ios - warning: Could not resolve external type c:objc(cs)NSObject

 海边的石雨价_288 发布于 2022-11-01 09:26

warning: Could not resolve external type c:objc(cs)NSObject
while processing /Users/whqfor/ios/Pods/UMengSocial/Umeng_SDK_Social_iOS_ARM64_4.3/UMSocial_Sdk_Extra_Frameworks/SinaSSO/libWeiboSDK.a(WBSDKNormalWebViewController.o):
warning: Could not resolve external type c:objc(cs)NSDictionary
while processing /Users/whqfor/ios/Pods/UMengSocial/Umeng_SDK_Social_iOS_ARM64_4.3/UMSocial_Sdk_Extra_Frameworks/SinaSSO/libWeiboSDK.a(WBSDKNormalWebViewController.o):
warning: Could not resolve external type c:objc(cs)NSString
while processing /Users/whqfor/ios/Pods/UMengSocial/Umeng_SDK_Social_iOS_ARM64_4.3/UMSocial_Sdk_Extra_Frameworks/SinaSSO/libWeiboSDK.a(WBSDKNormalWebViewController.o):
warning: Could not resolve external type c:objc(cs)NSObject

I had this problem too. Here's how I fixed it.
1) Go to Build Settings -> Build Options -> Debug Information Format
2) Change the Debug setting from "DWARF with dSYM File" to "DWARF"
3) Leave the Release setting at "DWARF with dSYM File"
The problem appears to be that Xcode was trying to create dSYM files for Debug builds. You don't need dSYM files for Debug builds -- it's release builds where you need them.

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