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I have a solution in VS 2008 with 2 projects in it. One is a DLL written in C++ and the other is a simple C++ console application created from a blank project. I would like know how to call the functions in the DLL from the application.

我在VS 2008有一个解决方案,里面有两个项目。一个是用c++编写的DLL,另一个是从一个空白项目中创建的简单的c++控制台应用程序。我想知道如何从应用程序调用DLL中的函数。

Assume I am starting with a blank C++ project and that I want to call a function called int IsolatedFunction(int someParam)

假设我从一个空白的c++项目开始,我想调用一个名为int IsolatedFunction(int someParam)的函数

How do I call it?


6 个解决方案



There are many ways to do this but I think one of the easiest options is to link the application to the DLL at link time and then use a definition file to define the symbols to be exported from the DLL.


CAVEAT: The definition file approach works bests for undecorated symbol names. If you want to export decorated symbols then it is probably better to NOT USE the definition file approach.


Here is an simple example on how this is done.


Step 1: Define the function in the export.h file.


int WINAPI IsolatedFunction(const char *title, const char *test);

Step 2: Define the function in the export.cpp file.



int WINAPI IsolatedFunction(const char *title, const char *test)
    MessageBox(0, title, test, MB_OK);
    return 1;

Step 3: Define the function as an export in the export.def defintion file.


EXPORTS    IsolatedFunction          @1

Step 4: Create a DLL project and add the export.cpp and export.def files to this project. Building this project will create an export.dll and an export.lib file.


The following two steps link to the DLL at link time. If you don't want to define the entry points at link time, ignore the next two steps and use the LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress to load the function entry point at runtime.


Step 5: Create a Test application project to use the dll by adding the export.lib file to the project. Copy the export.dll file to ths same location as the Test console executable.


Step 6: Call the IsolatedFunction function from within the Test application as shown below.


#include "stdafx.h"

// get the function prototype of the imported function
#include "../export/export.h"

int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
                     HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
                     LPSTR     lpCmdLine,
                     int       nCmdShow)
    // call the imported function found in the dll
    int result = IsolatedFunction("hello", "world");

    return 0;



Can also export functions from dll and import from the exe, it is more tricky at first but in the end is much easier than calling LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress. See MSDN.


When creating the project with the VS wizard there's a check box in the dll that let you export functions.


Then, in the exe application you only have to #include a header from the dll with the proper definitions, and add the dll project as a dependency to the exe application.


Check this other question if you want to investigate this point further Exporting functions from a DLL with dllexport.




You can either go the LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress route (as Harper mentioned in his answer, here's link to the run-time dynamic linking MSDN sample again) or you can link your console application to the .lib produced from the DLL project and include the hea.h file with the declaration of your function (as described in the load-time dynamic linking MSDN sample)


In both cases, you need to make sure your DLL exports the function you want to call properly. The easiest way to do it is by using __declspec(dllexport) on the function declaration (as shown in the creating a simple dynamic-link library MSDN sample), though you can do it also through the corresponding .def file in your DLL project.


For more information on the topic of DLLs, you should browse through the MSDN About Dynamic-Link Libraries topic.




The following are the 5 steps required:


  1. declare the function pointer
  2. 声明函数指针
  3. Load the library
  4. 加载库
  5. Get the procedure address
  6. 得到程序地址
  7. assign it to function pointer
  8. 将它赋值给函数指针。
  9. call the function using function pointer
  10. 使用函数指针调用函数

You can find the step by step VC++ IDE screen shot at http://www.softwareandfinance.com/Visual_CPP/DLLDynamicBinding.html

您可以在http://www.softwareandfinance.com/Visual_CPP/DLLDynamicBinding.html中找到逐步的vc++ IDE截图

Here is the code snippet:


int main()
__declspec(dllimport) bool GetWelcomeMessage(char *buf, int len); // used for static binding
    typedef bool (*GW)(char *buf, int len);

    HMODULE hModule = LoadLibrary(TEXT("TestServer.DLL"));
    GW GetWelcomeMessage = (GW) GetProcAddress(hModule, "GetWelcomeMessage");

    char buf[128];
    if(GetWelcomeMessage(buf, 128) == true)
        std::cout <



Presuming you're talking about dynamic runtime loading of DLLs, you're looking for LoadLibrary and GetProAddress. There's an example on MSDN.




When the DLL was created an import lib is usually automatically created and you should use that linked in to your program along with header files to call it but if not then you can manually call windows functions like LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress to get it working.


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