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MongoDB Transactions With TokuDB's Fractal Tree Indexes Engine: Interesting new direction of TokuDB pushing their storage engine based on Fractal Tree Indexes to MongoDB: Running MongoDB with Fractal Tree Indexes (used today in the MySQL s

MongoDB Transactions With TokuDB's Fractal Tree Indexes Engine:

Interesting new direction of TokuDB pushing their storage engine based on Fractal Tree Indexes to MongoDB:

Running MongoDB with Fractal Tree Indexes (used today in the MySQL storage engine TokuDB) is fully transactional. Each statement is transactional. If an update is to modify ten rows, then either all rows are modified, or none are. Queries use multi-versioning concurrency control (MVCC) to return results from a snapshot of the system, thereby not being affected by write operations that may happen concurrently.

Original title and link: MongoDB Transactions With TokuDB’s Fractal Tree Indexes Engine (NoSQL database?myNoSQL)

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