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1. Suppose following situations.


int x;
for (int i = 0; i 


for (int i = 0; i 

So which piece of code is better and more efficient?


2. Another two situations.


int size = array.length;
for (int i = 0; i 


for (int i = 0; i 

Is it more efficient to save array length to variable?


2 个解决方案



1. What you should be more concerned with here, is not efficiency, but scope. Generally, you should strive to keep your variables as locally scoped as possible. This means, if you only need x within the loop, you should define it within the loop.


You get a number of benefits with keeping your variables as locally scoped as possible:


  • Your code will be much more readable to someone else
  • 您的代码对其他人来说更具可读性

  • You won't accidentally assign to, or use the value of a variable you defined further up in your code that is still in scope, thus minimizing errors in your program
  • 您不会意外地分配或使用您仍在范围内的代码中进一步定义的变量的值,从而最大限度地减少程序中的错误

  • Most importantly, the garbage collector will free up any memory used by the variable as soon as it goes out of scope, keeping your program's performance high, and memory usage low.
  • 最重要的是,垃圾收集器一旦超出范围就会释放变量使用的所有内存,从而保持程序性能高,内存使用率低。

You can read up more on variable scope and best practices from Josh Bloch's excellent book, "Effective Java" (scope is discussed in items 13 and 45). You might also want to read item 55, which discusses why it is important to optimize judiciously.

您可以从Josh Bloch的优秀书籍“Effective Java”(范围在第13和45项中讨论)中阅读有关可变范围和最佳实践的更多信息。您可能还想阅读第55项,其中讨论了明智地优化的重要性。

2. For the second part of your question, see The Skeet's answer here.


Here's an example:


public static void main(String[] args) {
    for(int i=0; i

This outputs:

size: 2
i: 0
size: 4
i: 1
size: 4
i: 2
size: 8
i: 3
size: 0

Notice how getSize() is called for every iteration of the loop. In your example, calling .length won't make a huge difference, as the JIT runtime will know how to optimize this call. But imagine getSize() was a more complex operation, like counting the number of rows in a database table. Your code will be super slow as every iteration of the loop will call getSize(), resulting in a database roundtrip.


This is when you would be better off evaluating the value before hand. You can do this and still retain minimal scope for size, like this:


public static void main(String[] args) {
    for(int size = getSize(), i=0; i

Notice how getSize() is only called once, and also, the size variable is only available inside the loop and goes out of scope as soon as the loop completes.




length is just a property in the array object, it doesn't take any time in getting the length.


It is the same as reading from a variable it doesn't need to loop over the whole array to get the length.


And the first two are just scopes.


Local - only available within the loop.

本地 - 仅在循环内可用。

Global - available throught.

全球 - 可通过。

Assume you want remainders of numbers when divided by 2.


for(int i = 0; i <10; ++i)
 int remainder = i % 2;

And assume calculating the sum of first 10 natural numbers.


int sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i <= 10; ++i)
    //declaring sum here doesnt make sense
     sum += i;
System.out.println(sum);//sum is available here.

PS: you could just the sum of n natural numbers formula.


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