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Since API tokens expire after 14 days, it's possible to be "logged out" while the client is open. You stop having permission to do things and stop getting non-public data, but the client still thinks it's logged in. We should detect if this has happened and get the client to prompt for a password so it can get a new token. (related to #219)

What needs to be done:
- In Flarum\Api\LoginWithHeader, if an invalid token is presented, we should return a 401 or 403 + error message.
- The client's


method should look for this specific error. If encountered, it should present a modal to the user asking them to re-enter their password. The modal should contain the username + avatar, a password input, a "login" button, and a "cancel" button.
- If the login button is clicked, it should attempt to get a new token from the API. If successful, dismiss the modal and carry on.
- If the cancel button is clicked, it should unset app.session.user and dismiss the modal.


I'll do this sometime today - I've been working with the middleware layer (specifically the json api error management).


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