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看了hbase coprocessor的官网介绍(https://blogs.apache.org/hbase/entry/coprocessor_introduction)。hbase的coprocessor分为observer和endpoint两种,coprocessor类似于传统数据库的触发器,endpoint则类似于存储过程。observer又分为三种:RegionObserver,WALObserver和MasterObserver。

RegionObserver: Provides hooks for data manipulation events, Get, Put, Delete, Scan, and so on. There is an instance of a RegionObserver coprocessor for every table region and the scope of the observations they can make is constrained to that region.

WALObserver: Provides hooks for write-ahead log (WAL) related operations. This is a way to observe or intercept WAL writing and reconstruction events. A WALObserver runs in the context of WAL processing. There is one such context per region server.

MasterObserver: Provides hooks for DDL-type operation, i.e., create, delete, modify table, etc. The MasterObserver runs within the context of the HBase master.

如果要控制hbase表的compaction行为,理论上只要写一个针对region的RegionObserver coprocessor就能可以。于是写了个DisableRegionCompaction类,它实现了RegionObserver接口类,重写了preCompactSelection这一个接口,其他的接口都用的是eclipse自动生成的代码。

public void preCompactSelection(ObserverContext c, Store store, List candidates) {
    // candidates中保存的是所有要进行compaction的候选的StoreFile
    // 程序里面主要干的活是:对一个小时之前的StoreFile从candidates中剔除(remove)掉不参与compaction




查看region server上的log:


查看hbase 0.94.1代码,发现是org/apache/hadoop/hbase/regionserver/Store.java的compactStore()返回的结果为空

compactStore() 代码中发现最可能是这几行有问题:

        /* include deletes, unless we are doing a major compaction */
        scanner = new StoreScanner(this, scan, scanners,
            majorCompaction ? ScanType.MAJOR_COMPACT : ScanType.MINOR_COMPACT,
            smallestReadPoint, earliestPutTs);
        if (region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
          InternalScanner cpScanner = region.getCoprocessorHost().preCompact(
              this, scanner);
          // NULL scanner returned from coprocessor hooks means skip normal processing
          if (cpScanner == null) {
            return null;
          scanner = cpScanner;


public InternalScanner preCompact(
           ObserverContext c, Store store,
           InternalScanner scanner) {
       // TODO Auto-generated method stub
       return null;



   * Called prior to writing the {@link StoreFile}s selected for compaction into
   * a new {@code StoreFile}.  To override or modify the compaction process,
   * implementing classes have two options:
	Wrap the provided {@link InternalScanner} with a custom
   *   implementation that is returned from this method.  The custom scanner
   *   can then inspect {@link KeyValue}s from the wrapped scanner, applying
   *   its own policy to what gets written.
	Call {@link org.apache.hadoop.hbase.coprocessor.ObserverContext#bypass()}
   *   and provide a custom implementation for writing of new
   *   {@link StoreFile}s.  Note: any implementations bypassing
   *   core compaction using this approach must write out new store files
   *   themselves or the existing data will no longer be available after
   *   compaction.
* @param c the environment provided by the region server
   * @param store the store being compacted
   * @param scanner the scanner over existing data used in the store file
   * rewriting
   * @return the scanner to use during compaction.  Should not be {@code null}
   * unless the implementation is writing new store files on its own.
   * @throws IOException if an error occurred on the coprocessor
  InternalScanner preCompact(final ObserverContext c,
      final Store store, final InternalScanner scanner) throws IOException;

对返回值有个说明“@return the scanner to use during compaction. Should not be {@code null}unless the implementation is writing new store files on its own.”


  public InternalScanner preCompact(ObserverContext e,
      final Store store, final InternalScanner scanner) throws IOException {
    return scanner;



We provide a convenient abstract class BaseRegionObserver, which implements all RegionObserver methods with default behaviors, so you can focus on what events you have interest in, without having to be concerned about process upcalls for all of them.




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