如何使用Windows API获得"加密强"的随机字节?

 手机用户2502937527 发布于 2023-01-30 17:40

我需要获得少量"加密好"的随机字节.(在我的情况下是8个字节.)是否有任何Windows API?

PS.如果这些API向后兼容Windows XP,那就太好了.但如果没有,它仍然有效.谢谢.

1 个回答
  • 我知道我最初询问的是Windows API,但是自从我的原帖后我有时间做研究.所以我想分享我的发现.

    事实证明,自从他们的Ivy Bridge芯片组以来,英特尔通过RDRAND CPU指令提供了一个非常酷的硬件随机数发生器.

    由于这是关于Windows实现和大多数Windows PC在英特尔芯片组上运行的问题,我决定编写一个小类(我不敢相信,我说它)似乎生成了真正的随机数.以下是对其工作原理的描述,以及对英特尔RNG 的分析.

    我也假设这个代码是为32位进程编译的(如果有人需要它来进行64位实现,你将不得不调整asm部分.)谨慎地说,不应该这样做假设它将在任何英特尔硬件上运行.正如我上面所说,它需要一个相对较新的英特尔的Ivy Bridge或更高版本的芯片组.(我在后来的Haswell系统板上进行了测试.)好消息是,几乎没有时间来确定是否支持RDRAND指令,如果不支持,最明显的路线应该是使用任何OS提供的API,在其他帖子中描述.(同时结合两种方法的结果也可以增加最终结果的熵.)


    CHardwareRandomNumberGenerator h;
    BYTE arr[4096] = {0};
    UINT ncbSz = sizeof(arr);
    int r = h.GetHardwareRandomBytes(arr, &ncbSz);
    if(ncbSz != sizeof(arr))   //We'll need only the full array
        //Use an alternate RNG method:
        //- RtlGenRandom()
        //- CryptGenRandom()
    _tprintf(L"RdRand result is %d\n", r);
    if(ncbSz > 0)
        _tprintf(L"Random Bytes (%d): ", ncbSz);
        for(UINT i = 0; i < ncbSz; i++)
            _tprintf(L"%02x", arr[i]);


    //This class uses the Intel RdRand CPU instruction for 
    //the random number generator that is compliant with security 
    //and cryptographic standards:
    //  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RdRand
    #pragma once
    class CHardwareRandomNumberGenerator
        int GetHardwareRandomBytes(BYTE* pOutRndVals = NULL, UINT* pncbInOutSzRndVals = NULL, DWORD dwmsMaxWait = 5 * 1000);
        BOOL bRdRandSupported;
        static BOOL __is_cpuid_supported(void);
        static BOOL __cpuid(int data[4], int nID);
        int __fillHardwareRandomBytes(BYTE* pOutRndVals, UINT* pncbInOutSzRndVals, UINT& ncbOutSzWritten, DWORD dwmsMaxWait);


    //This class uses the Intel RdRand CPU instruction for 
    //the random number generator that is compliant with security 
    //and cryptographic standards:
    //  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RdRand
    //[32-bit Intel-only implementation]
    #include "HardwareRandomNumberGenerator.h"
    CHardwareRandomNumberGenerator::CHardwareRandomNumberGenerator(void) :
        //Check that RdRand instruction is supported
            //It must be Intel CPU
            int name[4] = {0};
            if(__cpuid(name, 0))
                if(name[1] == 0x756e6547 &&         //uneG
                    name[2] == 0x6c65746e &&        //letn
                    name[3] == 0x49656e69)          //Ieni
                    //Get flag itself
                    int data[4] = {0};
                    if(__cpuid(data, 1))
                        //Check bit 30 on the 2nd index (ECX register)
                        if(data[2] & (0x1 << 30))
                            bRdRandSupported = TRUE;
    int CHardwareRandomNumberGenerator::GetHardwareRandomBytes(BYTE* pOutRndVals, UINT* pncbInOutSzRndVals, DWORD dwmsMaxWait)
        //Generate random numbers into the 'pOutRndVals' buffer
        //INFO: This function uses CPU/hardware to generate a set of
        //      random numbers that are cryptographically strong.
        //INFO: For more details refer to:
        //       http://electronicdesign.com/learning-resources/understanding-intels-ivy-bridge-random-number-generator
        //       http://www.cryptography.com/public/pdf/Intel_TRNG_Report_20120312.pdf
        //'pOutRndVals' = if not NULL, points to the buffer that receives random bytes
        //'pncbInOutSzRndVals' = if not NULL, on the input must contain the number of BYTEs to write into the 'pOutRndVals' buffer
        //                                    on the output will contain the number of BYTEs actually written into the 'pOutRndVals' buffer
        //'dwmsMaxWait' = timeout for this method, expressed in milliseconds
        //      = 1 if hardware random number generator is supported & the buffer in 'pOutRndVals' was successfully filled out with random numbers
        //      = 0 if hardware random number generator is supported, but timed out while filling out the buffer in 'pOutRndVals'
        //          INFO: Check 'pncbInOutSzRndVals', it will contain the number of BYTEs actually written into the 'pOutRndVals' array
        //      = -1 if general error
        //      = -2 if hardware random number generator is not supported on this hardware
        //          INFO: Requires Intel Ivy Bridge, or later chipset.
        UINT ncbSzWritten = 0;
        int nRes = __fillHardwareRandomBytes(pOutRndVals, pncbInOutSzRndVals, ncbSzWritten, dwmsMaxWait);
            *pncbInOutSzRndVals = ncbSzWritten;
        return nRes;
    int CHardwareRandomNumberGenerator::__fillHardwareRandomBytes(BYTE* pOutRndVals, UINT* pncbInOutSzRndVals, UINT& ncbOutSzWritten, DWORD dwmsMaxWait)
        ncbOutSzWritten = 0;
        //Check support
            return -2;
            //We must have a buffer to fill out
            if(pOutRndVals &&
                pncbInOutSzRndVals &&
                (int*)*pncbInOutSzRndVals > 0)
                //Begin timing ticks in ms
                DWORD dwmsIniTicks = ::GetTickCount();
                UINT ncbSzRndVals = *pncbInOutSzRndVals;
                //Fill in data array
                for(UINT i = 0; i < ncbSzRndVals; i += sizeof(DWORD))
                    DWORD random_value;
                    int got_value;
                    int nFailureCount = 0;
                    //Since RdRand instruction may not have enough random numbers
                    //in its buffer, we may need to "loop" while waiting for it to
                    //generate more results...
                    //For the first 10 failures we'll simply loop around, after which we
                    //will wait for 1 ms per each failed iteration to save on the overall
                    //CPU cycles that this method may consume.
                    for(;; nFailureCount++ < 10 ? 1 : ::Sleep(1))
                            push eax
                            push edx
                            xor eax, eax
                            ;RDRAND instruction = Set random value into EAX. Will set overflow [C] flag if success
                            _emit 0x0F
                            _emit 0xC7
                            _emit 0xF0
                            mov edx, 1
                            ;Check if the value was available in the RNG buffer
                            jc lbl_set_it
                            ;It wasn't available
                            xor edx, edx
                            xor eax, eax
                            mov dword ptr [got_value], edx
                            mov dword ptr [random_value], eax
                            pop edx
                            pop eax
                            //Got random value OK
                        //Otherwise RdRand instruction failed to produce a random value
                        //See if we timed out?
                        if(::GetTickCount() - dwmsIniTicks > dwmsMaxWait)
                            //Timed out
                            return 0;
                        //Try again
                    //We now have a 4-byte, or DWORD, random value
                    //So let's put it into our array
                    if(i + sizeof(DWORD) <= ncbSzRndVals)
                        *(DWORD*)(pOutRndVals + i) = random_value;
                        ncbOutSzWritten += sizeof(DWORD);
                    else if(i + sizeof(WORD) + sizeof(BYTE) <= ncbSzRndVals)
                        *(WORD*)(pOutRndVals + i) = (WORD)random_value;
                        *(BYTE*)(pOutRndVals + i + sizeof(WORD)) = (BYTE)(random_value >> 16);
                        ncbOutSzWritten += sizeof(WORD) + sizeof(BYTE);
                    else if(i + sizeof(WORD) <= ncbSzRndVals)
                        *(WORD*)(pOutRndVals + i) = (WORD)random_value;
                        ncbOutSzWritten += sizeof(WORD);
                    else if(i + sizeof(BYTE) <= ncbSzRndVals)
                        *(BYTE*)(pOutRndVals + i) = (BYTE)random_value;
                        ncbOutSzWritten += sizeof(BYTE);
                        //Shouldn't even be here
                        return -1;
            //A generic catch-all just to be sure...
            return -1;
        return 1;
    BOOL CHardwareRandomNumberGenerator::__is_cpuid_supported(void)
        //See if CPUID command is supported
        //INFO: Some really old CPUs may not support it!
        //RETURN: = TRUE if yes, and __cpuid() can be called
        BOOL bSupported;
        DWORD nEFlags = 0;
            #define FLAG_VALUE (0x1 << 21)
                //remember EFLAGS & EAX
                push eax
                //Set bit 21 in EFLAGS
                pop eax
                or eax, FLAG_VALUE
                push eax
                //Check if bit 21 in EFLAGS was set
                pop eax
                mov nEFlags, eax
                //Restore EFLAGS & EAX
                pop eax
            bSupported = (nEFlags & FLAG_VALUE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
            //A generic catch-all just to be sure...
            bSupported = FALSE;
        return bSupported;
    BOOL CHardwareRandomNumberGenerator::__cpuid(int data[4], int nID)
        //INFO: Call __is_cpuid_supported() first to see if this function is supported
        //      = TRUE if success, check 'data' for results
        BOOL bRes = TRUE;
                push eax
                push ebx
                push ecx
                push edx
                push esi
                //Call CPUID
                mov eax, nID
                _emit 0x0f      ;CPUID
                _emit 0xa2
                //Save 4 registers
                mov esi, data
                mov dword ptr [esi], eax
                mov dword ptr [esi + 4], ebx
                mov dword ptr [esi + 8], ecx
                mov dword ptr [esi + 12], edx
                pop esi
                pop edx
                pop ecx
                pop ebx
                pop eax
            //A generic catch-all just to be sure...
            bRes = FALSE;
        return bRes;


    2023-01-30 17:41 回答
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