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XJCO3911 Secure Computing
Coursework 2
This exercise concerns web application vulnerabilities and how they can be fixed. It is worth 15% of your
overall grade.
The vulnerable application is Java-based. To run it, you will need JDK 8 or newer installed on your PC. It
should work on Linux, Mac and Windows.
The Scenario
You are provided with the source code of a web application in patients.zip. This is a crude attempt by
an inexperienced developer to implement part of a patient records system. The idea is that GPs in a surgery
can log in to the application and search for details of patients that they are currently treating.
The application uses Jetty as a built-in web server. Request processing is done by a Servlet. Data storage
is provided by an SQLite 3 database, and queries of the database are done using JDBC. HTML pages are
generated using the Freemarker template engine.
Analysis of Security Flaws

  1. Examine the database used by the application. Amongst other things, this will give you the login
    credentials and patient details that you need to test the application.
    You can do this on the command line using the sqlite3 tool: the .schema command will tell you
    the structure of the database and you can issue SQL queries at the command prompt to examine its
    contents. If you prefer a tool with a GUI, there are many available—e.g., DB Browser.
  2. Run the application from the command line using
    ./gradlew run
    (On Windows, omit the leading ./)
  3. Visit http://localhost:8080 in a web browser to interact with the application. Use the information
    obtained in Step 1 to explore different paths through the application.
  4. Experiment with the application to identify a security issue that can be trigged via the web interface.
    Explore the issue as fully as possible. Explain what the issue is and describe the steps you took to
    identify it.
  5. Identify and discuss one other security issue that cannot be seen via interactions with the web interface
    but is evident by studying the code of the application.
    The analysis is worth 16 marks.
    Implementation of Security Fixes
  6. Choose one of the security issues identified previously. Modify the application (and, if necessary, the
    database) to fix these issues.
  7. Test the application to make sure that it still works and that it is no longer vulnerable.
  8. Describe briefly the changes that you have made to the application. Explain in detail why these
    changes have fixed the issue.
    Your fix and the write-up are together worth 8 marks.
    You need to submit your write-up and the modified application.
    Your write-up should be in the form of a PDF file, containing no more than two A4 pages (excluding any
    cover sheet). This file MUST be named report.pdf and it MUST be put in the same directory as the
    build.gradle file.
    When you have put this PDF file in the correct location, enter the following command:
    ./gradlew submission
    This will create a file named cwk2.zip, containing everything that needs to be submitted.
    Use Minisign to sign the file cwk2.zip, following the same procedure as for Coursework 1.
    Submit the files cwk2.zip and cwk2.zip.minisig, via the link provided for this purpose in Minerva. The
    deadline for submission is 8 AM on 19 November.

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