
 林林7089 发布于 2023-02-12 18:31


Calendar thatDay = Calendar.getInstance();
thatDay.set(Calendar.MONTH,0); // 0-11 so 1 less
thatDay.set(Calendar.YEAR, 2014);

Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance();
long diff =  thatDay.getTimeInMillis() - today.getTimeInMillis(); 


1 个回答
  • 以下代码

    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.Calendar;
    public class cal {
        public static int SECONDS_IN_A_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Calendar thatDay = Calendar.getInstance();
            thatDay.setTime(new Date(0)); /* reset */
            thatDay.set(Calendar.MONTH,0); // 0-11 so 1 less
            thatDay.set(Calendar.YEAR, 2014);
            Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance();
            long diff =  thatDay.getTimeInMillis() - today.getTimeInMillis(); 
            long diffSec = diff / 1000;
            long days = diffSec / SECONDS_IN_A_DAY;
            long secondsDay = diffSec % SECONDS_IN_A_DAY;
            long seconds = secondsDay % 60;
            long minutes = (secondsDay / 60) % 60;
            long hours = (secondsDay / 3600); // % 24 not needed
            System.out.printf("%d days, %d hours, %d minutes and %d seconds\n", days, hours, minutes, seconds);


    27 days, 17 hours, 18 minutes and 2 seconds
    27 days, 17 hours, 18 minutes and 1 seconds
    27 days, 17 hours, 18 minutes and 0 seconds
    27 days, 17 hours, 17 minutes and 59 seconds
    27 days, 17 hours, 17 minutes and 58 seconds
    27 days, 17 hours, 17 minutes and 57 seconds
    27 days, 17 hours, 17 minutes and 56 seconds
    27 days, 17 hours, 17 minutes and 55 seconds
    27 days, 17 hours, 17 minutes and 54 seconds
    27 days, 17 hours, 17 minutes and 53 seconds


    2023-02-12 18:32 回答
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