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I can't find a way to run or debug php on Visual studio code, Does anyone know how?

在Visual studio代码中我找不到运行或调试php的方法,有人知道吗?

9 个解决方案



As far as i read about it today, you can't debug anything else than node.js, Javascript and TypeScript at the moment, but they said they want to add new languages which you can debug. The editor is still in development. Nevertheless, I don't think there will be a php debugger in the future since php is serverside, so you can't debug it on your client alone.

就我今天所读到的,除了节点,您不能调试其他任何东西。目前有js, Javascript和打字稿,但是他们说他们想添加新的语言,你可以调试。编辑仍在开发中。不过,我不认为将来会有php调试器,因为php是服务器端,所以您不能单独在客户机上调试它。

If you want to debug php, I can recommend xDebug.



Now, it is possible to debug with VS code. You need to install XDebug and php-debug extension for VScode.




Debugging PHP with VSCode using the vscode-php-debug extension

VSCode can now support debugging PHP projects through the marketplace extension vscode-php-debug.

VSCode现在支持通过marketplace扩展VSCode - PHP -debug调试PHP项目。

This extension uses XDebug in the background, and allows you to use breakpoints, watches, stack traces and the like:


Screenshot: PHP Debugging in VSCode using vscode-php-debug extension

Installation is straightforward from within VSCode: Summon the command line with F1 and then type ext install php-debug

在VSCode中安装很简单:用F1调用命令行,然后输入ext install php-debug



There is now a handy guide for configuring PHP debugging in Visual Studio Code at http://blogs.msdn.com/b/nicktrog/archive/2016/02/11/configuring-visual-studio-code-for-php-development.aspx

现在有了一个方便的指南,可以在http://blogs.msdn.com/b/nicktrog/archive/2016/02/11/configurationvisualstudiocode -development.aspx中配置PHP调试。

From the link, the steps are:


  1. Download and install Visual Studio Code
  2. 下载并安装Visual Studio代码
  3. Configure PHP linting in user settings
  4. 在用户设置中配置PHP linting
  5. Download and install the PHP Debug extension from the Visual Studio Marketplace
  6. 从Visual Studio市场下载并安装PHP调试扩展
  7. Configure the PHP Debug extension for XDebug
  8. 为XDebug配置PHP调试扩展

Note there are specific details in the linked article, including the PHP values for your VS Code user config, and so on.




It's worth noting that you must open project folder in Visual Studio Code for the debugger to work. I lost few hours to make it work while having only individual file opened in the editor.

值得注意的是,必须在Visual Studio代码中打开project文件夹,以便调试器工作。在编辑器中打开单个文件时,我花了几个小时让它工作。

Issue explained here




If you are using Ubuntu 16.04 and php7 you can install xdebug with below command:

如果您使用的是Ubuntu 16.04和php7,您可以使用以下命令安装xdebug:

sudo apt-get install php-xdebug

You can find the full configuration process here.


If you are using windows, you can download xdebug from xdebug.org.


And start debugging in VS-code with php-debug extension.


how to configure php-debug for xdebug



To debug php with vscode,you need these things:


  1. vscode with php debuge plugin(XDebug) installed;
  2. 安装了php调试插件(XDebug)的vscode;
  3. php with XDebug.so/XDebug.dll downloaded and configured;
  4. php与XDebug.so / XDebug。dll下载和配置;
  5. a web server,such as apache/nginx or just nothing(use the php built-in server)
  6. 一个web服务器,比如apache/nginx或者什么都没有(使用php内置服务器)

you can gently walk through step 1 and 2,by following the vscode official guide.It is fully recommended to use XDebug installation wizard to verify your XDebug configuration.


If you want to debug without a standalone web server,the php built-in maybe a choice.Start the built-in server by php -S localhost:port -t path/to/your/project command,setting your project dir as document root.You can refer to this post for more details.

如果您想在没有独立web服务器的情况下进行调试,可以选择内置的php。通过php -S localhost启动内置服务器:port -t路径/to/your/project命令,将项目dir设置为文档根。你可以参考这篇文章了解更多的细节。



already their is enough help full answers but if you want to see the process then
[ click here ]


Steps in Short


  • download php debug plugin [ https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=felixfbecker.php-debug ]
  • 下载php调试插件[https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?
  • download xDebug.dll [ https://xdebug.org/wizard.php ]
  • 下载xDebug。dll[https://xdebug.org/wizard.php]
  • move xdebug file to [ ?? / php / ext / here ]
  • 将xdebug文件移动到[??/ php / ext / here]
  • update php.ini file with following lines :


    [XDebug] xdebug.remote_enable = 1 xdebug.remote_autostart = 1 zend_extension=path/to/xdebug

    XDebug XDebug。xdebug remote_enable = 1。remote_autostart = 1 / / xdebug zend_extension =路径

[ good to go ]


  1. make sure that you have restarted your local server
  2. 确保重新启动本地服务器

source : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MLEB1qx984




There is a much easier way to run PHP, no configuration needed:


  1. Install the Code Runner Extension
  2. 安装代码运行器扩展
  3. Open the PHP code file in Text Editor
    • use shortcut Ctrl+Alt+N
    • 使用快捷键Ctrl + Alt + N
    • or press F1 and then select/type Run Code,
    • 或按F1,然后选择/键入运行代码,
    • or right click the Text Editor and then click Run Code in editor context menu
    • 或者右键单击文本编辑器,然后单击“编辑器上下文”菜单中的“运行代码”
    • or click Run Code button in editor title menu
    • 或者单击编辑器标题菜单中的Run Code按钮
    • or click Run Code button in context menu of file explorer
    • 或点击文件资源管理器上下文菜单中的“运行代码”按钮
  4. 在文本编辑器中打开PHP代码文件使用快捷键Ctrl + Alt + N或按F1然后选择/类型运行代码,或右键单击文本编辑器,然后单击运行代码在代码编辑器的上下文菜单或单击Run按钮编辑标题菜单或点击运行代码文件资源管理器的上下文菜单

Besides, you could select part of the PHP code and run the code snippet. Very convenient!




It's actually possible to run PHP without xDebug and without installing any additional extensions.


If you simply want to have the PHP executable evaluate PHP code and show output in the terminal (i.e. not in a browser), then you just need to copy the following configuration into your user settings:


    "launch": {
        "version": "0.2.0",
        "configurations": [
            "type": "php",
            "request": "launch",
            "name": "Run using PHP executable",
            "program": "${file}",
            "runtimeExecutable": "/usr/bin/php"
    // all your other user settings...

This creates a global launch configuration that you can use on any PHP file. Note the runtimeExecutable option. You will need to update this with the path to the PHP executable on your machine. After you copy the configuration above, whenever you have a PHP file open, you can press the F5 key to run the PHP code and have the output displayed in the vscode terminal.


On the other hand, if you want to run PHP by accessing a webserver with a browser, you will need to set this up by creating a build task. In order to create a task, you will need to be working on a workspace folder. Once you have a workspace folder open, go to Tasks > Configure Tasks... then press enter and then pick the "Others" option. Doing this will create a tasks.json file in your workspace folder.

另一方面,如果希望通过使用浏览器访问web服务器来运行PHP,则需要通过创建构建任务来设置它。为了创建一个任务,您需要在工作空间文件夹中工作。打开工作区文件夹后,转到Tasks >配置任务…然后按enter,然后选择“Others”选项。这样做会创建一个任务。工作空间文件夹中的json文件。

Now copy my configuration below into your tasks.json file:


    "version": "2.0.0",
    "tasks": [
            "label": "Start Server",
            "type": "shell",
            "command": "php -S localhost:8080 -t ${workspaceFolder}",
            "isBackground": true,
            "group": "build",
            "problemMatcher": []
            "label": "Run In Browser",
            "type": "shell",
            "command": "open http://localhost:8080/${relativeFile}",
            "group": "build",
            "problemMatcher": []

Now, if you have a PHP file from your workspace open, you can press Ctrl+Shift+B (⌘+Shift+B in MacOS), and the above two tasks should show up. Select Start Server to run PHP's built-in server, then Run In Browser to run the currently open file from your browser (this assumes your workspace root is also your document root). Note that if you already have a webserver running, you can remove the Start Server task and update the localhost:8080 part to point to whatever URL you are using.

现在,如果你有一个PHP文件从工作区中打开,你可以按Ctrl + Shift + B(MacOS⌘+ Shift + B),与上述两个任务应该出现了。选择Start Server来运行PHP的内置服务器,然后在浏览器中运行,从浏览器中运行当前打开的文件(假设工作区根也是文档根)。注意,如果已经有一个webserver在运行,那么可以删除Start Server任务并更新localhost:8080部分以指向正在使用的URL。

Another note: If you are using Windows, you will probably have to change open http://localhost:8080/${relativeFile} to something like explorer 'http://localhost:8080/${relativeFile}'

另一个注意事项:如果您正在使用Windows,您可能需要将打开的http://localhost:8080/${相对论文件}更改为类似于explorer的'http://localhost:8080/$ relativeFile}'

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