swift switch语句在可选的布尔元组上

 dmcm0004 发布于 2023-01-07 12:19

我无法弄清楚如何在交换机内的元组内使用选项.下面..Some(let ...)...语法作为非元组工作,但在元组内我得到预期的分隔符东西:(

var dict = Dictionary()
dict["a"] = true

switch (dict["a"],dict["b") {
case (.Some(let a) where !a, .Some(let b) where b):
  println("false/nil, true")
case (.Some(let a) where a, .Some(let b) where !b):
  println("true, false/nil")


    if let a = self.beaconList["a"] {
        if let b = self.beaconList["b"] {
            // a, b
        } else {
            // a, !b
    } else {
        if let b = self.beaconList["b"] {
            // !a, b
        } else {
            // !a, !b

Brett.. 17


var dict = Dictionary()
dict["a"] = true
dict["c"] = false

func matchOneOrTheOtherWithOptionals(a: Bool?, b: Bool?) -> String {
    switch (a, b) {
    case (.Some(true), let b) where b == .None || !b!: // gross
        return "a was true, but b was None or false"
    case (let a, .Some(true)) where a == .None || a == .Some(false):
        return "a was None or false and b was true"
        return "They both had a value, or they were both missing a value"

matchOneOrTheOtherWithOptionals(true, .None) // "a was true, but b was None or false"
matchOneOrTheOtherWithOptionals(true, false) // "a was true, but b was None or false"
matchOneOrTheOtherWithOptionals(.None, true) // "a was None or false and b was true"
matchOneOrTheOtherWithOptionals(false, true) // "a was None or false and b was true"

matchOneOrTheOtherWithOptionals(false, false) // "They both had a value, or they were both missing a value"
matchOneOrTheOtherWithOptionals(true, true) // "They both had a value, or they were both missing a value"
matchOneOrTheOtherWithOptionals(.None, .None) // "They both had a value, or they were both missing a value"


func noneToFalse(bool: Bool?) -> Bool {
    if let b = bool {
        return b
    } else {
        return false

func matchOneOrTheOther(a: Bool, b: Bool) -> String {
    switch (a, b) {
    case (true, false):
        return "a is true, b was false or None"
    case (false, true):
        return "a was false/None, b was true"
        return "both were true, or both were false/None"

matchOneOrTheOther(noneToFalse(dict["a"]), noneToFalse(dict["b"]))


1 个回答
  • 有很多方法可以做到这一点,但是为了修复你试图按字面意思做的语法,你需要显式地取消选择Optional,或者通过匹配.Some(false),或者解包它!(我认为这有点奇怪,你会看到)

    var dict = Dictionary<String,Bool>()
    dict["a"] = true
    dict["c"] = false
    func matchOneOrTheOtherWithOptionals(a: Bool?, b: Bool?) -> String {
        switch (a, b) {
        case (.Some(true), let b) where b == .None || !b!: // gross
            return "a was true, but b was None or false"
        case (let a, .Some(true)) where a == .None || a == .Some(false):
            return "a was None or false and b was true"
            return "They both had a value, or they were both missing a value"
    matchOneOrTheOtherWithOptionals(true, .None) // "a was true, but b was None or false"
    matchOneOrTheOtherWithOptionals(true, false) // "a was true, but b was None or false"
    matchOneOrTheOtherWithOptionals(.None, true) // "a was None or false and b was true"
    matchOneOrTheOtherWithOptionals(false, true) // "a was None or false and b was true"
    matchOneOrTheOtherWithOptionals(false, false) // "They both had a value, or they were both missing a value"
    matchOneOrTheOtherWithOptionals(true, true) // "They both had a value, or they were both missing a value"
    matchOneOrTheOtherWithOptionals(.None, .None) // "They both had a value, or they were both missing a value"


    func noneToFalse(bool: Bool?) -> Bool {
        if let b = bool {
            return b
        } else {
            return false
    func matchOneOrTheOther(a: Bool, b: Bool) -> String {
        switch (a, b) {
        case (true, false):
            return "a is true, b was false or None"
        case (false, true):
            return "a was false/None, b was true"
            return "both were true, or both were false/None"
    matchOneOrTheOther(noneToFalse(dict["a"]), noneToFalse(dict["b"]))


    2023-01-07 12:21 回答
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