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        HttpClient主要包括Connection management,Status management,Authentication Management三部分。下面给出对它的二次封装,经过了线上的接近半年的验证(这里指的是httpClient 3,httpClient 4还有待检验),可以看做是一个高性能的Client封装吧。感兴趣的朋友可以根据apache的MPM IO模型进行部分参数的调整。

        先来段httpClient 4的封装,代码如下:


 * @author von gosling 2012-3-2
public class HttpComponentsClientExecutor implements DisposableBean {
    private static final int    DEFAULT_MAX_TOTAL_COnNECTIONS= 100;

    private static final int    DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_ROUTE = 5;                 //notice IE 6,7,8

    private static final int    DEFAULT_CONN_TIMEOUT_MILLISECOnDS= 5 * 1000;

    private static final int    DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT_MILLISECOnDS= 60 * 1000;

    private static final String HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING      = "Content-Encoding";
    private static final String ENCODING_GZIP                     = "gzip";

    private HttpClient          httpClient;

     * Create a new instance of the HttpComponentsClient with a default
     * {@link HttpClient} that uses a default
     * {@link org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm.ThreadSafeClientConnManager}.
    public HttpComponentsClientExecutor() {
        SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry = new SchemeRegistry();
        schemeRegistry.register(new Scheme("http", 80, PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory()));
        schemeRegistry.register(new Scheme("https", 443, SSLSocketFactory.getSocketFactory()));

        ThreadSafeClientConnManager cOnnectionManager= new ThreadSafeClientConnManager(
        this.httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(connectionManager);


     * Create a new instance of the HttpComponentsClient with the given
     * {@link HttpClient} instance.
     * @param httpClient the HttpClient instance to use for this request
    public HttpComponentsClientExecutor(HttpClient httpClient) {
        Validate.notNull(httpClient, "HttpClient must not be null");
        //notice: if you want to custom exception recovery mechanism 
        //you should provide an implementation of the HttpRequestRetryHandler interface.
        this.httpClient = httpClient;

     * Set the {@code HttpClient} used by this request.
    public void setHttpClient(HttpClient httpClient) {
        this.httpClient = httpClient;

     * Return the {@code HttpClient} used by this request.
    public HttpClient getHttpClient() {
        return this.httpClient;

     * Set the connection timeout for the underlying HttpClient. A timeout value
     * of 0 specifies an infinite timeout.
     * @param timeout the timeout value in milliseconds
    public void setConnectTimeout(int timeout) {
        Validate.isTrue(timeout >= 0, "Timeout must be a non-negative value");

     * Set the socket timeout (SO_TIMEOUT) in milliseconds, which is the timeout
     * for waiting for data or, put differently, a maximum period inactivity
     * between two consecutive data packets.A timeout value of 0 specifies an
     * infinite timeout.
     * @param timeout the timeout value in milliseconds
    public void setReadTimeout(int timeout) {
        Validate.isTrue(timeout >= 0, "Timeout must be a non-negative value");
        getHttpClient().getParams().setIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT, timeout);

     * Create a Commons HttpMethodBase object for the given HTTP method and URI
     * specification.
     * @param httpMethod the HTTP method
     * @param uri the URI
     * @return the Commons HttpMethodBase object
    protected HttpUriRequest createHttpUriRequest(HttpMethod httpMethod, URI uri) {
        switch (httpMethod) {
            case GET:
                return new HttpGet(uri);
            case DELETE:
                return new HttpDelete(uri);
            case HEAD:
                return new HttpHead(uri);
            case OPTIONS:
                return new HttpOptions(uri);
            case POST:
                return new HttpPost(uri);
            case PUT:
                return new HttpPut(uri);
            case TRACE:
                return new HttpTrace(uri);
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid HTTP method: " + httpMethod);

     * Execute the given method on the provided URI.
     * @param method the HTTP method to execute (GET, POST, etc.)
     * @param url the fully-expanded URL to connect to
     * @param responseHandler httpClient will automatically take care of
     *            ensuring release of the connection back to the connection
     *            manager regardless whether the request execution succeeds or
     *            causes an exception,if using this response handler
     * @return an response object's string representation
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws ClientProtocolException
    public String doExecuteRequest(HttpMethod httpMethod, URI uri,
                                   ResponseHandler responseHandler)
            throws ClientProtocolException, IOException {
        return httpClient.execute(createHttpUriRequest(httpMethod, uri), responseHandler);

    public InputStream doExecuteRequest(HttpMethod httpMethod, URI uri)
            throws ClientProtocolException, IOException {
        HttpUriRequest httpUriRequest = createHttpUriRequest(httpMethod, uri);
        HttpResponse respOnse= httpClient.execute(httpUriRequest);
        return getResponseBody(response);

     * Validate the given response, throwing an exception if it does not
     * correspond to a successful HTTP response.

* Default implementation rejects any HTTP status code beyond 2xx, to avoid * parsing the response body and trying to deserialize from a corrupted * stream. * * @param config the HTTP invoker configuration that specifies the target * service * @param response the resulting HttpResponse to validate * @throws NoHttpResponseException * @throws java.io.IOException if validation failed */ protected void validateResponse(HttpResponse response) throws IOException { StatusLine status = response.getStatusLine(); if (status.getStatusCode() >= 300) { throw new NoHttpResponseException( "Did not receive successful HTTP response: status code = " + status.getStatusCode() + ", status message = [" + status.getReasonPhrase() + "]"); } } /** * Extract the response body *

* The default implementation simply fetches the response body stream. If * the response is recognized as GZIP response, the InputStream will get * wrapped in a GZIPInputStream. * * @param httpResponse the resulting HttpResponse to read the response body * from * @return an InputStream for the response body * @throws java.io.IOException if thrown by I/O methods * @see #isGzipResponse * @see java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream */ protected InputStream getResponseBody(HttpResponse httpResponse) throws IOException { if (isGzipResponse(httpResponse)) { return new GZIPInputStream(httpResponse.getEntity().getContent()); } else { return httpResponse.getEntity().getContent(); } } /** * Determine whether the given response indicates a GZIP response. *

* The default implementation checks whether the HTTP "Content-Encoding" * header contains "gzip" (in any casing). * * @param httpResponse the resulting HttpResponse to check * @return whether the given response indicates a GZIP response */ protected boolean isGzipResponse(HttpResponse httpResponse) { Header encodingHeader = httpResponse.getFirstHeader(HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING); return (encodingHeader != null && encodingHeader.getValue() != null && encodingHeader .getValue().toLowerCase().contains(ENCODING_GZIP)); } /** * Shutdown hook that closes the underlying * {@link org.apache.http.conn.ClientConnectionManager * ClientConnectionManager}'s connection pool, if any. */ public void destroy() { getHttpClient().getConnectionManager().shutdown(); } enum HttpMethod { GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE, TRACE } }

   下面是久经考验的httpClient 3的二次封装,如下:


 * @author von gosling 2011-12-12
public class HttpClientUtils {

    private static final Logger log                 = LoggerFactory

    private static int          timeOut             = 100;
    private static int          retryCount          = 1;
    private static int          cOnnectionTimeout= 100;
    private static int          maxHostCOnnections= 32;                                     //根据apache work MPM设置此值
    private static int          maxTotalCOnnections= 512;                                    //同上
    private static String       charsetName         = "UTF-8";

    public static JSONObject executeMethod(HttpClient httpClient, HttpMethod method) {

        JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
        StopWatch watch = new StopWatch();
        int status = -1;
        try {
            log.info("Execute method({}) begin...", method.getURI());

            status = httpClient.executeMethod(method);

            if (status == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
                InputStream inputStream = method.getResponseBodyAsStream();
                ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                IOUtils.copy(inputStream, baos);
                String respOnse= new String(baos.toByteArray(), charsetName);

                log.info("Response is:{}", response);

                result = JSONObject.parseObject(response);
            } else {
                log.error("Http request failure! status is {}", status);
        } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
            log.error("Request time out!");//只关注请求超时,对于其它两类超时,使用通用异常捕获
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Error occur!", e);
        } finally {
            log.info("Method {},statusCode {},consuming {} ms", new Object[] { method.getName(),
                    status, watch.getTime() });
        return result;

     * @param uri
     * @param nameValuePairs
     * @return
    public static PostMethod createPostMethod(String uri, NameValuePair[] nameValuePairs) {
        PostMethod method = new PostMethod(uri);
        return method;

     * @param uri
     * @param nameValuePairs
     * @return
    public static GetMethod createGetMethod(String uri, NameValuePair[] nameValuePairs) {
        GetMethod method = new GetMethod(uri);
        List list = Lists.newArrayList();
        if (nameValuePairs != null) {
            Collections.addAll(list, nameValuePairs);
            method.setQueryString(list.toArray(new NameValuePair[nameValuePairs.length]));
        return method;

    public static HttpClient createHttpClient() {
        HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(new MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager());

        HttpConnectionManagerParams httpCOnnectionManagerParams= httpClient
        httpConnectionManagerParams.setTcpNoDelay(true);//Nagle's algorithm

        HttpClientParams httpClientParam = httpClient.getParams();
                new DefaultHttpMethodRetryHandler(retryCount, false));

        return httpClient;

    public static JSONObject doGet(String url, NameValuePair[] params) {
        return executeMethod(createHttpClient(), createGetMethod(url, params));

    public static JSONObject doPost(String url, NameValuePair[] params) {
        return executeMethod(createHttpClient(), createPostMethod(url, params));

    protected HttpClientUtils() {


    public void setTimeOut(int timeOut) {
        HttpClientUtils.timeOut = timeOut;

    public static int getTimeOut() {
        return timeOut;

    public static int getRetryCount() {
        return retryCount;

    public void setRetryCount(int retryCount) {
        HttpClientUtils.retryCount = retryCount;

    public static int getConnectionTimeout() {
        return connectionTimeout;

    public void setConnectionTimeout(int connectionTimeout) {
        HttpClientUtils.cOnnectionTimeout= connectionTimeout;

    public static int getMaxHostConnections() {
        return maxHostConnections;

    public void setMaxHostConnections(int maxHostConnections) {
        HttpClientUtils.maxHostCOnnections= maxHostConnections;

    public static int getMaxTotalConnections() {
        return maxTotalConnections;

    public void setMaxTotalConnections(int maxTotalConnections) {
        HttpClientUtils.maxTotalCOnnections= maxTotalConnections;

    public static String getCharsetName() {
        return charsetName;

    public void setCharsetName(String charsetName) {
        HttpClientUtils.charsetName = charsetName;





(4)并发标记的处理,这里使用了Concurrency in practice中的并发annotation,有什么用?感兴趣的朋友可以了解下SureLogic(http://www.surelogic.com/concurrency-tools.html),别问我要license,因为俺也不是apache开源社区的developer呀;


(6)collection stale check机制;

(7)COOKIE specification choose或者是自定义实现;





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