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I am using python 2.7

我正在使用python 2.7

I have an array of indices created by



ids[0] is filled with all the vertical coordinates and ids1 is filled with all the horizontal coordinates ids has a shape of (2,20,20)

ids [0]填充所有垂直坐标,ids1填充所有水平坐标ids的形状为(2,20,20)

I have a boolean mask of shape (20,20)


I need to have a list of ids that correspond to the ones marked as true in the mask.


I am trying to do this by mid=ids[:,mask].T which gives me a list of this sort

我试图通过mid = ids [:,mask] .T来做这个,它给了我这种类型的列表

[2,17] [4,6] [1,19] [18,4]

[2,17] [4,6] [1,19] [18,4]

and so on. They are saved in an array called mid


Then, I need all those coordinates in mid to find the values in another array. Meaning I need



I have not managed to take the list of mid to use them in a fancy indexing way, can someone help me?


I have


and it doesnt work. I also have



and it doesn't work


Edit (read only if you care about context): I wanted to add context to show why I think I need the extra indices. Maybe I don't, that is what I want to fin out to make this efficient.


This is a registration problem, a ver simple one. I have two images. A reference and a floating as seen below. Reference to the left, and floating to the right.


Reference image Floating image

The reference image and the floating image are in different coordinate spaces. I have points marked as you can see in the images. I find an affine transformation between each other.


The region delimited by the line is my region of interest. I send the coordinates of that region in the floating space to the reference space.


There in the reference space, I find what pixels are found inside the region and they become the mask array, containing the information of both in and outer pixels.


But I only care about those inside, so I want only the indices of those pixels inside the mask in the reference space and save them using mid=ids[:,mask] .

但我只关心内部的那些,所以我只想要参考空间中掩码内的那些像素的索引,并使用mid = ids [:,mask]保存它们。

Once I have those points, I transform them back to the floating space, and in those new indices I need to look for the intensity. Those intensities are the ones who will be written back in the reference in their corresponding indices. That is why I think I need to have the indices of those points in both reference and floating space, and the intensities of the image. That other image is the anotherarray from which I want only the transformed masked pixels.


So there you go, that is the explanation if you care about it. Thank you for reading and answering.


1 个解决方案



A few tips: You can get mid directly from mask using np.argwhere(mask). Probably more convenient for your purpose is np.where which you can use like mi, mj = np.where(mask) and then anotherarray[mi, mj].

一些提示:您可以使用np.argwhere(mask)直接从掩码中获取。可能更方便你的目的是np.where你可以使用像mi,mj = np.where(掩码),然后anotherarray [mi,mj]。

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