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I am getting the error java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget.


This occurs when creating a bitmap for the purpose of manually drawing a line graph.


width = display.getWidth() - 10;
height = width * 4 / 5;
Bitmap emptyBmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Config.ARGB_8888);
Bitmap charty = createMyGraphAndStuff(emptyBmap);

It looks like the total memory allocated was about 700 Kb, an unreasonable amount.

看起来分配的总内存大约是700 Kb,这是一个不合理的数量。

I've seen other solutions invoked when creating bitmaps from a file, but here I am generating one myself. How can I minimize its memory footprint?


Here's some more code to give you a better idea of what it's doing:


public Bitmap DrawTheGraphAndStuff(Bitmap bitmap, String[] scores)
        Bitmap output = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), Config.ARGB_8888);
        Canvas canvas = new Canvas(output);


        plotTheDataPoints(canvas ,  scores ,  "the title" , 0 );    

        canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, rect, rect, paint);

        return output;

5 个解决方案



when the OOM occur, give some advice:


1.need know the oom occur position, the log information is enough


2.the most time is the bitmap process, so you need know how much a image about used memory:


the formula: w * h * every pixel token memory in byte, if the Config is Config.ARGB_8888, every pixel token memory is 4bytes, if it is the Config.RGB_565, is 2bytes.

公式:w * h *每个像素标记内存以字节为单位,如果Config为Config.ARGB_8888,则每个像素标记内存为4bytes,如果是Config.RGB_565,则为2bytes。

3.also, you need know the every app memory limits in your device:


   ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
   activityManager.getMemoryClass(); //return the memory size limit in MB

3.if the bitmap did not used again, try recyle() it


4.if began the bitmap process, the memory is almost the max memory limit, so use the adb shell dumpsys meminfo $pid to check the memory usage, also the ddms - allocation tracker is useful

4.如果开始进行位图处理,内存几乎是最大内存限制,所以使用adb shell dumpsys meminfo $ pid来检查内存使用情况,ddms - 分配跟踪器也很有用



If your display width is 480, your bitmap is 470x376. At 4 bytes per pixel that is 706880 bytes. The only way to use less memory is to make the bitmap smaller.




Basically recycle your bitmaps and you shouldn't have that problem any more. Use recycle().




This is not really a problem to fix, it's a design issue to address. You cannot assume anything about the heap that will be made available to you. Here are some things that might help you.


  • One thing you might want to consider seriously is loading a compressed version of the Bitmap: Figure out the amount of memory available on the heap before loading the Bitmap. Based on this, compute the size of the Bitmap that you want to load, compute the height and width from this and then load the Bitmap.
  • 您可能需要认真考虑的一件事是加载Bitmap的压缩版本:在加载Bitmap之前计算堆上可用的内存量。在此基础上,计算要加载的位图的大小,从中计算高度和宽度,然后加载位图。
  • Make sure you are not leaking Bitmaps. This is one of the major issues people run into. This might happen in a multitude of ways, up from leaking Views to leaking Activities. To check this out, profile your working memory.
  • 确保您没有泄漏位图。这是人们遇到的主要问题之一。这可能以多种方式发生,从泄漏视图到泄漏活动。要检查这一点,请分析您的工作记忆。
  • When there are no memory leaks, the GC automatically cleans up the Bitmaps. In pre-3.0 devices, you have to invoke recycle() because the GC doesn't do a good job. This is not required in post-3.0 devices. Though be careful, if you invoke recycle() on a Bitmap thats being used, say in an ImageView, you'll get an exception.
  • 当没有内存泄漏时,GC会自动清理位图。在3.0之前的设备中,您必须调用recycle(),因为GC不能很好地完成工作。在3.0之后的设备中不需要这样做。虽然要小心,如果你在一个正在使用的Bitmap上调用recycle(),比如在ImageView中,你会得到一个例外。



You could always try using soft referenced bitmaps however they may get garbage collected faster than you need them to be.


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