Accumulator.

原始类型必须适合用于操作的寄存器 - IOW,在X86系统中 - 累加器。

So, primitive types are limited to the size of the Accumulator and can be operated upon by native processor instructions. (Basic math and Boolean/bit-shifting operations). Yes, it fits into heap memory and on the stack, but those are still essentially 8-bit entities and the registers are not.

因此,原始类型仅限于累加器的大小,并且可以由本机处理器指令操作。 (基本数学和布尔/位移操作)。是的,它适合堆内存和堆栈,但那些仍然是8位实体,寄存器不是。

OOP languages do not use primitive types for their managed memory processes, they use structures that mimic primitive types. (Even in .NET, when you use the keyword int -- it uses System.Int32 to wrap that.)

OOP语言不使用原始类型作为其托管内存进程,它们使用模仿原始类型的结构。 (即使在.NET中,当您使用关键字int时 - 它使用System.Int32来包装它。)

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