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I just installed visio, and the installer almost seemed like it was built in flash. The buttons kinda glowed when I hovered over them, and when I clicked on 'continue' the form phased out in a cool way.


I'm assuming it was built in WPF.


Anyhow, so are WPF more flash-like (visually speaking). Do they have new properties where you can make forms phase out nicely/smoothly compared to winforms?


4 个解决方案



Disclaimer: I work for Microsoft. However, I don't work on Visio, WPF, CLR or Silverlight team. So, the following is my personal take on these technologies. If you want to quote me, don't do it implying it's the official Microsoft position. :-))


Update: Anything I say below about Flash/Flex/AIR might be wrong, as I have not worked with these technologies and what I know about them is based on what I read on the intertubes. :-) If you notice anything wrong, just shout in the comment and I'll correct it.


To the best of my knowledge, the Visio installer is not built with WPF. It's all unmanaged code; it's just people took a lot of care to make it really polished.


WPF is the new UI platform for building standalone applications for the Windows OS. It supports a declarative UI language - XAML, and related CLR types to program against. WPF is a different platform than WinForms, although it is possible to build applications that mix UI built with both. WPF supports a lot of things that WinForms does not, like bitmap effects, animations, control styling and so on and exposes them both in XAML or through code. Also, WPF relies heavily on vector graphics, as opposed to the pixel graphics in WinForms. In short, WPF is quite powerfull and allows building very snazzy UI. (Don't take my word for it, though, as I am biased; go check around for what people are saying about it or buiding with it. :-))

WPF是为Windows OS构建独立应用程序的新UI平台。它支持声明式UI语言XAML和相关的CLR类型。WPF是与WinForms不同的平台,尽管可以构建将UI与WinForms结合在一起的应用程序。WPF支持很多WinForms不支持的东西,比如位图效果、动画、控件样式等等,并通过XAML或代码公开它们。此外,WPF严重依赖矢量图形,而不是WinForms中的像素图形。简单地说,WPF非常强大,允许构建非常时髦的UI。(不要相信我的话,因为我有偏见;去看看人们是怎么说的或者是怎么做的。:-))

WPF and WinForms do not compete with Flash/Flex. WPF and WinForms are both UI frameworks for building standalone client applications. As far as I know, Flash/Flex are frameworks for building rich internet applications - RIA (though lately people started interpreting this abbreviation as rich interactive applications).


Adobe did come up with AIR about half a year (or maybe a year) ago, which allows building standalone client applications, so you could say that Adobe is trying to position Flash/Flex/AIR to compete with WPF. Of course, that's my take on it and I doubt Adobe's official positiong is anything like that.


If you want to compare particular MS technnologies with Flash/Flex, take a look at Silverlight - it's the MS RIA platform.

如果您想比较特定的MS技术和Flash/Flex,请查看Silverlight——它是MS RIA平台。

Silverlight is related to WPF in the sense that they share XAML and the corresponding CLR types. Silverlight supports only a subset of what WPF offers, though, as it is not targeting Windows OS only and thus is limited by the fact that it has to be portable.

Silverlight与WPF有关,因为它们共享XAML和相应的CLR类型。不过,Silverlight只支持WPF提供的一部分功能,因为它不仅针对Windows OS,而且由于它必须具有可移植性,因此受到限制。

Quick update to reflect the changes in the year since I've written the answer :-)


With Silverlight 3 shipped, SL and WPF are getting even closer and sharing bigger set of supported features. In addition, most of the new XAML controls are built for platform at the same time. Thus, SL/WPF are getting to a point of singularity...

随着Silverlight 3的发布,SL和WPF之间的距离越来越近,并且共享了更多的支持特性。此外,大多数新的XAML控件都是同时为平台构建的。因此,SL/WPF正接近奇点……

Also, SL 3 supports out-of-browser applications. In that sense, SL is not only starting to compete with Flash/Flex, but it is also encroaching on AIR's turf.

此外,SL 3还支持浏览器外的应用程序。从这个意义上说,SL不仅开始与Flash/Flex竞争,而且还在蚕食AIR的地盘。

And no, I still don't work on the WPF or Silverlight team. :-)




WPF is being used as a replacement for WinForms, and as a competitor to Flash in the form of Silverlight. WPF consists of an entirely new object model that sits on top of DirectX (at least the desktop version). You can create WPF windows, controls, etc, entirely using C# or another .Net language just like you can render WinForms. However, Microsoft has also created a markup language called XAML (eXensible Application Markup Language). Nodes in an XAML document (XML) map to objects in a similar fashion to the way ASP.Net maps to web controls. XAML typically exists in a .Net project alongside a code-behind style C# file (or VB.Net or whatever). The C# file interacts with the objects generated by the XAML. This is fairly consistent with the "graphics via markup, logic via code" model that Microsoft and others are pushing.

WPF被用作WinForms的替代品,作为Flash的竞争对手,以Silverlight的形式出现。WPF由一个位于DirectX之上的全新对象模型(至少是桌面版本)组成。您可以创建WPF窗口、控件等,完全使用c#或其他。net语言,就像您可以呈现WinForms一样。然而,微软也创建了一种名为XAML (exenable Application markup language)的标记语言。XAML文档(XML)中的节点以类似于ASP的方式映射到对象。Net映射到web控件。XAML通常存在于一个。net项目中,旁边还有一个代码支持的c#文件(或者VB)。净之类的)。c#文件与XAML生成的对象交互。这与微软和其他公司正在推动的“通过标记、逻辑、代码”的模式相当一致。

One of the overlooked features when discussing WPF is the completely awesome data-binding that Microsoft wrote for WPF. The new data binding framework is a quantum leap beyond Windows Forms 2.0 data-binding. Microsoft added a couple of new interfaces that make it much easier to make an object or collection emit data-biding events properly. They also provided a very rich set of data-binding classes. You can bind anything to just about anything else. You can bind one-way data to control, control to data, two-way control to data and back, control to control, etc.

在讨论WPF时,一个被忽视的特性是Microsoft为WPF编写的完全出色的数据绑定。新的数据绑定框架超越了Windows Forms 2.0的数据绑定。微软增加了一些新的接口,使对象或集合能够更容易地正确地发出数据等待事件。它们还提供了一组非常丰富的数据绑定类。你可以把任何东西绑定到任何东西上。您可以将单向数据绑定到控件,控件绑定到数据,双向控件绑定到数据和数据,控件绑定到控件,等等。

Back on the graphics side of the house, WPF makes it fairly easy to make an existing control look like anything. WP lets you compose your own template for what a class of buttons should look like, or one button, or all buttons. Or radio buttons. Or labels. You get my drift. Imagine if CSS included the ability to define what an input button would look like using other HTML controls.


They also provide a number of layout controls. You can continue to use exact positioning like in WinForms, or you can leverage of variety of techniques to make your window act more like a web page that grows and shrinks with resizing, etc.


The downsides: It is too easy to create spectacular effects that crawl on slower machines. Some of the graphics do not take advantage of hardware of graphics cards, though Microsoft has incrementally improved support for this. I believe when 3.0 first came out drop shadows were rendered purely using software. I think 3.5 or 3.5 SP1 changed it so that WPF would utilize graphics hardware for the task. Microsoft has said they will continue to enhance WPF in this fashion.

缺点:在速度较慢的机器上创建引人注目的效果太容易了。有些图形并没有利用显卡的硬件,尽管微软已经逐步改进了对它的支持。我相信当3.0首先出现的时候,阴影是纯粹用软件渲染出来的。我想是3。5或3。5 SP1改变了它,这样WPF就可以在任务中使用图形硬件了。微软表示,他们将继续以这种方式提高WPF。

WPF is .Net 3.0 and above, which runs on XP SP2, Vista, and Servers 03 & 08. So don't plan on deploying WPF to a customer with Win2k desktops.

WPF是。net 3.0及以上版本,运行于XP SP2、Vista和服务器03和08上。因此,不要计划将WPF部署到使用Win2k桌面的客户。

Summary: If you are doing desktop programming in .Net, you should be doing it in WPF unless you are targeting Win2k. You can avoid the downsides of WPF, and there are many upsides. Microsoft will probably throw away WinForms in some future release, or at very least you will stop seeing new features, etc.


As far as Silverlight goes, the betas for SL 2.0 look good. I think that Silverlight will require some wide-spread adoption. Microsoft has already tried to get this going. The NBC Olypmics site used Silverlight, and Major League Baseball uses it for its MLB.tv product. As soon as Silverlight gets a good install base I think you will see the Microsoft side of the development world starting swinging away from Flash and to Silverlight.

就Silverlight而言,SL 2.0的beta版看起来不错。我认为Silverlight需要广泛采用。微软已经试图让这一切顺利进行。NBC的奥林匹克运动会网站使用了Silverlight,而美国职业棒球大联盟使用它作为其MLB。电视产品。只要Silverlight得到了一个好的安装基础,我想你就会看到,开发世界的微软方面开始从Flash转向Silverlight。

Edit after using Silverlight 3 and MVVM:

使用Silverlight 3和MVVM进行编辑:

I have moved away from WPF and am doing a lot of Silverlight 3 development. But I think my comments here will still apply to the WPF developer.

我已经离开了WPF,并且正在做很多Silverlight 3开发。但是我认为我在这里的评论仍然适用于WPF开发人员。

I have been using the MVVM pattern in my app (think MVC with a twist). The Microsoft Patterns and Practices team has released a set of libraries known as Prism that supports various aspects of MVVM. There are WPF and Silverlight versions. Take a look at MVVM and Prism if you are going to be doing WPF or Silverlight development.




You can do a lot of flash w/ Winforms, or with custom components. But if you want out-of-the-box bang-whizz availability, WPF is the way to go.

你可以做很多flash w/ Winforms,或者使用定制组件。但是如果您想要开箱即用的可用性,WPF是一个不错的选择。

Yeah, I think the intention is to be flash-like, it seems to me that MS has set its sights on taking down Adobe.




The way I see it: WPF is to Flash as WinForms is to Flex. WPF has more emphasis on vectors and states than on programming.


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