
 yuanyuan 发布于 2023-02-13 19:57
  • php
  • 1 个回答
    • 解决方案可能是这样的:

      // these will server as fully-type representatives, and aliases
      Shop shop = null;
      City city = null;
      MyDTO dto = null;
      // shop query
      var query = session.QueryOver<Shop>(() => shop);
      // if needed a reference to criteria of the city
      var cityPart = query.JoinQueryOver(() => shop.City // reference
          , () => city // alias
          , JoinType.LeftOuterJoin); // left join
      // SELECT Clause
      query.SelectList(list => list
          .Select(() => shop.Id)
              .WithAlias(() => dto.Id)
          .Select(() => shop.Name)
              .WithAlias(() => dto.Name)
          // Conditional here
                      Restrictions.Where(() => city.NameES== null),
                      Projections.Constant("---", NHibernateUtil.String),
                      Projections.Property(() => city.NameES)
              .WithAlias(() => dto.NameEs)
      var result = query

      2023-02-13 20:01 回答
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