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Matterverse Beta Launch & Mission Statement

Incredible Metaverses & Where to Discover Them

The concept of a metaverse was popularized by visionary Matthew Ball. Fundamentally, a metaverse represents an evolution of the internet, transforming static 2D web content into engaging 3D experiences. An ideal metaverse is a decentralized platform owned collectively by its users, much like the internet, ensuring no single entity has control. It should enable individuals to thrive and connect authentically in the virtual world.

The idea of alternate realities isn't new. Throughout history, humans have created fantasies, epics, and fictional worlds—from ancient civilizations to modern storytellers. We aspire to craft universes, narratives, and legends beyond our everyday lives, essentially building our own metaverses.

However, realizing these visions has been challenging. The metaverse was meant to revolutionize this; who wouldn’t want a Ready Player One-style virtual oasis?

Platforms like The Sandbox or Decentraland fall short of the exciting and futuristic metaverse we envisioned. Despite having the technology, many platforms focused more on trading rather than building rich, immersive experiences. This imbalance hindered the development of true metaverses.

This Should Not Be Acceptable

The primary goal for metaverse platforms and Web3 is to create tangible value. A true metaverse simulates real-world activities—living, spending, playing, and working—forming an economic cycle with supply and demand. This vision calls for a comprehensive metaverse that looks stunning, offers captivating gameplay, and provides virtual work opportunities.

Introducing Matterverse

Matterverse aims to address existing challenges and build a genuine Web3-native metaverse. We are not developing a 'Pay-to-win' game or disguised Ponzi schemes. Our mission is to drive impactful innovation in the metaverse sector, making it the future infrastructure of the web.

Matterverse leverages advanced gaming, cloud, and blockchain technologies to realize Matthew Ball’s predictions sooner. We anticipate a journey filled with challenges but remain committed with our passionate community.

Our vision is a future where everyone can access breathtaking metaverses on any device. People will live vibrant virtual lives, enjoy more entertainment than their physical lives, and work as builders, NPCs, performers, etc., within the metaverse. One day, metaverses-as-an-amenity will be accessible through a shared decentralized cloud gaming network.

Become an Early Inhabitant of a True Metaverse!

Matterverse is launching our Public Beta. We will release early access NFT assets, including land, apartments, houses, gear, OATs, and more. Matterverse ensures all NFTs are functional and meaningful beyond just PFPs.

For this beta, we introduce two modules:

The first module is MatterCreator V1.0, a powerful tool still in its early stages. Users can already build personal metaverses on NFT land, create mini-games, import 3D models, and NFT assets.

MatterCreator V1.0

The second module is MatterCity Playerhub, the heart of our open-world platform. Features include NFT galleries, clothing shops, player homes, concerts, events, arcades, and more.

Quick Preview Of The Matterverse Beta

Participating in the Open Beta grants you a Matterverse Beta Test OAT (On-Chain Achievement Token) NFT and Matterverse Playground land NFT.

Please visit our website at www.matterverse.com to get started.
Follow us on Twitter: @matterverse
Join our Discord: Discord
Player Guide & FAQ: Notion

Final Note From The Team:

As a startup, we chose one of the most ambitious forms of metaverse creation because we aim to help people realize their wildest dreams. There should be a metaverse where you can live another life, make new friends, and experience previously unimaginable adventures. A true metaverse should facilitate authentic human connections, reminiscent of the Web1 era.

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