centos - salt-minion 启动报错“ global name 'RSA' is not defined”

 c23235857 发布于 2022-10-29 19:54

最近折腾 salt-minion ,用的是综合安装(胡乱安装,有些是源码,有些是 RPM 包安装),终于装完所有包,启动的时候却提示
salt-minion -l debug 提示:
[DEBUG ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion
[DEBUG ] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: GDZJ-MS-MMDS-SV04-GET04
[DEBUG ] Configuration file path: /etc/salt/minion
[WARNING ] Insecure logging configuration detected! Sensitive data may be logged.
[INFO ] Setting up the Salt Minion "GDZJ-MS-MMDS-SV04-GET04"
[DEBUG ] Created pidfile: /var/run/salt-minion.pid
[DEBUG ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion
[DEBUG ] Attempting to authenticate with the Salt Master at
[DEBUG ] Initializing new SAuth for ('/etc/salt/pki/minion', 'GDZJ-MS-MMDS-SV04-GET04', 'tcp://')
[INFO ] Generating keys: /etc/salt/pki/minion
[INFO ] The salt minion is shut down
[ERROR ] global name 'RSA' is not defined
[WARNING ] Restarting minion
[INFO ] Sleeping random_reauth_delay of 6 seconds
016-02-24 15:08:26,229 salt.scripts [162651] global name 'RSA' is not defined
2016-02-24 15:08:26,229 salt.scripts [162651] Restarting minion
2016-02-24 15:08:33,523 salt.scripts [162671] global name 'RSA' is not defined
2016-02-24 15:08:33,523 salt.scripts [162671] Restarting minion
2016-02-24 15:08:34,811 salt.scripts [162692] global name 'RSA' is not defined
2016-02-24 15:08:34,812 salt.scripts [162692] * Restarting minion ^C
2016-02-24 15:08:44,104 salt.scripts [162712] global name 'RSA' is not defined
2016-02-24 15:08:44,105 salt.scripts [162712] Restarting minion *
2016-02-24 15:08:50,394 salt.scripts [162732] global name 'RSA' is not defined
2016-02-24 15:08:50,394 salt.scripts [162732] Restarting minion

1 个回答
  • salt-minion启动时需要使用到RSA,可以测试一下:

    >>>from M2Crypto import RSA


    yum install m2crypto


    2022-10-31 01:15 回答
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