
 mobiledu2502922957 发布于 2023-02-13 19:33

我想使用for comprehension找到数组的min和max元素.是否可以通过一次迭代的数组来找到min元素和max元素?


6 个回答
  • 这是一个简洁易读的解决方案,可以避免丑陋的if陈述:

    def minMax(a: Array[Int]) : (Int, Int) = {
      if (a.isEmpty) throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("array is empty")
      a.foldLeft((a(0), a(0)))
      { case ((min, max), e) => (math.min(min, e), math.max(max, e))}



    2023-02-13 19:34 回答
  • 遵循其他答案-可能有一个更通用的解决方案,该解决方案适用于其他集合Array,和其他内容以及Int

    def minmax[B >: A, A](xs: Iterable[A])(implicit cmp: Ordering[B]): (A, A) = {
      if (xs.isEmpty) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("empty.minmax")
      val initial = (xs.head, xs.head)
      xs.foldLeft(initial) { case ((min, max), x) => 
        (if (cmp.lt(x, min)) x else min, if (cmp.gt(x, max)) x else max) }


    minmax(List(4, 3, 1, 2, 5))              //> res0: (Int, Int) = (1,5)
    minmax(Vector('Z', 'K', 'B', 'A'))       //> res1: (Char, Char) = (A,Z)
    minmax(Array(3.0, 2.0, 1.0))             //> res2: (Double, Double) = (1.0,3.0)

    (也可以使用cmp.min()和来更简洁地编写此代码cmp.max(),但前提是要删除B >: A类型绑定,这会使函数的通用性降低)。

    2023-02-13 19:34 回答
  • val xs: Array[Int] = ???
    var min: Int = Int.MaxValue
    var max: Int = Int.MinValue
    for (x <- xs) {
      if (x < min) min = x
      if (x > max) max = x

    2023-02-13 19:34 回答
  • def findMinAndMax(array: Array[Int]) = { // a non-empty array
        val initial = (array.head, array.head)  // a tuple representing min-max
        // foldLeft takes an initial value of type of result, in this case a tuple
        // foldLeft also takes a function of 2 parameters.
        // the 'left' parameter is an accumulator (foldLeft -> accum is left)
        // the other parameter is a value from the collection.
        // the function2 should return a value which replaces accumulator (in next iteration)
        // when the next value from collection will be picked.
        // so on till all values are iterated, in the end accum is returned.
        array.foldLeft(initial) { ((min, max), x) => 
              if (x < min) (x, max) 
              else if (x > max) (min, x) 
              else acc 

    2023-02-13 19:34 回答
  • 考虑一下(对于非空的可订购数组),

    val ys = xs.sorted
    val (min,max) = (ys.head, ys.last)

    2023-02-13 19:35 回答
  • 您可以使用reduceLeft函数获取Array [Int]的最小值和最大值.

    scala> val a = Array(20, 12, 6, 15, 2, 9)

    a:Array [Int] = Array(20,12,6,15,2,9)

    scala> a.reduceLeft(_ min _)

    res:Int = 2

    scala> a.reduceLeft(_ max _)

    res:Int = 20


    2023-02-13 19:35 回答
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