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<%-- Include directive --%>
<%@ include file="header.html" %>

JSP Professional, Chapter 12 Quiz

by Dan Malks

<%-- The method getOne() was set up in the bean with the id "worker" --%>
<%-- All Java code is enclosed in <% %>, leaving HTML to be easily --%>
<%-- changed or updated. --%>

<% if((worker.getOne() != null) && ((worker.getOne()).equals("D"))) { score ++; %>

<% } else if (worker.getOne() != null) { %>

<% } else { %>

<% } %>

<% if ((worker.getTwo() != null) && ((worker.getTwo()).equals("B"))) { score ++; %>

<% } else if (worker.getTwo() != null) { %>

<% } else { %>

<% } %>

<% if ((worker.getThree() != null) && ((worker.getThree()).equals("D"))) { score ++; %>

<% } else if (worker.getThree() != null) { %>

<% } else { %>

<% } %>

<% if ((worker.getFour() != null) && ((worker.getFour()).equals("C"))) { score ++; %>

<% } else if (worker.getFour() != null) { %>

<% } else { %>

<% } %>

<% if ((worker.getFive() != null) && ((worker.getFive()).equals("A"))) { score ++; %>

<% } else if (worker.getFive() != null) { %>

<% } else { %>

<% } %>

<% if ((worker.getSix() != null) && ((worker.getSix()).equals("B"))) { score ++; %>

<% } else if (worker.getSix() != null) { %>

<% } else { %>

<% } %>

<% if ((worker.getSeven() != null) && ((worker.getSeven()).equals("B"))) { score ++; %>

<% } else if (worker.getSeven() != null) { %>

<% } else { %>

<% } %>

<% if ((worker.getEight() != null) && ((worker.getEight()).equals("A"))) { score ++; %>

<% } else if (worker.getEight() != null) { %>

<% } else { %>

<% } %>

<% if ((worker.getNine() != null) && ((worker.getNine()).equals("A"))) { score ++; %>

<% } else if (worker.getNine() != null) { %>

<% } else { %>

<% } %>

<% if ((worker.getTen() != null) && ((worker.getTen()).equals("D"))) { score ++; %>

<% } else if (worker.getTen() != null) { %>

<% } else { %>

<% } %>

<%-- Scoring calculations --%>
int missed = 10 - score;
double grade = (double)score/10*100;

<%-- Page directive that applies to entire page. --%>
<%@ page language="java" %>

<%-- Identifies bean as "worker" and tells the page where to locate the bean. --%>

<%-- Set bean properties with a wildcard. --%>

<%-- Scoring --%>

<%-- Variable declaration in code scriptlet -->
<% int score = 0; %>

1. D
is correct!

is incorrect!
Blank X
Every JavaServer PagesTM
(JSP)TMsource page is compiled into
a servlet before it is executed at runtime.

2. B
is correct!



When large amounts of Java scriptlet code are mixed with HTML markup
within a JSP page, not only do readability and reuse suffer, but often
bugs are introduced as web-production team members, who may not be
familiar with Java programming, need to modify the accompanying markup.
Additionally, dependencies now exist among various teams competing for the
same file, making the development process less efficient.

3. D
is correct!


Blank X

Doing an HTTP redirect requires a round-trip to the client. If this
is not required, and the only desire is to forward the request to
another resource, then this can be much more efficiently accomplished
with the RequestDispatcher. Additionally, when using the
dispatcher the state of the request object is maintained between
resources, which will not be the case with the HTTP redirect.

4. C
is correct!


Blank X

Business logic is better contained in a
JavaBeanTM or a servlet, which is
owned by a software developer. When lots of Java code is embedded
directly within the JSP page as scriptlets, the
"cut-and-paste" mentality tends to prevail when it comes
to code reuse.

A is correct!


Blank X

Since the servlet is the initial contact point for each request, it is
well-suited to handle logic that is common across multiple requests.
A good example of this type of logic is an authentication check.

B is correct!


Blank X

Using a business delegate reduces coupling between the presentation
and business tiers. The presentation tier has no knowledge of the
EJB implementation details, such as Java Naming and Directory
InterfaceTM lookup.

B is correct!


Blank X

Using Java scriptlets is the accepted method of doing iteration in
JSPTM 1.0. In
JSPTM 1.1, a custom tag may be used,
which will hide the implementation details of the iteration code.


A is correct!


The term Page-Centric is used to describe an architecture where
the initial contact point for the request is a JSP page. An example
is shown visually below:

JSP Page-Centric


A is correct!


Blank X

When the forward method is used, the invoking resource does not regain
control. Multiple include invocations can be made from the same
resource, while the invoking resource maintains execution control.

D is correct!


Blank X

Error pages are invoked when there is an uncaught exception from
within a particular page. In this case, we mention that the
validationGaurd() method might throw an exception.
If this exception is not caught within the page, then we vector
control to the errorPage, as stipulated in the attribute
of the given page directive.

You missed <%= missed %>

Your score is <%= (int)grade %> percent.

Source Code

This quiz used the Page-View with Bean Approach, detailed in HREF="/developer/Books/javaserverpages/">Chapter 12, JSP Archeticure. The first
of the quiz consists of regular HTML with a form that calls HREF="answer.txt">answer.jsp. Answer.jsp requests parameters from the bean,
in this case, called QuizResponses. The page-view with bean
approach for this quiz required extra work to write the bean, and it could have been done using the
page-view approach without a bean, requesting invocation directly from the answer.jsp
page. Deciding which approach is preferrable depends on the application and how much HTML and Java
scriptlets need to be used. For this quiz we opted for the page-view with bean approach for
illustration purposes.

Back to Quiz

<%@ include file="footer.html" %>

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