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I've using an NSHashTable to store weak references to objects. When an object in the hash table is deallocated and the reference is zeroed within the hash table, the pointer to nil still resides in the hash table, correct? So over time, if objects that are deallocated aren't directly removed from the hash table, the hash table will continue to grow in size? Right now, there is no easy way to send a notification to the object controlling the hash table that one of the hash tables elements have been removed (it's a game where feedback calls mean communication between objects is very indirect, and preferably stays that way). Should I iterate over the hash table periodically to remove nil references?


2 个解决方案



This question was posted several months ago, but for the record, NSHashTable does remove released weak references. So to answer the actual question, no, you don't need to iterate over the hash table periodically.




I would make a manager class which is responsible for adding and removing objects you are speaking of. Thus I would notify the hash table in one of several ways:


  • directly via method invocation (when hash table is referenced by manager)
  • 直接通过方法调用(当管理器引用哈希表时)
  • indirectly making hash table a manager's delegate object
  • 间接地使哈希表成为管理器的委托对象
  • indirectly registering hashtable to observe any add/remove operations in manager
  • 间接注册hashtable以观察manager中的任何添加/删除操作
  • indirectly by making manager sending a notification to notification center, which notification is listened by the hash table
  • 通过使manager向通知中心发送通知,该通知由散列表侦听

It all depends how did you bind together those objects and which models suits the most actual design.


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