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std::begin and std::end know the beginning and end of a container or an array.


It so easy to know the end and begin of a vector for example because it is a class that gives this information. But, how does it know the end of an array like the following?


int simple_array[5]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
auto beg=std::begin(simple_array);
auto en=std::end(simple_array);

std::begin is not that hard to know where the array start. But how does it know where it ends? Will the constant integer 5 be stored somewhere?


I would appreciate if I got an answer with some low-level information.


3 个解决方案



is the constant integer 5 will be stored some where?


Yes, it's part of the type of the array. But no, it's not stored anywhere explicitly. When you have


int i[5] = { };

the type of i is int[5]. Shafik's answer talks about how this length is used to implement end.


If you've C++11, using constexpr would be the simple way to go

如果您有c++ 11,那么使用constexpr将是最简单的方法

inline constexpr size_t
arrLen(const T (&arr) [N]) {
    return N;

If you've a pre-C++11 compiler where constexpr isn't available, the above function may not be evaluated at compile-time. So in such situations, you may use this:

如果您有一个前c++ 11编译器,其中constexpr不可用,那么上面的函数可能不会在编译时进行计算。所以在这种情况下,你可以用这个:

char (&arrLenFn(const T (&arr) [N]))[N];

#define arrLen(arr) sizeof(arrLenFn(arr))

First we declare a function returning a reference to an array of N chars i.e. sizeof this function would now be the length of the array. Then we've a macro to wrap it, so that it's readable at the caller's end.


Note: Two arrays of the same base type but with different lengths are still two completely different types. int[3] is not the same as int[2]. Array decay, however, would get you an int* in both cases. Read How do I use arrays in C++? if you want to know more.




But, how does it know the end of an array


It uses a template non-type parameter to deduce the size of the array, which can then be used to produce the end pointer. The C++11 signature from the cppreference section for std::end is as follows:

它使用一个模板非类型参数来推断数组的大小,然后可以使用它来生成最终指针。std:::的cppreference部分的c++ 11签名如下:

T* end( T (&array)[N] );

As hvd notes, since it is passed by reference this prevents decay to a pointer.


The implementation would be something similar to:


T* end( T (&array)[N] )
    return array + N ;

Is the constant integer 5 will be stored some where?


5 or N is part of the type of the array and so N is available at compile time. For example applying sizeof to an array will give us the total number of bytes in the array.


Many times we see an array passed by value to a function. In that case, the array decays to a pointer to type stored in the array. So now the size information is lost. Passing by reference allows us to avoid this loss of information and extract the size N from the type.




Because you are passing an array to std::end, and an array has type T [N]. std::end can tell when the array ends by looking at the N in the type.

因为您正在将一个数组传递给std::end,而一个数组的类型是T [N]。end可以通过查看类型中的N来判断数组何时结束。

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