Thinking In Java 异常这一节的这是不是错了?

 ll平安是福简单是快乐 发布于 2022-10-27 11:56

在Exception restrictions这一小节里边,里面有一大段代码

class BaseballException extends Exception {}
class Foul extends BaseballException {}
class Strike extends BaseballException {}

abstract class Inning {
    public Inning() throws BaseballException {}
    public void event() throws BaseballException {
        // Doesn’t actually have to throw anything
    public abstract void atBat() throws Strike, Foul;
    public void walk() {} // Throws no checked exceptions

class StormException extends Exception {}
class RainedOut extends StormException {}
class PopFoul extends Foul {}

interface Storm {
    public void event() throws RainedOut;
    public void rainHard() throws RainedOut;

public class StormyInning extends Inning implements Storm {
    // OK to add new exceptions for constructors, but you
    // must deal with the base constructor exceptions:
    public StormyInning() throws RainedOut, BaseballException {}
    public StormyInning(String s) throws Foul, BaseballException {}

    // Regular methods must conform to base class:
    //! void walk() throws PopFoul {} //Compile error
    // Interface CANNOT add exceptions to existing methods from the base class:
    //! public void event() throws RainedOut {} //Compile error
    // If the method doesn’t already exist in the
    // base class, the exception is OK:
    public void rainHard() throws RainedOut {}

    // You can choose to not throw any exceptions,
    // even if the base version does:
    public void event() {}

    // Overridden methods can throw inherited exceptions:
    public void atBat() throws PopFoul {}

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            StormyInning si = new StormyInning();
            si.atBat(); // Strike not thrown in derived version.
        } catch(PopFoul e) {    //caused by si.atBat();
            System.out.println("Pop foul");
        } catch(RainedOut e) {  //StormyInning()
            System.out.println("Rained out");
        } catch(BaseballException e) {  //StormyInning()
            System.out.println("Generic baseball exception");
        try {
            // What happens if you upcast?
            Inning i = new StormyInning();
        // You must catch the exceptions from the
        // base-class version of the method:
        } catch(Strike e) {
        } catch(Foul e) {
        } catch(RainedOut e) {
            System.out.println("Rained out");
        } catch(BaseballException e) {
            System.out.println("Generic baseball exception");
} ///:~


// You can choose to not throw any exceptions,
// even if the base version does:
    public void event() {}



When Stormylnning extends Inning and implements Storm, you’ll see that the event() method in Storm cannot change the exception interface of event() in Inning.


1 个回答
    1. 子类的方法抛出的异常范围不能超过父类的方法抛出的异常范围,子类也可以不抛出异常;

    2. 接口的实现类可以不抛异常,也可以抛出与接口不一样的异常. 但是必须是接口定义的异常或是该异常的子类;

    StormyInning不仅继承了Inning,也实现了Storm接口,Inning中的event()方法声明抛出的异常是BaseballException Storm接口中的event()方法声明抛出的异常为RainedOut,如果你只是继承了Inning,那么抛出BaseballException异常是没问题的,但是StormyInning还实现了Storm接口,那抛出BaseballException异常就不行了

    2022-10-27 22:49 回答
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