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I am trying to achieve a layout of buttons very similar to Apple's inbuilt Calculator app: Closeup of calc application


I am using autolayout to position the buttons, and drawing a 0.5px border on each button, aiming for a 1px gap between buttons (like the calc app, closeup showing pixels above, from a retina device).

我使用autolayout来定位按钮,并在每个按钮上画一个0.5像素的边框,目标是在按钮之间有一个1px的间隙(像calc app,上面显示的是一个视网膜设备上的像素)。

Border applied by :


    btn.layer.borderColor=[[UIColor blackColor] CGColor];

and the layout is set up using Interface Builder.


app screenshot

It almost works; but there is some variability in the gap between buttons - for example the gap between the "1,2,3,thru" row and the "4,5,6,and" row is 2 pixels, but the gap between the "7,8,9" and "cl,0,@" rows is only one pixel.


Constraints are :


  • Top black area has a fixed height
  • 顶部黑色区域有一个固定的高度
  • All buttons same height
  • 所有按钮一样高
  • In the numeric rows, numeric buttons are set to same width, THRU, AND, ALL OFF and ENTER buttons are set to same fixed width
  • 在数字行中,数值按钮被设置为相同的宽度,通过,和,全部关闭和输入按钮被设置为相同的固定宽度
  • Top row of buttons pinned to bottom of black area, bottom row pinned to bottom of superview In IB the buttons are all positioned butting up against each other.
  • 顶部的一排按钮被固定在黑色区域的底部,底部的一排按钮被固定在ibin的父视图的底部。

In interface builder and at runtime I don't see any autolayout errors; and a debugger dump of the autolayout info gives me:


po [[UIWindow keyWindow] _autolayoutTrace]

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Can anyone offer any hints on how to achieve a "pixel perfect" layout like this with Autolayout? Or should I be doing this programatically instead?


2 个解决方案



I tried to set horizontal/vertical spaces between views equal to 0.5. The color of parent view acts as border color. It looks ugly in IB, it cannot layout views properly but resulting layout on device looks perfect.


In interface builder:


in interface builder

On simulator:


on device

Constraints are a bit tricky. For each row:


  • set height for the 1st button
  • 设置第一个按钮的高度
  • set equal height for all buttons
  • 设置所有按钮的等高
  • set equal width for all buttons (a bit different for rows with orange buttons)
  • 为所有按钮设置相同的宽度(橙色按钮的行有一点不同)
  • align top edges of all buttons
  • 对齐所有按钮的顶部边缘
  • align bottom edges of all buttons
  • 对齐所有按钮的底部边缘
  • set leading and trailing spaces between all buttons (including spaces to superview) to 0.5
  • 将所有按钮(包括超视图的空格)之间的前导和后置空格设置为0.5
  • set top space (to previous row) of 1st button to 0.5
  • 将第一个按钮的顶部空间(到前一行)设置为0.5

You can apply constraints to multiple items at once. In order to apply leading/trailing spaces between buttons, place them without intersection in desired order before applying.




Layer borders are drawn inside the views bounds, so you aren't going to see a "gap" between the buttons, but the effect of two borders abutting each other. This isn't going to work in the non-retina simulator or devices, since it can't draw a half-pixel, and Autolayout doesn't align views on half-pixels.


For a layout like the one above I'd be giving a fixed height to the buttons (or to one button, and making the others equal it) and letting the black view take up the remaining space. It's always best to have at least one (ideally, exactly one) variable element in a full-screen layout basically to cover rounding errors.


It sounds at the moment like you have one fixed element (the black view) and the buttons are basically "take the remaining height and divide it between yourselves", which will only work if the remaining height divides perfectly.


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