php - YII2默认的密码加密方式是什么?怎么改成BCrypt加密?

 浪迹天涯沃热尔_441 发布于 2022-11-16 10:15


2 个回答
  •  /**
         * @var string strategy, which should be used to generate password hash.
         * Available strategies:
         * - 'password_hash' - use of PHP `password_hash()` function with PASSWORD_DEFAULT algorithm.
         *   This option is recommended, but it requires PHP version >= 5.5.0
         * - 'crypt' - use PHP `crypt()` function.
         * @deprecated Since version 2.0.7, [[generatePasswordHash()]] ignores [[passwordHashStrategy]] and
         * uses `password_hash()` when available or `crypt()` when not.
    2022-11-16 10:57 回答
  • public function generatePasswordHash($password, $cost = null)
        if ($cost === null) {
            $cost = $this->passwordHashCost;
        if (function_exists('password_hash')) {
            /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedConstantInspection */
            return password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT, ['cost' => $cost]);
        $salt = $this->generateSalt($cost);
        $hash = crypt($password, $salt);
        // strlen() is safe since crypt() returns only ascii
        if (!is_string($hash) || strlen($hash) !== 60) {
            throw new Exception('Unknown error occurred while generating hash.');
        return $hash;
    public function validatePassword($password, $hash)
        if (!is_string($password) || $password === '') {
            throw new InvalidParamException('Password must be a string and cannot be empty.');
        if (!preg_match('/^\$2[axy]\$(\d\d)\$[\.\/0-9A-Za-z]{22}/', $hash, $matches)
            || $matches[1] < 4
            || $matches[1] > 30
        ) {
            throw new InvalidParamException('Hash is invalid.');
        if (function_exists('password_verify')) {
            return password_verify($password, $hash);
        $test = crypt($password, $hash);
        $n = strlen($test);
        if ($n !== 60) {
            return false;
        return $this->compareString($test, $hash);
    2022-11-16 10:57 回答
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