code - 如何用Python实现任一个英文的纯文本文件,统计其中的单词出现的个数?

 BB_KYLE 发布于 2022-11-05 15:16

感谢微博上@刘鑫-MarsLiu的TAG每天一个小程序。 你会如何实现上述题目的要求?

#!/usr/bin/env python  
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-  


file_name = "movie.txt"  

line_counts = 0  
word_counts = 0  
character_counts = 0  

with open(file_name, 'r') as f:  
    for line in f:  
        words = line.split()  

        line_counts += 1  
        word_counts += len(words)  
        character_counts += len(line)  

print "line_counts ", line_counts  
print "word_counts ", word_counts  
print "character_counts ", character_counts


2 个回答
  • python有1个collections库可以解决你这个问题

    2022-11-09 22:19 回答
  • #!/usr/bin/python
    # 这么着,您看您乐意不?
    import re
    file_name = 'test.txt'
    lines_count = 0
    words_count = 0
    chars_count = 0
    words_dict  = {}
    lines_list   = []
    with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            lines_count = lines_count + 1
            chars_count  = chars_count + len(line)
            match = re.findall(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]+', line)
            for i in match:
                # 只要英文单词,删掉其他字符
                line = line.replace(i, ' ')
            lines_list = line.split()
            for i in lines_list:
                if i not in words_dict:
                    words_dict[i] = 1
                    words_dict[i] = words_dict[i] + 1
    print 'words_count is', len(words_dict)
    print 'lines_count is', lines_count
    print 'chars_count is', chars_count
    for k,v in words_dict.items():
        print k,v
    2022-11-09 22:20 回答
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