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I am writing a REST client in Java using the HttpCLient , the REST API that I access needs an auth token for every REST action. This token is valid for 24 hours.

我正在使用HttpCLient在Java中编写一个REST客户机,我访问的REST API对每个REST操作都需要一个auth令牌。这个令牌24小时有效。

The way I am handling this now is calling a "getAuth()" method everytime I need to make a REST call which seems like an overhead on the auth server.


How can I conveniently store this auth token and manage its life cycle? Are there any documented best practices?


I thought of the following solution


public class MySession {
    String user;
    String pass;
    public MySession(String user, String pass) {
        this.user = user;
        this.pass = pass;

    public getAuth() {
        //user user, pass to get auth token 

and then pass the sessions object to any class that nees the token. If the token is expired, just call this method again


10 个解决方案



I'm assuming you are using OAuth for authorization. Whether you are using JWT or other tokens is irrelevant to this situation.


When performing authorization you will be issued an access_token with an expiration and, depending on the grant type you are requesting (Client credentials, Authorization code, Implicit, Resource owner), a refresh_token.


The client should keep the access_token and the expiration. The refresh_token, if issued, must be kept secret (beware of using the correct grant for your use case).


In subsequent calls, your client should not request new tokens on each call, it should use the stored access_token.


Once the API starts returning 401 Unauthorized, the access_token has probably expired. Your client should try to refresh the access_token using the refresh_token if you got one.


If you have no refresh_token or the refresh request also failed, because the refresh_token is no longer valid, you can perform a new authorization flow.


You can use the expiration time as a clue to know when to get a new access_token either through refresh or through a new full authorization flow. This will avoid the 401 Unauthorized. In any case, your client should have a fall back policy when this response is received after having used a valid access_token for some calls.




I suggest you to use the following scenario:


1) First, call auth(username, password) rest api to get the auth token. If the given credentials are okay then just send back the auth COOKIE to the client with HTTP 200 response code.

首先,调用auth(用户名、密码)rest api获取auth令牌。如果给定的凭据是ok的,那么只需使用HTTP 200响应代码将auth COOKIE发送回客户机。

2) Then, you can call protected rest apis. You need to send auth COOKIE with your request each time.

然后,您可以调用protected rest api。每次都需要发送带有请求的auth COOKIE。

3) Servlet filter (or something similar) checks each incoming request and validates the token. If the token is valid then the request goes forward to the rest method, if not you need to generate an http 401/403 response.

Servlet过滤器(或类似的东西)检查每个传入请求并验证令牌。如果令牌是有效的,那么请求将转到rest方法,如果不是,则需要生成http 401/403响应。

I suggest you not to write your own authentication layer. Instead of install and use an existing one. I suggest you OpenAM. It is a superb open source access management system.


I also suggest you not to open session on the server side for authentication purpose. If you have 10 clients then 10 sessions needs to be managed by server. It is not a big issue. But if you have 100 or 1000 or millions different clients than you need more memory to store sessions on the server.




The de-facto standard is not implementing your own solution (basic rule in security: don't implement your own stuff!), but use the de-facto standard solution, namely JSON Web Tokens.

事实上的标准不是实现您自己的解决方案(安全方面的基本规则:不要实现您自己的东西!),而是使用事实上的标准解决方案,即JSON Web令牌。

Documentation on the site, but the basic idea is, that you only need to store one value (the server's private key), and then you can verify every claim, issued originally by the server (which will in your case contain an expiry time).




For brevity I'll assuming you're calling an endpoint that you can't change. How you should implement will heavily depend on whether the token is app or user based (one token for all users on a shared app instance or one token per user).


If it's one auth token for the entire app:


  • Store it in memory along with a time-to-live timestamp (or alternatively catch the token expired error, request a new token and retry the original request), refresh it if it doesn't exist/is expired
  • 将它与实时时间戳一起存储在内存中(或者捕获令牌过期错误、请求新的令牌并重试原始请求),如果不存在/过期,则刷新它
  • If you're concerned about re-requesting API tokens after an application restart also store it in the database and load it at startup if it exists
  • 如果您担心在应用程序重新启动后重新请求API令牌,也可以将它存储在数据库中,如果存在,则在启动时加载它

If it's one token per user:


  • Store it in your user session, it's exactly what sessions are used for, if you're authing users then they'll have a session and the overhead is already there
  • 将它存储在用户会话中,这就是会话的用途,如果你是authing用户,那么他们就会有一个会话并且开销已经存在
  • If you don't want to re-request a token everytime they login store their current token in the DB and and load it into their session when they login
  • 如果您不想在每次登录时重新请求一个令牌,那么请将当前令牌存储在DB中,并在登录时将其加载到会话中



You should use JsonWebToken (JWT in short) for this kind of stuff. JWT has build in support to set the expiration date. There are plenty of libraries to use this method and you can read more here


There are currenlty 4 java implementations and all of them can check if the token is still valid (exp check) enter image description here

有currenlty 4 java实现,它们都可以检查标记是否仍然有效(exp检查)



So if I'm understanding correctly you are using the same token for all of your requests (which means as long as your app is up and running and you refreshing the tokens, you should be ok. I literally had the same problem and this is how I've resolved it. I have a singleton class, which is initialized at the app start for once and refreshes the token when its invalidated. I'm using C#, Asp.NET MVC5 and AutoFac for DI, but I'm sure you can do the same with Java and Spring.

因此,如果我理解正确的话,您对所有请求都使用了相同的令牌(这意味着只要您的应用程序启动并运行并刷新令牌,您应该没有问题。我确实遇到了同样的问题,这就是我解决问题的方法。我有一个单例类,它在应用程序启动时初始化一次,在令牌失效时刷新令牌。我使用c#,Asp。NET MVC5和DI的AutoFac,但是我确信Java和Spring也可以做到这一点。

Updating property of a singleton with Thread Safety




You can create a manager and store the auth-COOKIE during login in thread local like the code below. You can get the COOKIE from getAuth() as long as the thread lives.


public class Manager {
    private static final ThreadLocal SECURITY_COnTEXT= new ThreadLocal<>();

    public static void setAuth(String auth) {

    public static String getAuth() {
        return SECURITY_CONTEXT.get();

    public static void clear(){



If you are worried about too many hits to the database, then i'm assuming there is a lot of web activity.


I would not recommend using Session in your case, but rather store the token in a COOKIE on the client.


In a high traffic environment(which i'm assuming yours is), the use of Session can consume a lot of server memory, and scalability can be a concern as well, having to keep sessions in sync within a cluster.


As @Cássio Mazzochi Molin also mentioned, you can use an in-memory cache to store any user specific data and tokens. This will reduce the hits to the database, and also allow you to scale the application easier, when the need arises.

正如@Cassio Mazzochi Molin也提到的,您可以使用内存缓存来存储任何用户特定的数据和令牌。这将减少对数据库的访问,并允许您在需要时更容易地扩展应用程序。



Use json web tokens , to exchange information between two clients. The token will only alive for the 24 hours period, after that time all consequent calls in the header will be rejected.

使用json web令牌在两个客户机之间交换信息。该令牌只在24小时内有效,之后,头中的所有后续调用都将被拒绝。



  1. Auth Token for each request is correct approach, Consider auth server scaling for performance issue.
  2. 对于每个请求,Auth令牌都是正确的方法,考虑一下服务器的性能问题。
  3. On first successful authentication (username and password), generate private public keypair. Store private key as Session Security Token (SST) and send public key as Public Security Client Key (PSCK) to client
  4. 在第一次成功的身份验证(用户名和密码)时,生成私钥对。将私钥存储为会话安全令牌(SST),并将公钥作为公共安全客户端密钥(PSCK)发送给客户端。
  5. In all request other than login (or authentication) client will send PSCK to protect theft of username and password and server can verify PSCK for expiry internally at regular intervals saving processing time.
  6. 在除登录(或身份验证)外的所有请求中,客户端将发送PSCK以保护用户名和密码被盗,服务器可以在内部定期保存处理时间,以验证PSCK是否过期。
  7. If system is having performance issue on authentication side, setup seperate auth server with scalability.
  8. 如果系统在身份验证方面存在性能问题,则设置与可伸缩性隔离的auth服务器。
  9. No token or password to be cached, exchanged unencrypted and send outside security zone. Do not post using URL parameters.
  10. 不需要缓存、交换未加密的令牌或密码并将其发送到安全区域之外。不要使用URL参数发布。

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