
 红白蓝2502891727 发布于 2023-02-12 11:46


void LocalMax(vector Entry , int Size)
    int Highest1 = 0, Highest2 = 0, Highest3 = 0, Temp = 0, Highest = 0;
    double TempDouble;
    for (int i = 0; i < Size - 1; i++)
        Temp = Entry[i].MaxTemp;
        if (Temp > Highest) {Highest = 0; Highest = Temp;}
        if (Entry[i].StationID != Entry[(i + 1)].StationID)
                if (Entry[i].StationID == "GHCND:USC00083909") {Highest1 = Highest; Highest = 0;}
                if (Entry[i].StationID == "GHCND:USW00012888") {Highest2 = Highest; Highest = 0;}
                if (Entry[i].StationID == "GHCND:USR0000FCHE") {Highest3 = Highest;}
            } else if (Temp > Highest) {Highest = Temp; Temp = 0;}
        if (i == Size - 2) {Highest3 = Highest;}
    TempDouble = Highest1 / 10;
    cout << "The highest temp recorded for Station1 was: " << Highest1 << " tenths of a degree Celsius \nor: " << TempDouble << " degrees Celsius." << endl;
    TempDouble = Highest2 / 10;
    cout << "The highest temp recorded for Station2 was: " << Highest2 << " tenths of a degree Celsius \nor: " << TempDouble << " degrees Celsius." << endl;
    TempDouble = Highest3 / 10;
    cout << "The highest temp recorded for Station3 was: " << Highest3 << " tenths of a degree Celsius \nor: " << TempDouble << " degrees Celsius." << endl;


The highest temp recorded for Station1 was: 339 tenths of a degree Celsius
or: 33 degrees Celsius.
The highest temp recorded for Station2 was: 350 tenths of a degree Celsius
or: 35 degrees Celsius.
The highest temp recorded for Station3 was: 344 tenths of a degree Celsius
or: 34 degrees Celsius.


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