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 * 通用函数
if (is_file("config.php")) {
 C(include 'config.php');
if (!function_exists("__autoload")) {
 function __autoload($class_name) {
  require_once('classes/' . $class_name . '.class.php');
 * 数据库操作函数
 * @return \mysqli
function M() {
 $db = new Model();
 if (mysqli_connect_errno())
 return $db;
// 获取配置值
function C($name = null, $value = null) {
 //静态全局变量,后面的使用取值都是在 $)config数组取
 static $_cOnfig= array();
 // 无参数时获取所有
 if (empty($name))
  return $_config;
 // 优先执行设置获取或赋值
 if (is_string($name)) {
  if (!strpos($name, '.')) {
   $name = strtolower($name);
   if (is_null($value))
    return isset($_config[$name]) &#63; $_config[$name] : null;
   $_config[$name] = $value;
  // 二维数组设置和获取支持
  $name = explode('.', $name);
  $name[0] = strtolower($name[0]);
  if (is_null($value))
   return isset($_config[$name[0]][$name[1]]) &#63; $_config[$name[0]][$name[1]] : null;
  $_config[$name[0]][$name[1]] = $value;
 // 批量设置
 if (is_array($name)) {
  return $_cOnfig= array_merge($_config, array_change_key_case($name));
 return null; // 避免非法参数
function ajaxReturn($data = null, $message = "", $status) {
 $ret = array();
 $ret["data"] = $data;
 $ret["message"] = $message;
 $ret["status"] = $status;
 echo json_encode($ret);
function _dump($var) {
 if (C("debug"))
// 浏览器友好的变量输出
function dump($var, $echo = true, $label = null, $strict = true) {
 $label = ($label === null) &#63; '' : rtrim($label) . ' ';
 if (!$strict) {
  if (ini_get('html_errors')) {
   $output = print_r($var, true);
   $output = '
' . $label . htmlspecialchars($output, ENT_QUOTES) . '
'; } else { $output = $label . print_r($var, true); } } else { ob_start(); var_dump($var); $output = ob_get_clean(); if (!extension_loaded('xdebug')) { $output = preg_replace("/\]\=\&;\n(\s+)/m", '] => ', $output); $output = '
' . $label . htmlspecialchars($output, ENT_QUOTES) . '
'; } } if ($echo) { echo($output); return null; } else return $output; } /** * 调试输出 * @param type $msg */ function _debug($msg) { if (C("debug")) echo "$msg
"; } function _log($filename, $msg) { $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $msg = "[$time]\n$msg\r\n"; if (C("log")) { $fd = fopen($filename, "a+"); fwrite($fd, $msg); fclose($fd); } } /** * 日志记录 * @param type $str */ function L($msg) { $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $clientIP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $msg = "[$time $clientIP] $msg\r\n"; $log_file = C("LOGFILE"); _log($log_file, $msg); } &#63;>


 * 数据库配置文件
$db = array(
 'DB_TYPE' => 'mysql',
 'DB_HOST' => '',
 'DB_NAME' => 'DB',
 'DB_USER' => 'USER',
 'DB_PWD' => 'PWD',
 'DB_PORT' => '3306',
return $db;


 * 数据库模型类
class Model {
 // 数据库连接ID 支持多个连接
 protected $linkID = array();
 // 当前数据库操作对象
 protected $db = null;
 // 当前查询ID
 protected $queryID = null;
 // 当前SQL指令
 protected $queryStr = '';
 // 是否已经连接数据库
 protected $cOnnected= false;
 // 返回或者影响记录数
 protected $numRows = 0;
 // 返回字段数
 protected $numCols = 0;
 // 最近错误信息
 protected $error = '';
 public function __construct() {
  $this->db = $this->connect();
  * 连接数据库方法
 public function connect($cOnfig= '', $linkNum = 0) {
  if (!isset($this->linkID[$linkNum])) {
   if (empty($config))
    $cOnfig= array(
     'username' => C('DB_USER'),
     'password' => C('DB_PWD'),
     'hostname' => C('DB_HOST'),
     'hostport' => C('DB_PORT'),
     'database' => C('DB_NAME')
   $this->linkID[$linkNum] = new mysqli($config['hostname'], $config['username'], $config['password'], $config['database'], $config['hostport'] &#63; intval($config['hostport']) : 3306);
   if (mysqli_connect_errno())
   $this->cOnnected= true;
  return $this->linkID[$linkNum];
  * 初始化数据库连接
 protected function initConnect() {
  if (!$this->connected) {
   $this->db = $this->connect();
  * 获得所有的查询数据
  * @access private
  * @param string $sql sql语句
  * @return array
 public function select($sql) {
  if (!$this->db)
   return false;
  $query = $this->db->query($sql);
  $list = array();
  if (!$query)
   return $list;
  while ($rows = $query->fetch_assoc()) {
   $list[] = $rows;
  return $list;
  * 只查询一条数据
 public function find($sql) {
  $resultSet = $this->select($sql);
  if (false === $resultSet) {
   return false;
  if (empty($resultSet)) {// 查询结果为空
   return null;
  $data = $resultSet[0];
  return $data;
  * 获取一条记录的某个字段值 , sql 由自己组织
  * 例子: $model->getField("select id from user limit 1")
 public function getField($sql) {
  $resultSet = $this->select($sql);
  if (!empty($resultSet)) {
   return reset($resultSet[0]);
  * 执行查询 返回数据集
 public function query($str) {
  if (!$this->db) {
   if (C("debug"))
    echo "connect to database error";
   return false;
  $this->queryStr = $str;
  if ($this->queryID)
  $this->queryID = $this->db->query($str);
  // 对存储过程改进
  if ($this->db->more_results()) {
   while (($res = $this->db->next_result()) != NULL) {
  if (false === $this->queryID) {
   echo $this->error();
   return false;
  } else {
   $this->numRows = $this->queryID->num_rows;
   $this->numCols = $this->queryID->field_count;
   return $this->getAll();
  * 执行语句 , 例如插入,更新操作
  * @access public
  * @param string $str sql指令
  * @return integer
 public function execute($str) {
  if (!$this->db)
   return false;
  $this->queryStr = $str;
  if ($this->queryID)
  $result = $this->db->query($str);
  if (false === $result) {
   return false;
  } else {
   $this->numRows = $this->db->affected_rows;
   $this->lastInsID = $this->db->insert_id;
   return $this->numRows;
  * 获得所有的查询数据
  * @access private
  * @param string $sql sql语句
  * @return array
 private function getAll() {
  $result = array();
  if ($this->numRows > 0) {
   for ($i = 0; $i <$this->numRows; $i++) {
    $result[$i] = $this->queryID->fetch_assoc();
  return $result;
  * 返回最后插入的ID
 public function getLastInsID() {
  return $this->db->insert_id;
 // 返回最后执行的sql语句
 public function _sql() {
  return $this->queryStr;
  * 数据库错误信息
 public function error() {
  $this->error = $this->db->errno . ':' . $this->db->error;
  if ('' != $this->queryStr) {
   $this->error .= "\n [ SQL语句 ] : " . $this->queryStr;
  //trace($this->error, '', 'ERR');
  return $this->error;
  * 释放查询结果
 public function free() {
  $this->queryID = null;
  * 关闭数据库
 public function close() {
  if ($this->db) {
  $this->db = null;
  * 析构方法
 public function __destruct() {
  if ($this->queryID) {
  // 关闭连接


#include "common.php"
function test(){
 $model = M();
 $sql = "select * from test";
 $list = $model->query($sql);


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