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本文分析基于Linux Kernel 1.2.13










* 硬件监听物理介质,进行数据的接收,当接收的数据填满了缓冲区,硬件就会产生中断,中断产生后,系统会转向中断服务子程序。

* 在中断服务子程序中,数据会从硬件的缓冲区复制到内核的空间缓冲区,并包装成一个数据结构(sk_buff),然后调用对驱动层的接口函数netif_rx()将数据包发送给链路层。该函数的实现在net/inet/dev.c中,(在整个网络栈实现中dev.c文件的作用重大,它衔接了其下的驱动层和其上的网络层,可以称它为链路层模块的实现)


/* *Receive a packet from a device driver and queue it for the upper
*(protocol) levels. It always succeeds. This is the recommended
*interface to use.
* 从设备驱动层接受到的数据发送到协议的
* 上层,该函数实际是一个接口。

void netif_rx(struct sk_buff *skb)
static int dropping = 0;

*Any received buffers are un-owned and should be discarded
*when freed. These will be updated later as the frames get
skb->sk = NULL;
skb->free = 1;
skb->stamp = xtime;

*Check that we aren't overdoing things.

if (!backlog_size)
dropping = 0;
else if (backlog_size > 300)
dropping = 1;

if (dropping)
kfree_skb(skb, FREE_READ);

*Add it to the "backlog" queue.

*If any packet arrived, mark it for processing after the
*hardware interrupt returns.

mark_bh(NET_BH);//下半部分bottom half技术可以减少中断处理程序的执行时间

该函数中用到了bootom half技术,该技术的原理是将中断处理程序人为的分为两部分,上半部分是实时性要求较高的任务,后半部分可以稍后完成,这样就可以节省中断程序的处理时间。可整体的提高系统的性能。该技术将会在后续的博文中详细分析。


bh_base[NET_BH].routine= net_bh;//设置NET 下半部分的处理函数为net_bh

* 函数net_bh的实现在net/inet/dev.c中

/* *When we are called the queue is ready to grab, the interrupts are *on and hardware can interrupt and queue to the receive queue a we *run with no problems. *This is run as a bottom half after an interrupt handler that does *mark_bh(NET_BH); */ void net_bh(void *tmp){struct sk_buff *skb;struct packet_type *ptype;struct packet_type *pt_prev;unsigned short type;/* *Atomically check and mark our BUSY state.  */if (set_bit(1, (void*)&in_bh))//标记BUSY状态return;/* *Can we send anything now? We want to clear the *decks for any more sends that get done as we *process the input. */dev_transmit();//调用dev_tinit()函数发送数据  /* *Any data left to process. This may occur because a *mark_bh() is done after we empty the queue including *that from the device which does a mark_bh() just after */cli();//防止队列操作错误,需要关中断和开中断/* *While the queue is not empty */ while((skb=skb_dequeue(&backlog))!=NULL)//出队直到队列为空{/* *We have a packet. Therefore the queue has shrunk */  backlog_size--;//队列元素个数减一sti();       /**Bump the pointer to the next structure.*This assumes that the basic 'skb' pointer points to*the MAC header, if any (as indicated by its "length"*field).  Take care now!*/skb->h.raw = skb->data + skb->dev->hard_header_len;skb->len -= skb->dev->hard_header_len;       /** Fetch the packet protocol ID.  This is also quite ugly, as* it depends on the protocol driver (the interface itself) to* know what the type is, or where to get it from.  The Ethernet* interfaces fetch the ID from the two bytes in the Ethernet MAC*header (the h_proto field in struct ethhdr), but other drivers*may either use the ethernet ID's or extra ones that do not*clash (eg ETH_P_AX25). We could set this before we queue the*frame. In fact I may change this when I have time.*/type = skb->dev->type_trans(skb, skb->dev);//取出该数据包所属的协议类型/* *We got a packet ID.  Now loop over the "known protocols" *table (which is actually a linked list, but this will *change soon if I get my way- FvK), and forward the packet *to anyone who wants it. * *[FvK didn't get his way but he is right this ought to be *hashed so we typically get a single hit. The speed cost *here is minimal but no doubt adds up at the 4,000+ pkts/second *rate we can hit flat out] */pt_prev = NULL;for (ptype = ptype_base; ptype != NULL; ptype = ptype->next) //遍历ptype_base所指向的网络协议队列{    //判断协议号是否匹配if ((ptype->type == type || ptype->type == htons(ETH_P_ALL)) && (!ptype->dev || ptype->dev==skb->dev)){/* *We already have a match queued. Deliver *to it and then remember the new match */if(pt_prev){struct sk_buff *skb2;skb2=skb_clone(skb, GFP_ATOMIC);//复制数据包结构/* *Kick the protocol handler. This should be fast *and efficient code. */if(skb2)pt_prev->func(skb2, skb->dev, pt_prev);//调用相应协议的处理函数,//这里和网络协议的种类有关系//如IP 协议的处理函数就是ip_rcv}/* Remember the current last to do */pt_prev=ptype;}} /* End of protocol list loop *//* *Is there a last item to send to ? */if(pt_prev)pt_prev->func(skb, skb->dev, pt_prev);/* * Has an unknown packet has been received ? */ elsekfree_skb(skb, FREE_WRITE);/* *Again, see if we can transmit anything now.  *[Ought to take this out judging by tests it slows * us down not speeds us up] */dev_transmit();cli();  }/* End of queue loop */    /*   *We have emptied the queue   */     in_bh = 0;//BUSY状态还原sti();/* *One last output flush. */ dev_transmit();//清空缓冲区}

* 就以IP数据包为例来说明,那么从链路层向网络层传递时将调用ip_rcv函数。该函数完成本层的处理后会根据IP首部中使用的传输层协议来调用相应协议的处理函数。



/* *This function receives all incoming IP datagrams. */int ip_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct device *dev, struct packet_type *pt){struct iphdr *iph = skb->h.iph;struct sock *raw_sk=NULL;unsigned char hash;unsigned char flag = 0;unsigned char opts_p = 0;/* Set iff the packet has options. */struct inet_protocol *ipprot;static struct options opt; /* since we don't use these yet, and theytake up stack space. */int brd=IS_MYADDR;int is_frag=0;#ifdef CONFIG_IP_FIREWALLint err;#endifip_statistics.IpInReceives++;/* *Tag the ip header of this packet so we can find it */skb->ip_hdr = iph;/* *Is the datagram acceptable? * *1.Length at least the size of an ip header *2.Version of 4 *3.Checksums correctly. [Speed optimisation for later, skip loopback checksums] *(4.We ought to check for IP multicast addresses and undefined types.. does this matter ?) */if (skb->lenihl<5 || iph->version != 4 ||skb->lentot_len) || ip_fast_csum((unsigned char *)iph, iph->ihl) !=0){ip_statistics.IpInHdrErrors++;kfree_skb(skb, FREE_WRITE);return(0);}/* *See if the firewall wants to dispose of the packet.  */#ifdefCONFIG_IP_FIREWALLif ((err=ip_fw_chk(iph,dev,ip_fw_blk_chain,ip_fw_blk_policy, 0))!=1){if(err==-1)icmp_send(skb, ICMP_DEST_UNREACH, ICMP_PORT_UNREACH, 0, dev);kfree_skb(skb, FREE_WRITE);return 0;}#endif/* *Our transport medium may have padded the buffer out. Now we know it *is IP we can trim to the true length of the frame. */skb->len=ntohs(iph->tot_len);/* *Next analyse the packet for options. Studies show under one packet in *a thousand have options.... */if (iph->ihl != 5){  /* Fast path for the typical optionless IP packet. */memset((char *) &opt, 0, sizeof(opt));if (do_options(iph, &opt) != 0)return 0;opts_p = 1;}/* *Remember if the frame is fragmented. */ if(iph->frag_off){if (iph->frag_off & 0x0020)is_frag|=1;/* *Last fragment ? */if (ntohs(iph->frag_off) & 0x1fff)is_frag|=2;}/* *Do any IP forwarding required.  chk_addr() is expensive -- avoid it someday. * *This is inefficient. While finding out if it is for us we could also compute *the routing table entry. This is where the great unified cache theory comes *in as and when someone implements it * *For most hosts over 99% of packets match the first conditional *and don't go via ip_chk_addr. Note: brd is set to IS_MYADDR at *function entry. */if ( iph->daddr != skb->dev->pa_addr && (brd = ip_chk_addr(iph->daddr)) == 0){/* *Don't forward multicast or broadcast frames. */if(skb->pkt_type!=PACKET_HOST || brd==IS_BROADCAST){kfree_skb(skb,FREE_WRITE);return 0;}/* *The packet is for another target. Forward the frame */#ifdef CONFIG_IP_FORWARDip_forward(skb, dev, is_frag);#else/*printk("Machine %lx tried to use us as a forwarder to %lx but we have forwarding disabled!\n",iph->saddr,iph->daddr);*/ip_statistics.IpInAddrErrors++;#endif/* *The forwarder is inefficient and copies the packet. We *free the original now. */kfree_skb(skb, FREE_WRITE);return(0);}#ifdef CONFIG_IP_MULTICASTif(brd==IS_MULTICAST && iph->daddr!=IGMP_ALL_HOSTS && !(dev->flags&IFF_LOOPBACK)){/* *Check it is for one of our groups */struct ip_mc_list *ip_mc=dev->ip_mc_list;do{if(ip_mc==NULL){kfree_skb(skb, FREE_WRITE);return 0;}if(ip_mc->multiaddr==iph->daddr)break;ip_mc=ip_mc->next;}while(1);}#endif/* *Account for the packet */ #ifdef CONFIG_IP_ACCTip_acct_cnt(iph,dev, ip_acct_chain);#endif/* * Reassemble IP fragments. */if(is_frag){/* Defragment. Obtain the complete packet if there is one */skb=ip_defrag(iph,skb,dev);if(skb==NULL)return 0;skb->dev = dev;iph=skb->h.iph;} /* *Point into the IP datagram, just past the header. */skb->ip_hdr = iph;skb->h.raw += iph->ihl*4;/* *Deliver to raw sockets. This is fun as to avoid copies we want to make no surplus copies. */ hash = iph->protocol & (SOCK_ARRAY_SIZE-1);/* If there maybe a raw socket we must check - if not we don't care less */if((raw_sk=raw_prot.sock_array[hash])!=NULL){struct sock *sknext=NULL;struct sk_buff *skb1;raw_sk=get_sock_raw(raw_sk, hash,  iph->saddr, iph->daddr);if(raw_sk)/* Any raw sockets */{do{/* Find the next */sknext=get_sock_raw(raw_sk->next, hash, iph->saddr, iph->daddr);if(sknext)skb1=skb_clone(skb, GFP_ATOMIC);elsebreak;/* One pending raw socket left */if(skb1)raw_rcv(raw_sk, skb1, dev, iph->saddr,iph->daddr);raw_sk=sknext;}while(raw_sk!=NULL);/* Here either raw_sk is the last raw socket, or NULL if none *//* We deliver to the last raw socket AFTER the protocol checks as it avoids a surplus copy */}}/* *skb->h.raw now points at the protocol beyond the IP header. */hash = iph->protocol & (MAX_INET_PROTOS -1);for (ipprot = (struct inet_protocol *)inet_protos[hash];ipprot != NULL;ipprot=(struct inet_protocol *)ipprot->next){struct sk_buff *skb2;if (ipprot->protocol != iph->protocol)continue;       /** See if we need to make a copy of it.  This will* only be set if more than one protocol wants it.* and then not for the last one. If there is a pending*raw delivery wait for that*/if (ipprot->copy || raw_sk){skb2 = skb_clone(skb, GFP_ATOMIC);if(skb2==NULL)continue;}else{skb2 = skb;}flag = 1;       /** Pass on the datagram to each protocol that wants it,* based on the datagram protocol.  We should really* check the protocol handler's return values here...*/ipprot->handler(skb2, dev, opts_p ? &opt : 0, iph->daddr,(ntohs(iph->tot_len) - (iph->ihl * 4)),iph->saddr, 0, ipprot);}/* * All protocols checked. * If this packet was a broadcast, we may *not* reply to it, since that * causes (proven, grin) ARP storms and a leakage of memory (i.e. all * ICMP reply messages get queued up for transmission...) */if(raw_sk!=NULL)/* Shift to last raw user */raw_rcv(raw_sk, skb, dev, iph->saddr, iph->daddr);else if (!flag)/* Free and report errors */{if (brd != IS_BROADCAST && brd!=IS_MULTICAST)icmp_send(skb, ICMP_DEST_UNREACH, ICMP_PROT_UNREACH, 0, dev);kfree_skb(skb, FREE_WRITE);}return(0);}



“所有使用TCP 协议的套接字对应sock 结构都被挂入tcp_prot 全局变量表示的proto 结构之sock_array 数组中,采用以本地端口号为索引的插入方式,所以当tcp_rcv 函数接收到一个数据包,在完成必要的检查和处理后,其将以TCP 协议首部中目的端口号(对于一个接收的数据包而言,其目的端口号就是本地所使用的端口号)为索引,在tcp_prot 对应sock 结构之sock_array 数组中得到正确的sock 结构队列,在辅之以其他条件遍历该队列进行对应sock 结构的查询,在得到匹配的sock 结构后,将数据包挂入该sock 结构中的缓存队列中(由sock 结构中receive_queue 字段指向),从而完成数据包的最终接收。”


/* *A TCP packet has arrived. */ int tcp_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct device *dev, struct options *opt,unsigned long daddr, unsigned short len,unsigned long saddr, int redo, struct inet_protocol * protocol){struct tcphdr *th;struct sock *sk;int syn_ok=0;if (!skb) {printk("IMPOSSIBLE 1\n");return(0);}if (!dev) {printk("IMPOSSIBLE 2\n");return(0);}  tcp_statistics.TcpInSegs++;  if(skb->pkt_type!=PACKET_HOST){  kfree_skb(skb,FREE_READ);  return(0);}  th = skb->h.th;/* *Find the socket. */sk = get_sock(&tcp_prot, th->dest, saddr, th->source, daddr);/* *If this socket has got a reset it's to all intents and purposes    *really dead. Count closed sockets as dead.   *   *Note: BSD appears to have a bug here. A 'closed' TCP in BSD   *simply drops data. This seems incorrect as a 'closed' TCP doesn't   *exist so should cause resets as if the port was unreachable.   */   if (sk!=NULL && (sk->zapped || sk->state==TCP_CLOSE))sk=NULL;if (!redo) {if (tcp_check(th, len, saddr, daddr )) {skb->sk = NULL;kfree_skb(skb,FREE_READ);/* *We don't release the socket because it was *never marked in use. */return(0);}th->seq = ntohl(th->seq);/* See if we know about the socket. */if (sk == NULL) {/* *No such TCB. If th->rst is 0 send a reset (checked in tcp_reset) */tcp_reset(daddr, saddr, th, &tcp_prot, opt,dev,skb->ip_hdr->tos,255);skb->sk = NULL;/* *Discard frame */kfree_skb(skb, FREE_READ);return(0);}skb->len = len;skb->acked = 0;skb->used = 0;skb->free = 0;skb->saddr = daddr;skb->daddr = saddr;/* We may need to add it to the backlog here. */cli();if (sk->inuse) {skb_queue_tail(&sk->back_log, skb);sti();return(0);}sk->inuse = 1;sti();}else{if (sk==NULL) {tcp_reset(daddr, saddr, th, &tcp_prot, opt,dev,skb->ip_hdr->tos,255);skb->sk = NULL;kfree_skb(skb, FREE_READ);return(0);}}if (!sk->prot) {printk("IMPOSSIBLE 3\n");return(0);}/* *Charge the memory to the socket.  */ if (sk->rmem_alloc + skb->mem_len >= sk->rcvbuf) {kfree_skb(skb, FREE_READ);release_sock(sk);return(0);}skb->sk=sk;sk->rmem_alloc += skb->mem_len;/* *This basically follows the flow suggested by RFC793, with the corrections in RFC1122. We *don't implement precedence and we process URG incorrectly (deliberately so) for BSD bug *compatibility. We also set up variables more thoroughly [Karn notes in the *KA9Q code the RFC793 incoming segment rules don't initialise the variables for all paths]. */if(sk->state!=TCP_ESTABLISHED)/* Skip this lot for normal flow */{/* *Now deal with unusual cases. */ if(sk->state==TCP_LISTEN){if(th->ack)/* These use the socket TOS.. might want to be the received TOS */tcp_reset(daddr,saddr,th,sk->prot,opt,dev,sk->ip_tos, sk->ip_ttl);/* *We don't care for RST, and non SYN are absorbed (old segments) *Broadcast/multicast SYN isn't allowed. Note - bug if you change the *netmask on a running connection it can go broadcast. Even Sun's have *this problem so I'm ignoring it  */   if(th->rst || !th->syn || th->ack || ip_chk_addr(daddr)!=IS_MYADDR){kfree_skb(skb, FREE_READ);release_sock(sk);return 0;}/* *Guess we need to make a new socket up  */tcp_conn_request(sk, skb, daddr, saddr, opt, dev, tcp_init_seq());/* *Now we have several options: In theory there is nothing else *in the frame. KA9Q has an option to send data with the syn, *BSD accepts data with the syn up to the [to be] advertised window *and Solaris 2.1 gives you a protocol error. For now we just ignore *it, that fits the spec precisely and avoids incompatibilities. It *would be nice in future to drop through and process the data. */ release_sock(sk);return 0;}/* retransmitted SYN? */if (sk->state == TCP_SYN_RECV && th->syn && th->seq+1 == sk->acked_seq){kfree_skb(skb, FREE_READ);release_sock(sk);return 0;}/* *SYN sent means we have to look for a suitable ack and either reset *for bad matches or go to connected  */   if(sk->state==TCP_SYN_SENT){/* Crossed SYN or previous junk segment */if(th->ack){/* We got an ack, but it's not a good ack */if(!tcp_ack(sk,th,saddr,len)){/* Reset the ack - its an ack from a    different connection  [ th->rst is checked in tcp_reset()] */tcp_statistics.TcpAttemptFails++;tcp_reset(daddr, saddr, th,sk->prot, opt,dev,sk->ip_tos,sk->ip_ttl);kfree_skb(skb, FREE_READ);release_sock(sk);return(0);}if(th->rst)return tcp_std_reset(sk,skb);if(!th->syn){/* A valid ack from a different connection   start. Shouldn't happen but cover it */kfree_skb(skb, FREE_READ);release_sock(sk);return 0;}/* *Ok.. it's good. Set up sequence numbers and *move to established. */syn_ok=1;/* Don't reset this connection for the syn */sk->acked_seq=th->seq+1;sk->fin_seq=th->seq;tcp_send_ack(sk->sent_seq,sk->acked_seq,sk,th,sk->daddr);tcp_set_state(sk, TCP_ESTABLISHED);tcp_options(sk,th);sk->dummy_th.dest=th->source;sk->copied_seq = sk->acked_seq;if(!sk->dead){sk->state_change(sk);sock_wake_async(sk->socket, 0);}if(sk->max_window==0){sk->max_window = 32;sk->mss = min(sk->max_window, sk->mtu);}}else{/* See if SYN's cross. Drop if boring */if(th->syn && !th->rst){/* Crossed SYN's are fine - but talking to   yourself is right out... */if(sk->saddr==saddr && sk->daddr==daddr &&sk->dummy_th.source==th->source &&sk->dummy_th.dest==th->dest){tcp_statistics.TcpAttemptFails++;return tcp_std_reset(sk,skb);}tcp_set_state(sk,TCP_SYN_RECV);/* *FIXME: *Must send SYN|ACK here */}/* Discard junk segment */kfree_skb(skb, FREE_READ);release_sock(sk);return 0;}/* *SYN_RECV with data maybe.. drop through */goto rfc_step6;}/* *BSD has a funny hack with TIME_WAIT and fast reuse of a port. There is *a more complex suggestion for fixing these reuse issues in RFC1644 *but not yet ready for general use. Also see RFC1379. */#define BSD_TIME_WAIT#ifdef BSD_TIME_WAITif (sk->state == TCP_TIME_WAIT && th->syn && sk->dead && after(th->seq, sk->acked_seq) && !th->rst){long seq=sk->write_seq;if(sk->debug)printk("Doing a BSD time wait\n");tcp_statistics.TcpEstabResets++;   sk->rmem_alloc -= skb->mem_len;skb->sk = NULL;sk->err=ECONNRESET;tcp_set_state(sk, TCP_CLOSE);sk->shutdown = SHUTDOWN_MASK;release_sock(sk);sk=get_sock(&tcp_prot, th->dest, saddr, th->source, daddr);if (sk && sk->state==TCP_LISTEN){sk->inuse=1;skb->sk = sk;sk->rmem_alloc += skb->mem_len;tcp_conn_request(sk, skb, daddr, saddr,opt, dev,seq+128000);release_sock(sk);return 0;}kfree_skb(skb, FREE_READ);return 0;}#endif}/* *We are now in normal data flow (see the step list in the RFC) *Note most of these are inline now. I'll inline the lot when *I have time to test it hard and look at what gcc outputs  */if(!tcp_sequence(sk,th,len,opt,saddr,dev)){kfree_skb(skb, FREE_READ);release_sock(sk);return 0;}if(th->rst)return tcp_std_reset(sk,skb);/* *!syn_ok is effectively the state test in RFC793. */ if(th->syn && !syn_ok){tcp_reset(daddr,saddr,th, &tcp_prot, opt, dev, skb->ip_hdr->tos, 255);return tcp_std_reset(sk,skb);}/* *Process the ACK */ if(th->ack && !tcp_ack(sk,th,saddr,len)){/* *Our three way handshake failed. */ if(sk->state==TCP_SYN_RECV){tcp_reset(daddr, saddr, th,sk->prot, opt, dev,sk->ip_tos,sk->ip_ttl);}kfree_skb(skb, FREE_READ);release_sock(sk);return 0;}rfc_step6:/* I'll clean this up later *//* *Process urgent data */ if(tcp_urg(sk, th, saddr, len)){kfree_skb(skb, FREE_READ);release_sock(sk);return 0;}/* *Process the encapsulated data */if(tcp_data(skb,sk, saddr, len)){kfree_skb(skb, FREE_READ);release_sock(sk);return 0;}/* *And done */release_sock(sk);return 0;}



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  • Android源码深入理解JNI技术的概述和应用
    本文介绍了Android源码中的JNI技术,包括概述和应用。JNI是Java Native Interface的缩写,是一种技术,可以实现Java程序调用Native语言写的函数,以及Native程序调用Java层的函数。在Android平台上,JNI充当了连接Java世界和Native世界的桥梁。本文通过分析Android源码中的相关文件和位置,深入探讨了JNI技术在Android开发中的重要性和应用场景。 ... [详细]
  • 本文讨论了在openwrt-17.01版本中,mt7628设备上初始化启动时eth0的mac地址总是随机生成的问题。每次随机生成的eth0的mac地址都会写到/sys/class/net/eth0/address目录下,而openwrt-17.01原版的SDK会根据随机生成的eth0的mac地址再生成eth0.1、eth0.2等,生成后的mac地址会保存在/etc/config/network下。 ... [详细]
  • 本文介绍了将mysql从5.6.15升级到5.7.15的详细步骤,包括关闭访问、备份旧库、备份权限、配置文件备份、关闭旧数据库、安装二进制、替换配置文件以及启动新数据库等操作。 ... [详细]
  • Imtryingtofigureoutawaytogeneratetorrentfilesfromabucket,usingtheAWSSDKforGo.我正 ... [详细]
  • 本文介绍了Swing组件的用法,重点讲解了图标接口的定义和创建方法。图标接口用来将图标与各种组件相关联,可以是简单的绘画或使用磁盘上的GIF格式图像。文章详细介绍了图标接口的属性和绘制方法,并给出了一个菱形图标的实现示例。该示例可以配置图标的尺寸、颜色和填充状态。 ... [详细]
  • Linux的uucico命令使用方法及工作模式介绍
    本文介绍了Linux的uucico命令的使用方法和工作模式,包括主动模式和附属模式。uucico是用来处理uucp或uux送到队列的文件传输工具,具有操作简单快捷、实用性强的特点。文章还介绍了uucico命令的参数及其说明,包括-c或--quiet、-C或--ifwork、-D或--nodetach、-e或--loop、-f或--force、-i或--stdin、-I--config、-l或--prompt等。通过本文的学习,读者可以更好地掌握Linux的uucico命令的使用方法。 ... [详细]
  • 深入解析Linux下的I/O多路转接epoll技术
    本文深入解析了Linux下的I/O多路转接epoll技术,介绍了select和poll函数的问题,以及epoll函数的设计和优点。同时讲解了epoll函数的使用方法,包括epoll_create和epoll_ctl两个系统调用。 ... [详细]
  • 本文整理了Java面试中常见的问题及相关概念的解析,包括HashMap中为什么重写equals还要重写hashcode、map的分类和常见情况、final关键字的用法、Synchronized和lock的区别、volatile的介绍、Syncronized锁的作用、构造函数和构造函数重载的概念、方法覆盖和方法重载的区别、反射获取和设置对象私有字段的值的方法、通过反射创建对象的方式以及内部类的详解。 ... [详细]
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