
 Chilldon螴暁鼕 发布于 2023-02-12 16:15





using namespace std;

int * arrayBuilder(int * arr, int size, int newSize);
void showArray(int * arr, int size);

int main()
int * theArray = 0;
int i;

cout << "This program demonstrates an array builder function." << endl << endl;

// create the initial array.  The initial size is zero and the requested size is 5.
theArray = arrayBuilder(theArray, 0, 5);

// show the array before values are added
cout << "theArray after first call to builder: " << endl;
showArray(theArray, 5);

// add some values to the array
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    theArray[i] = i + 100;

// show the array with added values
cout << endl << "Some values stored in the array: " << endl;
showArray(theArray, 5);

// expand the size of the array.  size is not the original size.  newSize
// must be greater than size.
theArray = arrayBuilder(theArray, 5, 10);

// show the new array with the new size
cout << endl << "The new array: " << endl;
showArray(theArray, 10);

cout << endl;

delete [] theArray; // be sure to do this a1t the end of your program!


return 0;

FUNCTION: arrayBuilder
INPUTS Pointer to an array.  Size of the array. If size is zero, arr can be    NULL.
      Size of the new array.
OUTPUTS:  Returns a pointer to allocated memory.  If newSize is greater than size,
      an array of newSize is allocated and the old array is copied into the new
      array. Memory pointed to by the old array is deleted.  All new elements
      are initialized to zero.

int * arrayBuilder(int * arr, int size, int newSize)
// TODO: Your code goes here

return NULL; // default return value.  No memory allocated!

FUNCTION: showArray
INPUTS: Pointer to an array.  Size of the array. If size is zero, arr can be  NULL.
OUTPUTS:  Prints the contents of the array to the console.

void showArray(int * arr, int size)
cout << "arr = ";

for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
    cout << arr[i] << "  ";

cout << endl;



int * arrayBuilder(int * arr, int size, int newSize)
// TODO: Your code goes here
    int * temp = new int [newSize];

for (int i = size; i < newSize; i++)
        *arr = *temp;

return NULL; // default return value.  No memory allocated!


int * arrayBuilder(int * arr, int size, int newSize)
// TODO: Your code goes here
int * temp = new int [newSize];
memcpy (temp, arr, size *sizeof(int));
// HINT: Design the function before writing it.
delete[]  arr;

for (int i = size; i < newSize; i++)
    temp[i] = i;

return NULL; // default return value.  No memory allocated!


This program demonstrates an array builder function.

theArray after first call to the builder:
arr = 0 0 0 0 0

some values stored in the array:
arr = 100 101 102 103 104

the new array:
arr = 100 101 102 103 104 0 0 0 0 0


This program demonstrates an array builder function.

theArray after first call to builder:
arr = -842150451  0  0  0  0

Some values stored in the array:
arr = 100  101  102  103  104

The new array:
arr = -842150451  -842150451  -842150451  -842150451  -842150451  -842150451  -8
42150451  -842150451  -842150451  -842150451

Press any key to continue . . .



This program demonstrates an array builder function.

theArray after first call to the builder:
arr = 0 0 0 0 0

some values stored in the array:
arr = 100 101 102 103 104

the new array:
arr = 100 101 102 103 104 0 0 0 0 0


int * arrayBuilder(int * arr, int size, int newSize)
int i = size;
int * temp = new int [newSize];
// What if the size is 0?
if (size <= 0)
    while (i < newSize)
        temp[i] = 0;
// Assuming the size _isn't_ 0
// "a new array will be created"  (good)

for (i = 0; i < newSize; i++)
    // The contents of the "old" array (arr) will be
    // copied into the "new" array (temp)
    while (i < size)
        temp[i] = arr[i];
    while (i >= size && i < newSize)
        temp[i] = 0;
    // as a hint, you can address the elements in 
    // both arrays using the [] operator:
    // arr[i]
    // temp[i]


// "The function returns a pointer to the allocated buffer."
// So, NULL is wrong, what buffer did you allocate?
return temp; // default return value.  No memory allocated!

woolstar.. 5


memcpy (temp, arr, size *sizeof(int));

但是之后你又犯了几个错误.首先,你需要return temp ;return NULL ;

但是你也不需要循环了 delete arr[] ;

delete arr[]如果大小为零也不要.

2 个回答
  • 你已经得到了答案:

    memcpy (temp, arr, size *sizeof(int));

    但是之后你又犯了几个错误.首先,你需要return temp ;return NULL ;

    但是你也不需要循环了 delete arr[] ;

    delete arr[]如果大小为零也不要.

    2023-02-12 16:17 回答
  • 既然你付出了一些努力.



    int * arrayBuilder(int * arr, int size, int newSize);







    int * arrayBuilder(int * arr, int size, int newSize)
        // What if the size is 0?
        // Assuming the size _isn't_ 0
        // "a new array will be created"  (good)
        int * temp = new int [newSize];
        for (int i = size; i < newSize; i++)
            // The contents of the "old" array (arr) will be
            // copied into the "new" array (temp)
            // as a hint, you can address the elements in 
            // both arrays using the [] operator:
            // arr[i]
            // temp[i]
            // something is wrong here...
            *arr = *temp;
            // you definitely _don't_ want to do this
        // "The function returns a pointer to the allocated buffer."
        // So, NULL is wrong, what buffer did you allocate?
        return NULL; // default return value.  No memory allocated!

    2023-02-12 16:18 回答
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