node.js - express-handlebars如何向模板传全局变量?

 看不见的风2502871717 发布于 2022-11-01 19:24

npm里 express-handlebars 的文档发现一些相关信息:

Metadata Handlebars has a data channel feature that propagates data
through all scopes, including helpers and partials. Values in the data
channel can be accessed via the {{@variable}} syntax. Express
Handlebars provides metadata about a template it renders on a
{{@exphbs}} object allowing access to things like the view name passed
to res.render() via {{@exphbs.view}}.

The following is the list of metadata that's accessible on the
{{@exphbs}} data object:

cache: Boolean whether or not the template is cached.
view: String name of the view passed to res.render().
layout: String name of the layout view.
data: Original data object passed when rendering the template.
helpers: Collection of helpers used when rendering the template.
partials: Collection of partials used when rendering the template.


1 个回答
  • 实话说,metadata这段我没怎么看懂。不过设置全局变量我倒是知道一点点:

    var app = express();
    app.locals.sayHi = 'Hello World!';
    app.engine('handlebars', exphbs({defaultLayout: 'main'}));
    app.set('view engine', 'handlebars');
    app.get('/', function(req, res) {
    <h1>Example App: Home</h1>


    2022-11-02 20:16 回答
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