if (component is DrawableGameComponent) ((DrawableGameComponent)component).Visible = true;
namespace myRPG { ////// Default Project Template /// public class Game1 : Game { GraphicsDeviceManager graphics; SpriteBatch spriteBatch; SpriteFont font; //hold current state of the keyboard KeyboardState keyboardState; //hold previous state of the keyboard KeyboardState oldKeyboardState; //active screen will be set to either startScreen or actionScreen GameScreen activeScreen; StartScreen startScreen; ActionScreen actionScreen; CharScreen charScreen; ClassScreen classScreen; GenderScreen genderScreen; StatBar statBar; Vector2 charPosition = new Vector2(0, 0); Texture2D charSprite; int charHorizSpeed = 1; int charVertSpeed = 1; Texture2D logoTexture; public Game1() { graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; graphics.IsFullScreen = false; oldKeyboardState = Keyboard.GetState(); } ////// Overridden from the base Game.Initialize. Once the GraphicsDevice is setup, /// we'll use the viewport to initialize some values. /// protected override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); } ////// Load your graphics content. /// protected override void LoadContent() { spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); charSprite = this.Content.Load("charSprite"); statBar = new StatBar(Content); //create new instance of the startScreen startScreen = new StartScreen( this, spriteBatch, //loads the font to the screen font = Content.Load ("menufont"), //loads the image to the screen Content.Load ("RPGLogo")); //adds the screen to components Components.Add(startScreen); //startScreen.Hide(); //creates new instance the actionScreen actionScreen = new ActionScreen( this, spriteBatch, charSprite = Content.Load ("charSprite")); //adds the screen to components Components.Add(actionScreen); //actionScreen.Hide(); activeScreen.Hide(); activeScreen = startScreen; activeScreen.Show(); charScreen = new CharScreen( this, spriteBatch, font = Content.Load ("menufont"), charSprite = Content.Load ("charSprite")); Components.Add(charScreen); //charScreen.Hide (); activeScreen.Hide(); activeScreen = charScreen; activeScreen.Show(); classScreen = new ClassScreen( this, spriteBatch, font = Content.Load ("menufont"), charSprite = Content.Load ("charSprite")); Components.Add(classScreen); activeScreen.Hide(); activeScreen = classScreen; activeScreen.Show(); } /// /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world, /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio. /// /// Provides a snapshot of timing values. protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { //get hte current state of the keyboard keyboardState = Keyboard.GetState(); UpdateSprite(gameTime); statBar.Update(); if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed) this.Exit(); //checks if instances are the same if (activeScreen == startScreen) { //checks if enter key was pressed if (CheckKey(Keys.Enter)) { //if the selected index is on the first item (start game), the current active screen will hide adn it will be switched to the action screen if (startScreen.SelectedIndex == 0) { activeScreen.Hide(); activeScreen = actionScreen; activeScreen.Show(); } //if the selected index is on the second item (exit) the game will exit if (startScreen.SelectedIndex == 1) { this.Exit(); } } } if (activeScreen == charScreen) { if (CheckKey(Keys.Enter)) { if (charScreen.SelectedIndex == 0) { activeScreen.Hide(); activeScreen = classScreen; activeScreen.Show(); //create a drop down menu for character class options/pop up? } } if (CheckKey(Keys.Enter)) { if (charScreen.SelectedIndex == 1) { activeScreen.Hide(); activeScreen = genderScreen; activeScreen.Show(); } } } if (activeScreen == classScreen) { if (CheckKey(Keys.Enter)) { if (classScreen.SelectedIndex == 0) { //call warior class } if (classScreen.SelectedIndex == 1) { //call mage class } if (classScreen.SelectedIndex == 2) { //call ranger class } } } if (activeScreen == genderScreen) { if (CheckKey(Keys.Enter)) { if (genderScreen.SelectedIndex == 0) { //call gender class (male) } if (genderScreen.SelectedIndex == 1) { //call gender class (female) } } } base.Update(gameTime); oldKeyboardState = keyboardState; } private bool CheckKey(Keys theKey) { //returns if the key was pressed in the last frame return keyboardState.IsKeyUp(theKey) && oldKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(theKey); } private void DrawStartScreen() { spriteBatch.DrawString(font, "Vengence In Albion", new Vector2(20, 45), Color.White); } private void DrawCharScreen() { spriteBatch.DrawString(font, "Character Selection", new Vector2(20, 45), Color.White); spriteBatch.Draw(charSprite, charPosition, Color.White); } private void DrawClassScreen() { spriteBatch.DrawString(font, "Choose your Class", new Vector2(20, 45), Color.White); } private void DrawGenderScreen() { spriteBatch.DrawString(font, "Choose a gender", new Vector2(20, 45), Color.White); } ////// This is called when the game should draw itself. /// /// Provides a snapshot of timing values. private void UpdateSprite(GameTime gameTime) { //move the sprite by speed KeyboardState newState = Keyboard.GetState(); int MaxX = Window.ClientBounds.Width - charSprite.Width; int MaxY = Window.ClientBounds.Height - charSprite.Height; int MinX = 0; int MinY = 0; if (newState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left)) { // Move left charHorizSpeed = -1; } if (newState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right)) { // Move left charHorizSpeed = 1; } if (newState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up)) { // Move left charVertSpeed = -1; } if (newState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down)) { // Move left charVertSpeed = 1; } if (charPosition.X > MaxX) { charHorizSpeed *= -1; charPosition.X = MaxX; } else if (charPosition.X < MinX) { charHorizSpeed *= -1; charPosition.X = MinX; } if (charPosition.Y > MaxY) { charVertSpeed *= -1; charPosition.Y = MaxY; } else if (charPosition.Y < MinY) { charVertSpeed *= -1; charPosition.Y = MinY; } oldKeyboardState = keyboardState; } protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.DarkSlateBlue); spriteBatch.Begin(); switch (activeScreen) { case startScreen: DrawStartScreen(); startScreen.Draw(spriteBatch); //StartScreen (); break; case charScreen: DrawCharScreen(); charScreen.Draw(spriteBatch); //CharScreen (); break; case actionScreen: //draw map statBar.Draw(spriteBatch); break; case classScreen: DrawClassScreen(); classScreen.Draw(); //ClassScreen (); statBar.Draw(spriteBatch); break; case genderScreen: DrawGenderScreen(); genderScreen.Draw(spriteBatch); //GenderScreen (); break; } base.Draw(gameTime); spriteBatch.End(); } }
foreach (GameComponent component in components) component.Enabled = true; if (component is DrawableGameComponent) ((DrawableGameComponent)component).Visible = false;
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content; namespace AnyRPG { class StartScreen : GameScreen { MenuComponent menuComponent; //background image Texture2D RPGLogo; //used to make the image fill the game window Rectangle rectangleScreen; //gets the users menu choice public int SelectedIndex { //gets what the user chooses which is set to SelectedIndex get { return menuComponent.SelectedIndex; } set { menuComponent.SelectedIndex = value; } } public StartScreen(Game game, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, SpriteFont spriteFont, Texture2D image) : base(game, spriteBatch) { LoadContent(content); //constructor creates menu with start and exit options string[] menuOptions = { "Start Game", "Leave Game" }; //the menu is added to the list of components menuComponent = new MenuComponent(game, spriteBatch, spriteFont, menuOptions); Components.Add(menuComponent); //sets the image to the image that is sent in this.RPGLogo = RPGLogo; // a rectangle is created which fill the game screen rectangleScreen = new Rectangle(0, 0, Game.Window.ClientBounds.Width, Game.Window.ClientBounds.Height / 2); } private void LoadContent(ContentManager content) { RPGLogo = content.Load("RPGLogo"); } public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { base.Update(gameTime); } public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { spriteBatch.Draw(RPGLogo, rectangleScreen, Color.AntiqueWhite); base.Draw(gameTime); } }
foreach (GameComponent component in components) { component.Enabled = true; if (component is DrawableGameComponent) ((DrawableGameComponent)component).Visible = false; }
如果不这样做,只有第一行(component.Enabled = true;