centos7 mariadb10 编译失败。

 花落---守护者 发布于 2022-10-25 07:21
The following tests FAILED:
 20 - pfs_instr_class (Not Run)
 21 - pfs_instr_class-oom (Not Run)
 22 - pfs_instr (Not Run)
 23 - pfs_instr-oom (Not Run)
 24 - pfs_account-oom (Not Run)
 25 - pfs_host-oom (Not Run)
 26 - pfs_timer (Not Run)
 27 - pfs_user-oom (Not Run)
 28 - pfs (Not Run)
 29 - ma_control_file (Not Run)
 30 - trnman (Not Run)
 31 - ma_test_loghandler (Not Run)
 32 - ma_test_loghandler_multigroup (Not Run)
 33 - ma_test_loghandler_multithread (Not Run)
 34 - ma_test_loghandler_pagecache (Not Run)
 35 - ma_test_loghandler_long (Not Run)
 36 - ma_test_loghandler_noflush (Not Run)
 37 - ma_test_loghandler_first_lsn (Not Run)
 38 - ma_test_loghandler_max_lsn (Not Run)
 39 - ma_test_loghandler_purge (Not Run)
 40 - ma_test_loghandler_readonly (Not Run)
 41 - ma_test_loghandler_nologs (Not Run)
 42 - ma_pagecache_single_1k (Not Run)
 43 - ma_pagecache_single_8k (Not Run)
 44 - ma_pagecache_single_64k (Not Run)
 45 - ma_pagecache_consist_1k (Not Run)
 46 - ma_pagecache_consist_64k (Not Run)
 47 - ma_pagecache_consist_1kHC (Not Run)
 48 - ma_pagecache_consist_64kHC (Not Run)
 49 - ma_pagecache_consist_1kRD (Not Run)
 50 - ma_pagecache_consist_64kRD (Not Run)
 51 - ma_pagecache_consist_1kWR (Not Run)
 52 - ma_pagecache_consist_64kWR (Not Run)
 53 - ma_pagecache_rwconsist_1k (Not Run)
 54 - ma_pagecache_rwconsist2_1k (Not Run)
 55 - dbug (Not Run)

Errors while running CTest
make: *** [test] Error 8
make[2]: *** [storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/CMakeFiles/libgroonga.dir/expr.c.o] Error

5 个回答
  • 别人说是makefike的-Werror导致的,但是我去掉了很多地方这个参数,但是还是不行,求解

    Linking CXX shared module ha_spider.so
    [ 62%] Built target spider
    Scanning dependencies of target archive
    [ 62%] Building C object storage/archive/CMakeFiles/archive.dir/azio.c.o
    [ 62%] Building CXX object storage/archive/CMakeFiles/archive.dir/ha_archive.cc.o
    Linking CXX shared module ha_archive.so
    [ 62%] Built target archive
    Scanning dependencies of target libgroonga
    [ 62%] Building C object storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/CMakeFiles/libgroonga.dir/com.c.o
    cc1: 警告:命令行选项“-fimplicit-templates”对 C++/ObjC++ 是有效的,但对 C 无效
    [ 63%] Building C object storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/CMakeFiles/libgroonga.dir/command.c.o
    cc1: 警告:命令行选项“-fimplicit-templates”对 C++/ObjC++ 是有效的,但对 C 无效
    [ 63%] Building C object storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/CMakeFiles/libgroonga.dir/ctx.c.o
    cc1: 警告:命令行选项“-fimplicit-templates”对 C++/ObjC++ 是有效的,但对 C 无效
    [ 63%] Building C object storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/CMakeFiles/libgroonga.dir/ctx_impl_mrb.c.o
    cc1: 警告:命令行选项“-fimplicit-templates”对 C++/ObjC++ 是有效的,但对 C 无效
    [ 63%] Building CXX object storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/CMakeFiles/libgroonga.dir/dat.cpp.o
    cc1plus: 警告:命令行选项“-Wno-pointer-sign”对 C/ObjC 是有效的,但对 C++ 无效
    cc1plus: 警告:命令行选项“-Wdeclaration-after-statement”对 C/ObjC 是有效的,但对 C++ 无效
    cc1plus: 警告:命令行选项“-Wbad-function-cast”对 C/ObjC 是有效的,但对 C++ 无效
    [ 63%] Building C object storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/CMakeFiles/libgroonga.dir/db.c.o
    cc1: 警告:命令行选项“-fimplicit-templates”对 C++/ObjC++ 是有效的,但对 C 无效
    [ 63%] Building CXX object storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/CMakeFiles/libgroonga.dir/egn.cpp.o
    cc1plus: 警告:命令行选项“-Wno-pointer-sign”对 C/ObjC 是有效的,但对 C++ 无效
    cc1plus: 警告:命令行选项“-Wdeclaration-after-statement”对 C/ObjC 是有效的,但对 C++ 无效
    cc1plus: 警告:命令行选项“-Wbad-function-cast”对 C/ObjC 是有效的,但对 C++ 无效
    [ 63%] Building C object storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/CMakeFiles/libgroonga.dir/error.c.o
    cc1: 警告:命令行选项“-fimplicit-templates”对 C++/ObjC++ 是有效的,但对 C 无效
    [ 63%] Building C object storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/CMakeFiles/libgroonga.dir/expr.c.o
    cc1: 警告:命令行选项“-fimplicit-templates”对 C++/ObjC++ 是有效的,但对 C 无效
    /home/andyyan/download/mariadb-10.1.7/storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/expr.c: 在函数‘grn_expr_exec’中:
    /home/andyyan/download/mariadb-10.1.7/storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/expr.c:3351: 警告:由于数据类型范围限制,比较结果永远为假
    /home/andyyan/download/mariadb-10.1.7/storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/expr.c:3351: 警告:由于数据类型范围限制,比较结果永远为假
    /home/andyyan/download/mariadb-10.1.7/storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/expr.c:3363: 警告:由于数据类型范围限制,比较结果永远为假
    /home/andyyan/download/mariadb-10.1.7/storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/expr.c:3363: 警告:由于数据类型范围限制,比较结果永远为假
    cc: 内部错误:已杀死 (程序 cc1)
    具体步骤请参见 <http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla>;。
    make[2]: *** [storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/CMakeFiles/libgroonga.dir/expr.c.o] 错误 1
    make[1]: *** [storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/CMakeFiles/libgroonga.dir/all] 错误 2
    make: *** [all] 错误 2
    2022-10-26 14:26 回答
  • 我也遇到同样的问题,CentOS编译安装时报的错误。

    [ 62%] Building C object storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/CMakeFiles/libgroonga.dir/expr.c.o
    cc: internal compiler error: Killed (program cc1)
    Please submit a full bug report,
    with preprocessed source if appropriate.
    See <http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla>; for instructions.
    make[2]: *** [storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/CMakeFiles/libgroonga.dir/expr.c.o] Error 4
    make[1]: *** [storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/CMakeFiles/libgroonga.dir/all] Error 2
    make: *** [all] Error 2
    2022-10-26 14:26 回答
  • 信息不够多呀

    2022-10-26 14:26 回答
  • 如果是阿里云的ECS的话是内存不够导致的,在mroonga编译的地方会占用较多内存,1G升级到2G就能编译通过了。

    2022-10-26 14:26 回答
  • 我也遇到过了,很多人都没找到根本原因。

    2022-10-26 14:26 回答
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