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What is the C# equivalent (.NET 2.0) of _rotl and _rotr from C++?

c#等效项是什么?从c++的_rotl和_rotr ?

6 个解决方案



Is this what you are trying to do?


Jon Skeet answered this in another site

Jon Skeet在另一个网站上回答了这个问题

Basically what you want is


(for left)


(original <> (32 -bits))


(for right)


(original >> bits) | (original <<(32 -bits))

Also, as Mehrdad has already suggested, this only works for uint, which is the example that Jon gives as well.




There's no built-in language feature for bit rotation in C#, but these extension methods should do the job:


public static uint RotateLeft(this uint value, int count)
    return (value <> (32 - count))

public static uint RotateRight(this uint value, int count)
    return (value >> count) | (value <<(32 - count))

Note: As Mehrdad points out, right-shift (>>) for signed integers is a peculiarity: it fills the MSBs with sign bit rather than 0 as it does for unsigned numbers. I've now changed the methods to take and return uint (unsigned 32-bit integer) instead - this is also in greater accordance with the C++ rotl and rotr functions. If you want to rotate integers, just case them before passing, and again cast the return value, of course.

注意:正如Mehrdad所指出的,有符号整数的右移位(>>)是一种特性:它用符号位而不是0来填充MSBs,就像它对无符号数字一样。现在我已经更改了获取和返回uint的方法(未签名的32位整数),这也更符合c++ rotl和rotr函数。如果您想要旋转整数,只需在传递之前标记它们,然后再一次抛出返回值。

Example usage:


int foo1 = 8.RotateRight(3); // foo1 = 1
int foo2 = int.MinValue.RotateLeft(3); // foo2 = 4

(Note that int.MinValue is 111111111111111111111111 - 32 1s in binary.)

(注意,int.MinValue是11111111111111111111111111111111111111 - 32 1s,二进制)



The naive version of shifting won't work. The reason is, right shifting signed numbers will fill the left bits with sign bit, not 0:


You can verify this fact with:


Console.WriteLine(-1 >> 1);

The correct way is:


public static int RotateLeft(this int value, int count)
    uint val = (uint)value;
    return (int)((val <> (32 - count)));

public static int RotateRight(this int value, int count)
    uint val = (uint)value;
    return (int)((value >> count) | (value <<(32 - count)));



Note that if you want to create overloads that operate on shorter integral values, you need to add an extra step, as shown in:


public static byte RotateLeft(
    this byte value,
    int count )
    // Unlike the RotateLeft( uint, int ) and RotateLeft( ulong, int ) 
    // overloads, we need to mask out the required bits of count 
    // manually, as the shift operaters will promote a byte to uint, 
    // and will not mask out the correct number of count bits.
    count &= 0x07;
    return (byte)((value <> (8 - count)));

The masking operation is not needed for the 32-bit and 64-bit overloads, as the shift operators themselves take care of it for those sizes of left-hand operands.




With the latest C# 7, you can now create by-ref extension methods, so you can get rid of the busywork of constantly storing the return value from the helper function back into the variable.

使用最新的c# 7,您现在可以创建by-ref扩展方法,这样您就可以摆脱不断地将返回值从helper函数存储回变量的busywork。

This streamlines the rotate functions nicely, and eliminates a common class of bug where you forget to re-store the function's return value, yet while possibly introducing a new, completely different type of bug--where ValueTypes are inadvertently getting modified in-situ when you didn't want or expect them to be.


public static void Rol(ref this ulong ul) => ul = (ul <<1) | (ul >> 63);

public static void Rol(ref this ulong ul, int N) => ul = (ul <> (64 - N));

public static void Ror(ref this ulong ul) => ul = (ul <<63) | (ul >> 1);

public static void Ror(ref this ulong ul, int N) => ul = (ul <<(64 - N)) | (ul >> N);
///   note: ---^        ^---^--- extension method can now use 'ref' for ByRef semantics

Usually I would be sure to put [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] on small methods like these, but after some investigation (on x64) I found out that it's not necessary at all here. If the JIT determines the method is eligible (for example, if you uncheck the VisualStudio debugger checkbox 'Suppress JIT Optimization', which is enabled by default) the methods will inlined regardless, and that is the case here.

通常我肯定会把[MethodImpl(method dimploptions.aggressiveinlining)放在这样的小方法上,但在x64进行了一些调查之后,我发现这里根本没有必要这样做。如果JIT确定该方法是合格的(例如,如果不选中VisualStudio调试器复选框“打压JIT优化”(默认情况下是启用的),那么这些方法将不考虑内联,这里就是这样。

To demonstrate the use of a by-ref extension method, I'll focus just on the first method shown above "rotate left", and compare the JIT output between the traditional by-value extension method and the newer by-ref approach. Here are the two test methods to be compared on x64 Release in .NET 4.7 on Windows 10. As noted above, this will be with JIT optimization 'not-suppressed', so under these test conditions as you'll see, the functions will completely disappear into inline code.

为了演示by-ref扩展方法的使用,我将只关注上面“向左旋转”所示的第一个方法,并比较传统的by-value扩展方法和较新的by-ref方法之间的JIT输出。下面是在Windows 10的。net 4.7版本的x64上要比较的两种测试方法。如上所述,这将使用JIT优化“不受抑制”,因此在您将看到的这些测试条件下,函数将完全消失在内联代码中。

static ulong Rol_ByVal(this ulong ul) => (ul <<1) | (ul >> 63);

static void Rol_ByRef(ref this ulong ul) => ul = (ul <<1) | (ul >> 63);
//                 notice reassignment here ---^  (c̲a̲l̲l̲e̲e̲ doing it instead of caller)

And here is the C# code for each corresponding call site. Since the fully JIT-optimized AMD64 code is so small, I can just include it here as well. This is the optimal case:


static ulong x = 1;   // static so it won't be optimized away in this simple test

// ------- ByVal extension method; c̲a̲l̲l̲e̲r̲ must reassign 'x' with the result -------

                     x = x.Rol_ByVal();
// 00007FF969CC0481  mov         eax,dword ptr [7FF969BA4888h]  
// 00007FF969CC0487  rol         rax,1  
// 00007FF969CC048A  mov         qword ptr [7FF969BA4888h],rax  

// ------- New in C#7, ByRef extension method can directly alter 'x' in-situ -------

// 00007FF969CC0491  rol         qword ptr [7FF969BA4888h],1  

Wow. Yes, that's no joke. Right off the bat we can see that the glaring lack of an OpCodes.Rot-family of instructions in the ECMA CIL (.NET) intermediate language is a total non-issue; The jitter was able to see through our pile of C# workaround code to divine its simple and pure intention, and the x64 JIT implements it with great code. Impressively, the ByRef version uses a single instruction to perform the rotation directly on the main-memory target address without even loading it into a register.

哇。是的,这不是笑话。从蝙蝠身上我们可以看到,明显缺乏一个操作码。在ECMA CIL (.NET)中间语言中的rot -族指令是完全不存在的;jitter可以通过我们的一堆c#工作代码来查看它的简单和纯粹的意图,而x64 JIT用伟大的代码实现它。令人印象深刻的是,ByRef版本使用一条指令直接在主内存目标地址上执行旋转,而不需要将其加载到寄存器中。

You can still see a residual trace of the excess copying which was necessary in the by-val case. Here is just 8-bytes of shuffling, which won't be much of a problem, but remember that the ValueType could just as easily be several thousand bytes. Obviously passing those around by-value all the time would likely indicate a fundamental design flaw, but the point here is that just four simple lines of native code clearly show not only the potential for disaster--but the solution as well.


To investigate further, we have to re-suppress JIT optimizations in the debugging session. Doing so will make our helper extension methods come back, with full bodies and stack frames. These clunkier versions will further exaggerate--and exacerbate--the problem shown so minimalistically above. First, let's look at the call sites. Here we really start to see the effect of traditional ValueType semantics, in other words, the lengths that are required to ensure that every stack frame's cannot manipulate their parents' ValueType copies:




                     x = x.Rol_ByVal();
// 00007FF969CE049C  mov         rcx,qword ptr [7FF969BC4888h]  
// 00007FF969CE04A3  call        00007FF969CE00A8  
// 00007FF969CE04A8  mov         qword ptr [rbp-8],rax  
// 00007FF969CE04AC  mov         rcx,qword ptr [rbp-8]  
// 00007FF969CE04B0  mov         qword ptr [7FF969BC4888h],rcx  



// 00007FF969CE04B7  mov         rcx,7FF969BC4888h  
// 00007FF969CE04C1  call        00007FF969CE00B0
//             ...all done, nothing to do here; the callee did everything in-place for us

As we might expect from the C# code associated with each of these two fragments, we see that the by-val caller has a bunch of work to do after the call returns. This is the process of overwriting the parent copy of the ulong value 'x' with the completely independent ulong value that's returned in the rax register.


Last but not least, it's instructive to look at the native code the x64 Release JIT emits for Rol_ByVal and Rol_ByRef functions. As noted, this requires forcing the JIT to "suppress" the optimizations it normally would apply during its once-per-app-launch (so-called "just-in-time") conversion of our .NET IL instructions into speedy native code, tuned for the detected platform.

最后但并非最不重要的是,查看x64发行版JIT为Rol_ByVal和Rol_ByRef函数发出的本机代码是很有意义的。如前所述,这需要强制JIT“抑制”它通常在每次应用程序启动(所谓的“即时”)时应用的优化,将. net IL指令转换为快速的本机代码,并为检测到的平台进行调优。

In order to focus on the tiny but crucial difference between the two, I've stripped away some of administrative boilerplate. (I left the stack frame setup and teardown for context, and to show how in this example, that ancillary stuff pretty much dwarfs the actual contentful instructions.) Can you see the ByRef's indirection at work? Well, it helps that I pointed it out :-/


                 static ulong Rol_ByVal(this ulong ul) => (ul <<1) | (ul >> 63);
// 00007FF969CD0760  push        rbp  
// 00007FF969CD0761  sub         rsp,20h  
// 00007FF969CD0765  lea         rbp,[rsp+20h]  
// ...
// 00007FF969CE0E4C  mov         rax,qword ptr [rbp+10h]  
// 00007FF969CE0E50  rol         rax,1  
// 00007FF969CD0798  lea         rsp,[rbp]  
// 00007FF969CD079C  pop         rbp  
// 00007FF969CD079D  ret  

                 static void Rol_ByRef(ref this ulong ul) => ul = (ul <<1) | (ul >> 63);
// 00007FF969CD0760  push        rbp  
// 00007FF969CD0761  sub         rsp,20h  
// 00007FF969CD0765  lea         rbp,[rsp+20h]  
// ...
// 00007FF969CE0E8C  mov         rax,qword ptr [rbp+10h]  
// 00007FF969CE0E90  rol         qword ptr [rax],1              <--- !
// 00007FF969CD0798  lea         rsp,[rbp]  
// 00007FF969CD079C  pop         rbp  
// 00007FF969CD079D  ret  

You might notice that both calls are in fact passing the parent's instance of the ulong value by reference--both examples are identical in this regard. The parent indicates the address where its private copy of ul resides in the upper stack frame. Turns out it's not necessary to insulate callees from reading those instances where they lie, as long as we can be sure they never write to those pointers. This is a "lazy" or deferred approach which assigns to each lower (child) stack frame the responsibility for preserving the ValueType semantics of its higher-up callers. There's no need for a caller to proactively copy any ValueType passed down to a child frame if the child never ends up overwriting it; to maximize the avoidance of unnecessary copying as much as possible, only the child can make the latest-possible determination.


Also interesting is that we might have an explanation here for the clunky use of rax in the first 'ByVal' example I showed. After the by-value method had been completely reduced via inlining, why did the rotation still need to happen in a register?


Well in these latest two full-method-body versions its clear that the first method returns ulong and the second is void. Since a return value is passed in rax, the ByVal method here has to fetch it into that register anyway, so it's a no-brainer to rotate it there too. Because the ByRef method doesn't need to return any value, it doesn't need to stick anything for its caller anywhere, let alone in rax. It seems likely that "not having to bother with rax" liberates the ByRef code to target the ulong instance its parent has shared 'where it lies', using the fancy qword ptr to indirect into the parent's stack frame memory, instead of using a register. So that's my speculative, but perhaps credible, explanation for the "residual rax" mystery we saw earlier.

在最近的两个完整方法体版本中,第一个方法返回ulong,第二个方法无效。由于返回值是在rax中传递的,所以这里的ByVal方法无论如何都必须将它取出到那个寄存器中,因此将它旋转到那里也很容易。因为ByRef方法不需要返回任何值,所以它不需要在任何地方为调用者插入任何东西,更不用说在rax中了。似乎“不必费心使用rax”释放了ByRef代码来针对其父实例共享“where It lie”的ulong实例,使用花哨的qword ptr间接进入父实例的堆栈帧内存,而不是使用寄存器。这就是我对之前看到的“残余rax”之谜的推测,但可能是可信的。



// if you are using string

string str=Convert.ToString(number,2);


//Rotate right

str = str.PadLeft(33, str[str.Length - 1]);

str= str.Remove(str.Length - 1);


//Rotate left

str = str.PadRight(33, str[0]);

str= str.Remove(0,1);


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