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JSP Professional, Chapter 12

by Dan Malks


The HREF="/developer/Books/jsp/index.html">JSP Professional: Chapter 12, JSP
Test your knowledge on the differences between servlets
and JSP, Factor Forward-Factor Back, page-centric verses the dispatcher
approach, and more.

  1. Choose the statement
    that best describes the relationship between JavaServer
    PagesTM (JSPTM)
    and servlets:

    Servlets are built on JSP semantics and all servlets are compiled to JSP
    pages for runtime usage
    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="B">  B. JSP and servlets are
    unrelated technologies
    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="C">  C.Servlets and JSP are
    competing technologies for handling web requests. Servlets are being superceded
    by JSP, which is preferred. The two technologies are not useful in combination.
    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="D">  D. JSPs are built on
    servlet semantics and all JSPs are compiled to servlets for runtime usage

  2. What is a benefit of
    using JavaBeansTM to separate business logic
    from presentation markup within the JSP environment?

    It allows the JSP to
    access middleware
    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="B">  B.It creates a cleaner
    role separation between the web-production team and the software development
    team, so that the web-production team can focus on presentation markup, while
    the software team can focus on building reusable software components for helping
    to generate dynamic displays
    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="C">  C.It provides a dynamic
    markup environment, such that JavaBeans are integrated seamlessly with the
    template presentation content, in order to create the dynamic display for the
    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="D">  D.It provides the
    developer with full access to the JavaTM 2
    Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EETM),
    which is unavailable from outside the JavaBean environment

  3. Why use the
    RequestDispatcher to forward a request to another resource,
    instead of doing a sendRedirect?

    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="A">  A. Redirects are no
    longer supported in the current servlet API
    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="B">  B. Redirects are not a
    cross-platform portable mechanism
    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="C">  C. The RequestDispatcher
    does not use the reflection API
    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="D">  D. The
    RequestDispatcher does not require a round trip to the client, and
    thus is more efficient and allows the server to maintain request

  4. What alternatives exist
    to embedding Java code directly within the HTML markup of your JSP page?

    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="A">  A. Moving the code into
    your session manager
    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="B">  B. Moving the code into
    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="C">  C. Moving the code into
    JavaBeans and servlets
    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="D">  D. Moving the code into a
    transaction manager

  5. What type of scriptlet
    code is better-suited to being factored forward into a servlet?

    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="A">  A.Code that deals
    with logic that is common across requests
    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="B">  B.Code that deals
    with logic that is vendor specific
    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="C">  C.Code that deals
    with logic that relates to database access
    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="D">  D.Code that deals
    with logic that relates to client scope

  6. Choose the statement that
    best describes how to connect JSP pages and EJBs

    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="A">  A.Lookup the EJBs from
    within a JSP, but use the EJBs from within a basic JavaBean
    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="B">  B.Lookup and use the EJBs
    from a separate business delegate. The JavaBeans that work with JSP pages are
    clients to these business delegates and know nothing about EJB
    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="C">  C. Lookup and use the
    EJBs from within a JSP page, but only as remote references
    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="D">  D.Lookup the EJBs from
    within a servlet, delegating usage to specific JSP pages

  7. Are custom tags
    available in JSP 1.0? If not, how else might you implement iteration from
    within a JSP?

    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="A">  A. Yes, but the only tags
    available relate to database access
    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="B">  B. No. To iterate over a
    collection of values, one must use scriptlet code
    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="C">  C. No, but there is a
    standard tag that may be used
    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="D">  D. Yes, but custom tags
    will not help developers create tags for use in iterating over a

  8. What is the initial
    contact point for handling a web request in a Page-Centric architecture?

    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE= "B">  B. A
    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE= "C">  C. A
    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE= "D">  D. A session

  9. What is the difference
    between doing an include or a forward with a

    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="A">  A. The forward method
    transfers control to the designated resource, while the include method invokes
    the designated resource, substitutes its output dynamically in the display, and
    returns control to the calling page.
    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="B">  B. The two methods
    provide the same functionality, but with different levels of
    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="C">  C. The forward method is
    deprecated as of JSP 1.1 and the include method should be used in order to
    substitue portions of a dynamic display at runtime
    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="D">  D. The include method
    transfers control to a dynamic resource, while the forward method allows for
    dynamic substitution of another JPS pages output, returning control to the
    calling resource

  10. What line of code below
    might be combined in the same JSP page with a validation guard (for
    example, <% bean.validationGuard(); %> ), in order to create
    an alternate flow of control for scenarios in which exceptions arise. The
    validationGaurd method might throw an exception, which should cause
    the flow of control to continue in another user-defined page (assume JSP

    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="A">  A. page="errorPage.jsp" guard="true" />
    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="B">  B. <%@ page
    language="java" buffer="8k" %>

    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="C">  C. id="bean" class="examples.Bean" scope="request" />
    TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="D">  D. <%@ page
    language="java" errorPage="errorPage.jsp" buffer="8k"

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