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I am getting an issue in Python 3.3.2 on OSX 10.9 where if I open Python in a terminal window, it exits with "Segmentation error: 11" after the second line I enter, regardless of what the two commands are. For example, if I enter:

我在osx10.9的Python 3.3.2中遇到了一个问题,如果我在一个终端窗口中打开Python,它会以“分割错误:11”退出,不管这两个命令是什么。例如,如果我输入:

>>> for x in range(1000): print(x)

that works fine, but if I enter:


>>> for x in range(1000):
...     print(x)

then I get the error when I press enter on the second line. I can also run a script with more than 2 lines without any problems.


I updated to OSX 10.9 this afternoon, so I suspect that may be it.

我今天下午更新到OSX 10.9,所以我怀疑可能是这样。

However, I just recently installed IPython (along with several other packages) and have been using that the past couple of days, so it could be something else I installed recently. I had a couple unsuccessful attempts at installing PyQt where I ran configure.py but then the "make" command failed, which I was also suspicious of.


I tried reinstalling Python, but it didn't resolve the issue. Both IPython and IDLE work with no problems. I'm just concerned about what could be the underlying issue.


Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.


4 个解决方案



This is a bug in the readline compatibility in python, related to changes introduced in OSX10.9. This weekend, release candidates for Python2.7.6 and Python3.3.3 were released which fix this bug. The download links are below.






Here's the issue, quoting from Ned Deily, writing on the python-dev email list.

这里有一个问题,引用Ned Deily的话,写在python-dev的电子邮件列表上。

On Tuesday, Apple released OS X 10.9 (a.k.a. Mavericks). There has already been a lot of interest in it, in part because Apple has made it available for free and has made it easy for users with 10.8, 10.7, and (most) 10.6 systems to upgrade directly to 10.9. Unfortunately, there are issues with our current maintenance releases (3.3.2 and 2.7.5) on OS X 10.9 that call for new maintenance releases as soon as possible.

周二,苹果发布了OS X 10.9(又称Mavericks)。已经有很多人对此感兴趣,部分原因是苹果已经免费提供了它,并使10.8、10.7和(大部分)10.6系统的用户可以轻松地升级到10.9。不幸的是,我们当前的维护版本(3.3.2和2.7.5)在OS X 10.9上有一些问题,要求尽快发布新的维护版本。

One is critical in that it causes the interpreter to crash when running in interactive mode (http://bugs.python.org/issue18458). The problem was due to a long-standing compatibility issue in libedit's readline compatibility layer that upstream has finally fixed and Apple has now shipped in 10.9. Because the python.org installers dynamically link to libedit, the original workaround in readline.c for the original design flaw in history indexing now causes a segfault on 10.9 when the user types in the second command interactively. Not good. Ronald devised a fix that allows readline.so at runtime to detect and work with either version of libedit so that we continue to have binary compatibility across multiple OS X releases. That fix is already out in the 3.4.0 alphas and backported to the 3.3 and 2.7 branches, awaiting release there. Just in the last 12 hours, there have been at least four duplicates of the issue reported by users. I've updated the original issue to explicitly mention 10.9, now that it is no longer under NDA, and to provide a downloadable script for inexperienced users to workaround the problem by "removing" readline.so. Presumably, as word gets out, there will be fewer duplicate issues opened but the impact will remain.

其中一个关键因素是,它会导致解释器在以交互模式运行时崩溃(http://bugs.python.org/e18458)。问题是由于在libedit的readline兼容层中存在一个长期存在的兼容性问题,上游终于修复了,而苹果现在已经在10.9中发布了。因为python.org的安装程序会动态链接到libedit,这是readline中最初的工作。c由于历史索引的原始设计缺陷,在第2个命令的用户类型交互时,导致了10.9的segfault。不好的。罗纳德设计了一个允许readline的修复程序。因此,在运行时,要检测和处理任意版本的libedit,这样我们就可以在多个OS X版本中继续拥有二进制兼容性。这个补丁已经在3.4.0的alphas中,并向后移植到3.3和2.7分支,等待发布。仅在过去的12个小时内,用户报告的问题至少有4个重复。我已经更新了最初的问题,明确地提到了10.9,现在它已经不再属于NDA,并且为没有经验的用户提供了一个可下载的脚本,通过“删除”readline来解决这个问题。据推测,随着消息的传出,将会有更少的重复问题被打开,但影响将会继续存在。



I had this problem after upgrading to OS X 10.9 and used the patch provided on the Python website: http://bugs.python.org/issue18458#msg201087

在升级到OS X 10.9之后,我遇到了这个问题,并使用了Python网站上提供的补丁:http://bugs.python.org/e18458 #msg201087。

To use it, open a terminal session in Terminal.app (or other shell), then enter:


curl -O http://bugs.python.org/file32324/patch_readline_issue_18458.sh
openssl sha1 patch_readline_issue_18458.sh
# the digest should be 7cb0ff57820a027dd4ca242eb2418930f8f46b4c

sh ./patch_readline_issue_18458.sh

然后sh。/ patch_readline_issue_18458.sh

Enter your password, if prompted




I had this problem. Changing the chunksize in my csv parser to 100 eliminated the error.




I was encountering similar 'segmentation fault 11' errors but for me it was using mercurial(hg)


This was trying to use Python 2.7.8 installed via the .mpkg installer and pip install mercurial On OS X 10.9.5

这是尝试使用Python 2.7.8通过.mpkg安装程序和pip安装mercurial在OS X 10.9.5上安装的。

I thought updating to 2.7.8 would have resolved this but it seemed that mercurial was still looking for the System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7

我认为更新到2.7.8会解决这个问题,但是mercurial似乎仍然在寻找系统/库/框架/ python。

Even after trying to follow this slightly unwise advice Things still weren't working. I would run


hg init
hg add *
hg commit -m ...
hg status

would get 'segmentation fault 11'

会得到"分割错误11 "

The first couple of lines of the stack trace point to this:


Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0   ???                             000000000000000000 0 + 0
1   osutil.so                       0x00000001095ef768 listdir + 313
2   org.python.python               0x0000000109261b35 PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 14712
3   org.python.python               0x000000010925e093 PyEval_EvalCodeEx + 1641

In the end my solution seems to have come from (re)installing python with homebrew using that to get the 2.7.8 release (as of Dec 2014)


I then reinstalled mercurial with brew install mercurial which seems to have resolved whatever dependencies where causing this. I wish I understood better what was happening with the Seg fault but couldn't get to the bottom of it.


The best guess I still have is that mercurial was still referencing the system python despite 2.7.8 being installed properly and usr/local/bin being first in the path


/usr/local/bin:usr/local/git/bin:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:~/Develop:/usr/local/git/bin: No such file or directory

usr/local/git/bin:/Library/框架/Python.framework/版本/2.7/bin:/ usr/bin:/ usr/bin:/ usr/sbin:/ usr/sbin:/ usr/sbin:/ usr/sbin:/ usr/sbin:/ usr/sbin:/ usr/sbin:/ usr/sbin:/ usr/sbin:/ usr/sbin:/ usr/sbin:/ usr/sbin:/ usr/sbin:/ usr/本地/git/bin:没有这样的文件或目录。

So, what I'm suggesting is updating the python install with brew and then reinstalling whatever other packages you depend on.


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