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I have some code that does a lot of comparisons of 64-bit integers, however it must take into account the length of the number, as if it was formatted as a string. I can't change the calling code, only the function.


The easiest way (besides .ToString().Length) is:


(int)Math.Truncate(Math.Log10(x)) + 1;

However that performs rather poorly. Since my application only sends positive values, and the lengths are rather evenly distributed between 2 and 9 (with some bias towards 9), I precomputed the values and have if statements:


static int getLen(long x) {
    if (x <1000000) {
        if (x <100) return 2;
        if (x <1000) return 3;
        if (x <10000) return 4;
        if (x <100000) return 5;
        return 6;
    } else {
        if (x <10000000) return 7;
        if (x <100000000) return 8;
        if (x <1000000000) return 9; 
        return (int)Math.Truncate(Math.Log10(x)) + 1; // Very uncommon

This lets the length be computed with an average of 4 compares.


So, are there any other tricks I can use to make this function faster?


Edit: This will be running as 32-bit code (Silverlight).



I took Norman's suggestion and changed the ifs around a bit to result in an average of only 3 compares. As per Sean's comment, I removed the Math.Truncate. Together, this boosted things about 10%. Thanks!


10 个解决方案



Two suggestions:

  1. Profile and put the common cases first.
  2. 简介并将常见案例放在第一位。

  3. Do a binary search to minimize the number of comparions in the worst case. You can decide among 8 alternatives using exactly three comparisons.
  4. 进行二分查找以最小化最坏情况下的比较次数。您可以使用恰好三个比较来决定8个替代方案。

This combination probably doesn't buy you much unless the distribution is very skew.




From Sean Anderson's Bit Twiddling Hacks:

来自Sean Anderson的Bit Twiddling Hacks:

Find integer log base 10 of an integer


unsigned int v; // non-zero 32-bit integer value to compute the log base 10 of 
int r;          // result goes here
int t;          // temporary

static unsigned int const PowersOf10[] = 
    {1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000,
     1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000};

t = (IntegerLogBase2(v) + 1) * 1233 >> 12; // (use a lg2 method from above)
r = t - (v 

The integer log base 10 is computed by first using one of the techniques above for finding the log base 2. By the relationship log10(v) = log2(v) / log2(10), we need to multiply it by 1/log2(10), which is approximately 1233/4096, or 1233 followed by a right shift of 12. Adding one is needed because the IntegerLogBase2 rounds down. Finally, since the value t is only an approximation that may be off by one, the exact value is found by subtracting the result of v

通过首先使用上述技术之一来查找日志库2来计算整数对数库10.通过关系log10(v)= log2(v)/ log2(10),我们需要将其乘以1 / log2( 10),大约是1233/4096,或1233,然后右移12.需要添加一个,因为IntegerLogBase2向下舍入。最后,由于值t只是一个可能偏离1的近似值,因此通过减去v

This method takes 6 more operations than IntegerLogBase2. It may be sped up (on machines with fast memory access) by modifying the log base 2 table-lookup method above so that the entries hold what is computed for t (that is, pre-add, -mulitply, and -shift). Doing so would require a total of only 9 operations to find the log base 10, assuming 4 tables were used (one for each byte of v).

此方法比IntegerLogBase2多运行6次。通过修改上面的log base 2 table-lookup方法,可以加速(在具有快速内存访问的机器上),以便条目保存为t计算的内容(即pre-add,-mulitply和-shift)。这样做将需要总共仅9个操作来找到日志库10,假设使用了4个表(对于v的每个字节一个表)。

As far as computing IntegerLogBase2, there are several alternatives presented on that page. It's a great reference for all sorts of highly optimized integer operations.


A variant of your version is also there, except it assumes the values (rather than the log base 10 of the values) are uniformly distributed, and therefore does an exponentially ordered search:


Find integer log base 10 of an integer the obvious way


unsigned int v; // non-zero 32-bit integer value to compute the log base 10 of 
int r;          // result goes here

r = (v >= 1000000000) ? 9 : (v >= 100000000) ? 8 : (v >= 10000000) ? 7 : 
    (v >= 1000000) ? 6 : (v >= 100000) ? 5 : (v >= 10000) ? 4 : 
    (v >= 1000) ? 3 : (v >= 100) ? 2 : (v >= 10) ? 1 : 0;

This method works well when the input is uniformly distributed over 32-bit values because 76% of the inputs are caught by the first compare, 21% are caught by the second compare, 2% are caught by the third, and so on (chopping the remaining down by 90% with each comparision). As a result, less than 2.6 operations are needed on average.




Here's a binary-search version, which I have tested, which works on 64-bit integers using exactly five comparisons each time.


int base10len(uint64_t n) {
  int len = 0;
  /* n <10^32 */
  if (n >= 10000000000000000ULL) { n /= 10000000000000000ULL; len += 16; }
  /* n <10^16 */
  if (n >= 100000000) { n /= 100000000; len += 8; }
  /* n <100000000 = 10^8 */
  if (n >= 10000) { n /= 10000; len += 4; }
  /* n <10000 */
  if (n >= 100) { n /= 100; len += 2; }
  /* n <100 */
  if (n >= 10) { return len + 2; }
  else         { return len + 1; }

I doubt this is going to be any faster than what you're already doing. But it's predictable.




I did some testing, and this seems to be 2-4 times faster than the code that you have now:


static int getLen(long x) {
    int len = 1;
    while (x > 9999) {
        x /= 10000;
        len += 4;
    while (x > 99) {
        x /= 100;
        len += 2;
    if (x > 9) len++;
    return len;

Here is a version that uses more Int32 operations, that should work better if you don't have an x64 application:


static int getLen(long x) {
    int len = 1;
    while (x > 99999999) {
        x /= 100000000;
        len += 8;
    int y = (int)x;
    while (y > 999) {
        y /= 1000;
        len += 3;
    while (y > 9) {
        y /= 10;
        len ++;
    return len;



You commented in code that 10 digits or more is very uncommon, so your original solution is not bad




I haven't tested this, but the change of base law says:


Log10(x) = Log2(x) / Log2(10)

Log10(x)= Log2(x)/ Log2(10)

Log2 should be a bit faster than Log10 if it's implemented right.




static int getDigitCount( int x )
    int digits = ( x <0 ) ? 2 : 1; // '0' has one digit,negative needs space for sign
    while( x > 9 ) // after '9' need more
        x /= 10; // divide and conquer
    return digits;



not sure if this is faster or not.. but you can always count...


static int getLen(long x) {
    int len = 1;
    while (x > 0) {
        x = x/10;
    return len



What do you mean by length? Number of zeros or everything? This does significant figures, but you get the general idea


public static string SpecialFormat(int v, int sf)  
     int k = (int)Math.Pow(10, (int)(Math.Log10(v) + 1 - sf));  
     int v2 = ((v + k/2) / k) * k;  
     return v2.ToString("0,0");  



It's a simple way.


private static int GetDigitCount(int number)
    int digit = 0;

    number = Math.Abs(number);

    while ((int)Math.Pow(10, digit++) <= number);

    return digit - 1;

If number is unsigned int then "Math.Abs(number)" not necessary.

如果number是unsigned int,那么“Math.Abs​​(number)”不是必需的。

I made extension method with all numeric types.


    private static int GetDigitCount(dynamic number)
        dynamic digit = 0;

        number = Math.Abs(number);

        while ((dynamic)Math.Pow(10, digit++) <= number)

        return digit - 1;

    public static int GetDigit(this int number)
        return GetDigitCount(number);

    public static int GetDigit(this long number)
        return GetDigitCount(number);

then you use this.


int x = 100;
int digit = x.GetDigit();  // 3 expected.

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