linux - Ubuntu不能安装软件

 撒谎滴土豆 发布于 2022-11-05 01:18


Preparing to unpack .../apport_2.14.1-0ubuntu3.6_all.deb ... apport
stop/waiting /var/lib/dpkg/info/apport.prerm: 14:
/var/lib/dpkg/info/apport.prerm: pyclean: not found dpkg:警告:子进程 旧的
pre-removal 脚本 返回了错误号 127 dpkg: trying script from the new package
instead ... /var/lib/dpkg/ 14:
/var/lib/dpkg/ pyclean: not found dpkg: error processing
archive /var/cache/apt/archives/apport_2.14.1-0ubuntu3.6_all.deb
(--unpack): 子进程 新的 pre-removal 脚本 返回了错误号 127
/var/lib/dpkg/info/apport.postinst: 13:
/var/lib/dpkg/info/apport.postinst: pycompile: not found dpkg:清理时出错:
子进程 已安装 post-installation 脚本 返回了错误号 127

运行命令行sudo dpkg -C

由于在安装过程中遇到严重的问题,下列软件包的状态存在严重问题。 若要令其运行正常,您必须重新安装它们 (以及所有依赖于它们的软件包):
software-center Utility for browsing, installing, and removing
software apport automatically generate crash reports
for debugging

下列软件包已被解开,但是尚未配置。 要令它们运行正常,您必须借助 dpkg --configure 或者 dselect 菜单中的配置项:
python-sqlalchemy-ext SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper for
Python - C python-pyside.qtwebkit Qt 4 WebKit module - Python
bindings compiz OpenGL window and compositing manager
apport-gtk GTK+ frontend for the apport crash report system
libpyside1.2:i386 Python bindings for Qt 4 (base files)
python-unity-singlet Python library for quickly building simple Unity
lenses a python-html2text Python module for converting HTML to
Markdown text python-pyside.qtnetwork Qt 4 network module - Python
bindings python-keyring store and access your passwords safely
python-secretstorage Python module for storing secrets - Python 2.x
version python-pyside.qtcore Qt 4 core module - Python bindings
python-sqlalchemy SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper for
Python python-pyside.qtgui Qt 4 GUI module - Python bindings
python-magic File type determination library using "magic"
numbers (Py everpad Ubuntu integrated evernote client
python-regex alternative regular expression module
libshiboken1.2:i386 CPython bindings generator for C++ libraries -
shared lib compiz-gnome OpenGL window and compositing manager
- GNOME window deco python-oauth2 Library for OAuth version 1.0a (forked from python-oauth) python-pysqlite2 Python interface to SQLite 3

下列软件包只是被不全面地配置了,这也许要归咎于 第一次配置它们时出的问题。您最好能重新配置它们。 借助 dpkg --configure
<软件包名> 或者用 dselect 菜单中的配置项重新配置软件包: gconf2 GNOME
configuration database system (support tools) python-pygame
SDL bindings for games development in Python


2 个回答
  • 遇到和你一样的问题,很痛苦。好奇你最后怎么解决的,重装了吗。。。

    2022-11-09 06:16 回答
  • 提示你 dpkg --configure,所以你试一下

    2022-11-09 06:16 回答
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