android - smsc 值为"当地短信中心号码",145 后面那个145代表什么,正常么?

 上善若水纯_310 发布于 2022-11-04 09:58


1 个回答
  • +CSCA=address[,address_type]

    The address_type Parameter

    The second parameter of the +CSCA AT command, address_type, specifies the type of the SMSC address assigned to the address parameter. Two values, 129 and 145, are commonly used.

    129. Meaning: The SMSC address is formatted using the typical ISDN / telephony numbering plan (ITU E.164/E.163) but it is not sure whether the SMSC address is an international number, a national number or a number of other types. Example addresses: "85291234567" and "91234567".

    145. Meaning: The SMSC address is formatted using the typical ISDN / telephony numbering plan (ITU E.164/E.163) and it is an international number. Example address: "+85291234567".

    As address_type is an optional parameter, it can be omitted. If you do so, the GSM/GPRS modem or mobile phone will use the default value of the address_type parameter, which is:

    129 if the SMSC address does not start with a "+" character. For example, "85291234567".

    145 if the SMSC address starts with a "+" character. For example, "+85291234567".



    2022-11-07 10:05 回答
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