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I wonder if it is possible to have a 哪个

Let's assume the following scenario. We have two 元素。

So when parent option is selected then filter the child

Should I make a routine to read all the options to an arrays in the Javascript?


Or should I make ajax calls to the server to obtain the data as json and then populate it(this I saw is the traditional way of doing the trick and then the HTML of the selects is generated on client side)?


I would like to keep HTML been generated on the server side. BTW server is Apache and I use PHP.

我想保持HTML在服务器端生成。 BTW服务器是Apache,我使用PHP。


2 个解决方案



I highly recommend you to use AngularJS to generate HTML on the client side, and get the JSON data from the server.


Trigger action on parent select change

This will trigger filterChildSelect(parentSelectValue) on your controller when the value selected changes.


Populate child select with server data

In your controller define the variable with your JSON data. For the sake of simplicity I will define an static array, but this should be the JSON data from your server


$scope.childDataOriginal = [
        name: "Child name 1",
        value: "child1"
    }, {
        name: "Child name 2",
        value: "child2"
// Iterave over a copy of the original data in order not to modify it when filtering
$scope.childData = angular.copy($scope.childDataOriginal);

Then iterave over it in your view:


Define your filtering function in your controller

Define a function which iterates over your original data and pushes to a temprary array the elements which pass some filter. Then assign that temprary array to your $scope.childData array.

定义一个迭代原始数据的函数,并将通过某些过滤器的元素推送到temprary数组。然后将该temprary数组分配给$ scope.childData数组。

$scope.filterChildSelect = function (parentSelectedValue) {
    var i,
        childDataTmp = []

    for (i = 0; i <$scope.childDataOriginal.length; i = i + 1) {
        if (someCondition) {

    $scope.childData = childDataTmp;



I think that a problem with generating this server-side is after you have selected an option in the parent (which filters the child options), and then select another option in paren, you need to keep track of what options were there to begin with.


I would suggest providing angular with the options for both 提供angular选项。

If angular has the list of options and they are structured something like this, the filtering would be trivial.


function controller() {
  var vm = this;
  vm.parentValue = null;
  vm.childValue = null;

  vm.parentOptiOns= [
    {key: 'parent 1', value: 1},
    {key: 'parent 2', value: 2},
  vm.childOptiOns= [
    {key: 'parent 1 child 1', value: 'parent1_child1', category: 1},
    {key: 'parent 1 child 2', value: 'parent1_child1', category: 1},
    {key: 'parent 2 child 1', value: 'parent2_child1', category: 2},
    {key: 'parent 2 child 2', value: 'parent2_child2', category: 2},


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