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The problem

So, say one imagines a 2-d array of integer values which represents a gridded-map, like this: +-----+------+-----+-----+-----+ | 10 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 656 | +-----+------+-----+-----+-----+ | 234 | 165 | 724 | 759 | 230 | +-----+------+-----+-----+-----+ | 843 | 734 | 999 | 143 | 213 | +-----+------+-----+-----+-----+ | 242 | 2135 | 131 | 24 | 374 | +-----+------+-----+-----+-----+ | 159 | 464 | 155 | 124 | 151 | +-----+------+-----+-----+-----+

所以,假设有人想象一个2-d的整数值数组,它代表一个网格化的地图,如下所示:+ ----- + ------ + ----- + ----- + - ---- + | 10 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 656 | + ----- + ------ + ----- + ----- + ----- + | 234 | 165 | 724 | 759 | 230 | + ----- + ------ + ----- + ----- + ----- + | 843 | 734 | 999 | 143 | 213 | + ----- + ------ + ----- + ----- + ----- + | 242 | 2135 | 131 | 24 | 374 | + ----- + ------ + ----- + ----- + ----- + | 159 | 464 | 155 | 124 | 151 | + ----- + ------ + ------ + ------ + ------ +

The 2d indices represent the coordinates of a cell on the map, and the values in the array represent the relative difficulty to traverse the terrain of that cell - so for example 999 might be thick brambles, while 2,3,4 might be a slightly inclining path... or something.

2d索引表示地图上单元格的坐标,数组中的值表示遍历该单元格地形的相对难度 - 例如999可能是粗荆棘,而2,3,4可能是稍微倾斜的路径...或者其他什么。

Now we want to find the easiest path from [x,y] on the grid to [q,r] on the grid (where the sum of the steps is the lowest possible, in other words)


The problem domain


This needs to run in a modern browser, where a rather spartan map is rendered, and we'll draw a line from [x,y] to [q,r] through all the interceding vertices, after the user has input [q,r]. Conveniently, [X,Y] is always the same (say [0,0] for simplicity)

这需要在现代浏览器中运行,其中渲染相当简洁的地图,并且在用户输入[q之后,我们将通过所有中间顶点绘制从[x,y]到[q,r]的线。 R]。方便的是,[X,Y]总是相同的(简单来说[0,0])

So use Dijkstra's algorithm or A*!

所以使用Dijkstra的算法或A *!

So my first instinct was to model the array as a graph, apply Dijkstra's algorithm and work from there. And in the above case, with a 5x5 grid, that works fine. I traverse each array index, and use the value, and adjacent values, to generate a node with weighted edges to all of it's neighbours. This builds up a graph which I can then apply Dijkstra's algorithm to.


However, In practice, I will be working with arrays up to 50,000 x 50,000 in size! That's 250 million!

但是,实际上,我将使用最大50,000 x 50,000的阵列!那是2.5亿!

So obviously building a graph on-the-fly to run Dijkstra’s algorithm isn't applicable. My next idea was to pre-compute the paths (The data-set is fixed), store them on the server and do a callback when we get the destination [q,r]...but this is 250,000,000 paths... even if I made it run in less than a second (which i don't think it will) it'll take years to compute all the paths...


I think I might need to take another approach but I'm not sure, how can I make this work?


1 个解决方案



Don't construct an explicit graph (pointers are expensive) -- use pairs of coordinates to represent nodes in the queue and modify your Dijkstra implementation to operate on your 2d array representation directly.

不构造显式图(指针很昂贵) - 使用坐标对来表示队列中的节点,并修改Dijkstra实现以直接操作您的2d数组表示。

Use an array similar to the costs array to store the (initially tentative) distances calculated by the algorithm.


Dijkstra will calculate the costs to all nodes in a single run, so if your starting point is fixed, running it once should be sufficient -- there is no need to run it millions of times.

Dijkstra将计算单次运行中所有节点的成本,因此如果您的起点是固定的,那么运行一次就足够了 - 无需运行数百万次。

P.S.: Created a Jsfiddle running Dijkstra on images: https://goo.gl/5GWwMF


Computes the distances to all points from a mouse click, where darker pixels are interpreted as more expensive...


It becomes slower with larger images but didn't manage to crash it so far, but I think for your data it will run out of memory in the browser.


The Dijkstra implementation uses the following interface to access the graph -- I think this should be straight forward to provide on top of your data structure without explicitly generating a "traditional" graph data structure with explicit nodes and edges in memory:

Dijkstra实现使用以下接口来访问图形 - 我认为这应该是直接提供在数据结构之上而不显式生成具有显式节点和内存边缘的“传统”图形数据结构:

 * The interface the Dijkstra implementation below uses
 * to access the graph and to store the calculated final
 * and intermediate distance data.
 * @Interface
Graph = function() {};

 * Returns the current distance for the given node.
 * @param {Object} node
 * @return {number}
Graph.currentDistance = function(node) {};

 * Stores the current distance for the given node.
 * @param {Object} node
 * @param {number} distance
Graph.setCurrentDistance = function(node, distance) {};

 * Returns an array of connected nodes for the given node, 
 * including the distances.
 * @param {Object}
 * @return {Array<{cost:number, node:Object}>}
Graph.cOnnections= function(node) {};

P.P.S.: Added code to display the shortes path on all clicks after the first click. Also fixed a bug permitting diagonal movement: https://goo.gl/wXGwiv


So in conclusion, while this probably doesn't scale to 50k x 50x in the browser, I think this shows that Dijkstra operating on the arrays directly is worth trying on the server side, and that an array identical in size to the data array is all that is needed to store all shortest paths from a single point.

总而言之,虽然这可能不会在浏览器中扩展到50k x 50x,但我认为这表明直接在阵列上运行的Dijkstra值得在服务器端尝试,并且与数据阵列大小相同的数组是从一个点存储所有最短路径所需的一切。

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