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I have recently learned that if you have a reference to a class as a function parameter, it is better practice and more efficient to store certain needed pieces of information as local variables rather than accessing the classes members every time you need them in the function.



void function(const Sphere& s)
    //lots of calls to s.centre and s.radius


void function(const Sphere& s)
    Vector3 centre = s.centre; float radius = s.radius;
    //an equal amount of calls to centre and radius

I am told the second is better, but why? And also, where is a good place to start researching this more fully? (for dummys please!)

我被告知第二个更好,但为什么?而且,哪里有一个开始更充分地研究这个的好地方? (请给dummys!)

6 个解决方案



Whoever told you this probably thought that the second version was likely to be faster.


I think this is bad advice, for two reasons:


  1. It may or may not actually be faster. This depends on the compiler, on what exactly the code is doing etc.
  2. 实际上可能会或可能不会更快。这取决于编译器,代码究竟在做什么等等。

  3. Even if it is faster, this screams premature optimization. One should micro-optimize only after profiling the code and establishing which part of the code is the overall bottleneck.
  4. 即使它更快,这也会过早地优化。只有在分析代码并确定代码的哪一部分是整体瓶颈之后,才应进行微优化。



The concept is intuitive, but wrong. The concept is that accessing members takes more calculations than local variables, so by converting members to variables, you save performance.


But this is wrong. Your compiler will optimize this in ways you could never imagine. Don't attempt to be smarter than the compiler.




This could actively be dangerous. If s.centre or s.radius change during the execution of this function (say due to a function you call or another thread), you will end up with two inconsistent, old values in your local variables -- causing bugs. Even if you're doing this safely, why take the chances of introducing bugs when you can just refer back to the canonical variables themselves?

这可能会非常危险。如果s.centre或s.radius在执行此函数期间发生更改(比如由于您调用的函数或其他线程),您最终会在本地变量中出现两个不一致的旧值 - 导致错误。即使您正在安全地执行此操作,为什么在您可以回溯到规范变量本身时,还有机会引入错误?



You were lied to. Moreover, you should not be worrying about such minutiae unless you have profiled your code and found this to be a main source of inefficiency in your code. Don't try to outsmart your compiler's optimizer. It is better at optimizing your code than you are.




Here is a general outlook of your code:


void function(Sphere s)
    Vector3 centre = s.centre; float radius = s.radius;
    //an equal amount of calls to centre and radius

First off, you'd gain much more efficiency by passing Sphere as a const reference. This way, a new copy isn't created, which is probably more expensive than member access. So the way to go is:


void function(const Sphere& s)
    Vector3 centre = s.centre; float radius = s.radius;
    //an equal amount of calls to centre and radius

Secondly, you shouldn't access members of classes directly. It may be easy now, but in a large project it's really hard to debug. You should use inline getters and setters. That way, the generated code is the same, but you have a single entry point.


Thirdly, this version isn't thread safe. What if a different thread changes s? s.center and s.radius would change, but you'd still be operating on the old values.

第三,这个版本不是线程安全的。如果另一个线程改变了怎么办? s.center和s.radius会改变,但你仍然会使用旧值。

Lastly, compilers do a better job at optimizing than you can, so it's better to leave this one up to the compiler.




Whoever told you that is wrong. You can improve performance by using inline functions. Also in your example use


void function(Sphere &s) 

Saves using the copy constructor.


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